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2007-10-27 07:51:36 · 26 answers · asked by mrlebowski99 6 in Politics & Government Politics

If your answer is yes which ones?

2007-10-27 07:52:47 · update #1

CFB- Maybe you should devote some of that time you take reading the constitution to a reading comprehension course. I asked if your willing to give up any rights not have you given up any rights.

2007-10-27 08:10:40 · update #2

26 answers

No, and I want them back again!

By giving up Habeas Corpus the rest are not of much consequence, but need to be reiterated and emphasized again as well.

Privacy has become two track, those with power use privacy to hide their crimes and avoid accountability, while for the average person there is no privacy of any sort whatever.

There needs to be a national discussion about privacy and then apply it to everyone, no matter who they are.

As for the rest there is generations of work to be done, the Fascists have the bit in their teeth and they will not give it up willingly. I sadly doubt that I will see freedom what it was when I was a child 60 years ago during my lifetime, but if we don't fight every day, nobody ever will.

When I was a child you could pretty much say anything to anyone, only evidence you were preparing to carry out an ill thought threat would get you arrested.

As a long haired hippy looking person I was threatened by police frequently as their enemy, but I never felt as threatened as I did recently when I was the victim of a fenderbender, and tried to finish an important call to the Insurance adjuster, when a policeman threatened me for not immediately hanging up and talking to him. Even though I was ordinary and elderly.

In all those hippy confrontations, nobody was ever arrested for aggravated assault on a police officer, without an actual injury to an officer. Now simple touching, or even the accusation of touching an officer can get you put away for years, even in cases like the one above.

There were no "free speech zones" free speech was everywhere. It was places like Russia and China that had more of their people in prisons and gulags, now it is us. Only in those places was your guilt decided before the trial.

Now more often than not your public defender is just a public negotiator, where the guilty serve less than the innocent who rock the boat and insist on that innocence.

I was taught Propaganda techniques in school, and how to spot them. And the list of techniques that were so awful only Communists were using them, Now they are the first out of the Gang Of Pirates quiver.

There were liberals and conservatives in both parties, single minded Authoritarian parties like the Communists and Nazis were given as proof that they were evil. Now it is the GOP that has such thinking.

Re John-d The Pro slavery/anticivilrights Democrats were never liberals but the old right wing of the Democrats that all joined the Gang Of Pirates- Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond were such folk- Actual Liberals never were.

2007-10-27 07:53:55 · answer #1 · answered by Dragon 4 · 3 5

I was not willing, but the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments have been suspended. The 1st Amendment has been violated and freedom of speech has been corraled.

All in the name of the war on a tactic.

What is most pathetic about those who say they don't mind temporarily losing their rights out of fear of a tactic, is that they will immediately be squealing like starving piglets deprived of their pool of feces when Hillary or another Democrat exercises the same Unitary Executive interpretation of the Constitution as Shrub has.

Meanwhile I will be fighting just as hard then as I am now to have the Constitution restored for all of us.

I am unwilling to submit to a Unitary Emperor, no matter their politcal label.

2007-10-27 15:15:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If American's elected representatives reflect the American will ( as they should in a democracy but alas the US at least techically if not in fact ,is NOT a democracy) ,then the answer to your question is an un-equivicably YES as these elected Congress members have passed legislation on limiting Americans Constitutional Rights that have BEEN STRUCK DOWN IN THREE MAJOR SUPREME COURT DECISIONS LAST TERM.

As long as you tell an American it is their PATRIOTIC DUTY to give up their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS they will do it for GOD AND COUNTRY.

If you further tell them that if they don't the BIG BAD BOOGIE MAN WILL GET THEM ,their crap their pants and over up their rights on a silver platter.

Finally as has been the case with the war mongering pig Bush,if you then tell them that GOD HIM/HERSELF approves of their giving up their rights,they will jump off the cliff like good little Christian lemmings (or like the Japanese women did to avoid being raped are tortured by invading US troops )or at least this was the Japanese government propaganda similar to the US government propaganda.

2007-10-27 15:12:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should ask the Evil Democrats this question.

The Constitution expressly forbids the issuance of a general warrant. Warrants must be specific.

The good ol' anti-civil rights pro slavery Democrats passed a lovely piece of legislation called the RICO act which did away with an enormous chunk of your civil rights.

The pro-slavery, anti-civil rights Democrats passed the legislation so it must be good for the country!

Until Democrats and the rest of the uneducated leftist, liberal nutcases out there start working to repeal the RICO act I won't believe one piece of garbage that is spouted about the Patriot Act.

Want to oppose unconstitutional legislation, start with RICO.

Want to withdraw troops from occupied countries, start with the Philippines and Cuba, move to Germany and Japan, pull them out of South Korea and maybe I will believe they need to be out of Iraq.

2007-10-27 15:12:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I keep seeing question and time after time I ask them to name which constitutional rights have been taken.
No one ever sights anything in the constitution or sources where these rights or liberties have been taken.

I am a strict constructionist and read some part of the Constitution EVERYDAY while answering questions.

There is no guarantee that you can talk to enemies of this country without somebody listening in.

2007-10-27 15:05:11 · answer #5 · answered by CFB 5 · 0 3

I am mixed on this becuase I could care less if they listen to my calls as I do not speak about anything I wouldn't say in public. I have nothing to hide from the goverment so I could care less.

Now if they wanted to walk into my house every 4 days or so and look around just to see what they might find. I would be opposed to that.

I guess I dont look at them listening into my calls as lossing any of my constitutional rights.

But I do agree He who gives up his liberty to gain security desereves either liberty or security.

2007-10-27 14:59:44 · answer #6 · answered by Geoff C 6 · 3 1

Yes. I'd be very willing to give up my 16th Amendment rights in the name of fighting terrorism.

2007-10-27 18:56:46 · answer #7 · answered by Rationality Personified 5 · 0 1

NO I am not willing. And we have given up the right's of trial by jurry (Gitmo) Unlawful search and siezure (wiretapping) Right's of free speach and more.
No I say............. Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.

2007-10-27 15:10:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No of course not. Which is fine since no one has asked us to give up even one right,so it's a win-win.


2007-10-27 14:59:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

no, the only terrorists to worry about are those in government who use terrorism as an excuse to persecute people or groups who don't play the game their way. these rights are what protects us from terrorists, not taking them away, that just opens you up to terrorists, those who don't like you for whatever reason will have access to do you harm they wouldn't have if the rights were maintained. freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, means the government has to prove you are a criminal first before even doing anything,

freedom of speech means you can speak out against those who advocate bad plans, such as governement officials or people in corporations that plan to do bad things to others, such as throw their pollution into the rivers and streams that they are not supposed to do. or fire those who they don't agree with their religious or political views, you will be able to fight back without having to worry that you will be declared a terrorist because you speak out against a wrongdoing.

your freedom to peaceful assembly, you will be able to meet with others with the same interests and form clubs etc, without having to worry about being declared a terrorist group, the government would have to prove it's point before doing anything, I mean the list is endless, habes corpus where they have to prove you guilty, have to let you have access to counsel, access to teh charges against you adn the evidence. now they want to pass legislation that even your thoughts are up for scrunity, (1984 ring a bell?) you condemn as a criminal and haven't even done anything yet.

one thing a dictatorship hates is organized people, they like to keep people off to themselves and divided so they can't organize and take back their freedoms via the courts as a group. do you think the courts would care about one or two people complaining about trampling of their rights, but they would listen to a million of them.

divided and loners are easier to control and deal with if they make waves or speak or stick up for truth and justice. by the way all this giving up rights only makes it possible for the government to just do what they want with you and declare anything (or even make things up) that paint you a criminal, when in reality their motives are simply because you are a threat to their ideological and stragetic power grab. ever see the movie 1984? it is on google video, watched it last night

the guy was no threat except that he was a free thinker who knew that people were being lied and manipulated for teh selfish whims of corporations and that all what was happening was an illusion meant to keep people enslaved so they won't fight back and hurt corporation profits. sane was considered insane, war is peace, and ignorance is strength, what it really means which the population is not supposed to know is war is peace, war is the means to keep the population in fear and needing big government, peace is the elitists not having to worry about dissent and uprisings, or the loss of profits, and an excuse to ration goods and services to teh poor workers.

ignorance is strength as in the elitists are able to manipulate the populace and get them to believe anything they want them to believe as truth and get them to work for nothing and use them up without fear they will get wise to the deception fruad robbery and murder they uprise and stamp out their power and money.

that is the strength they mean, but they use words or phrases that are interpreted differently for the masses then for the dictators.

so non violent people can be viewed as terrrorists if they exercise their god given rights. dictators hate free thinkers or strong people, as most dictators are cowards.the less rights that you have and that are protected, the more vunerable you are to criminals, and criminals just don't reside on the streets, they are in governments too..being watched by government is not the problem, the problem is that governments are full of unrighteous people. so you may not have nothing to hide, as far as criminal activities you sure do to hide against criminals. what criminal would you give your social security number, credit card numbers, or information about your activities where you go, when how long your gone, how often you are home what times, and how much you have inside your home, or what kind of dog, gun or whatever you have? NOne would you. so why is it okay for the government to have this information?


2007-10-27 17:10:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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