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2007-10-27 07:26:07 · 21 answers · asked by slk29406 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

21 answers

I had a German Shorthaired Pointer than caused SO MUCH damage, I despaired of her EVER growing out of the habit!!

When she was still a pup, she dug her way clear through a drywalled wall in an attempt to get out of the kitchen, where I had confined her for a couple of hours while I went shopping. Unfortunately for her, she ended up in the utility closet.

She was confined to the kitchen, because the previous time that I had gone shopping, I had left her chained in the backyard, and came home to find every flower within the reach of her chain dug out of the ground and shredded. That included my prize calla lillies.

When that dog dug holes just for the sake of the hole, she was intent on eventually ending up in China!

I used to leave my front (steel) door open in the summer in order to get as much of a cross breeze as possible through the livingroom. The screen door (aluminum) was pretty solid, and locked. But I needed to change the solid glass window around so that it sat in the bottom of the opening, and the screened portion sat in the top, because that dang dog had shredded the screen trying to get at a salesman who came to the front door. I only just grabbed her by the collar before she took off through it.

I owned a king-sized waterbed. I had to change the mattress in that a couple of times before I got smart enough to close my bedroom door before leaving for work. The dog was jumping on it when I was absent, using it as some sort of doggy trampoline. (Thank the powers that be for waterproof inner liners!)

This dog would bark ferociously at just the hint of a stranger near the house. I think it had a lot to do with the kids in my former neighbourhood tormenting her while she was tied up in the backyard on her chain. Shortly after I had moved in with my parents, I was asleep in the basement when I vaguely perceived the door to my room opening. The dog, who was sleeping on the couch at the foot of my waterbed growled low and soft in her throat, and I told her to go back to sleep. Then the door closed again. It wasn't until a minute or so later, that I fully realized what had happened--a strange man HAD BEEN IN MY ROOM, and the dog's growl had warned him off. I tore upstairs and confronted the guy in the kitchen at the top of the stairs and kept on pushing at him to back him up towards the side door, where he had obviously come in, while I was screaming at him to "Get out. Get out. Get out." My mom and dad both woke up and came to see what was going on, and the guy decided to leave then, but not before I had seen him slip something shiny back in his coat pocket. I am convinced it was a knife, and the only thing that had saved my life was my parents showing up. And where was the dog? Frantically barking in my basement bedroom where I had left her confined, because I didn't want her tearing into the guy...dumb huh?

2007-10-27 10:26:23 · answer #1 · answered by Susie Q 7 · 2 0

My husband had a beautiful row of tomato plants and a lovely garden with patio furniture and everything. We were so proud. Our baby Chocolate Lab at 4 months old destroyed everything in a matter of two hours. All the tomato plants were ripped out of their pots and rolled around the deck, the furniture was ripped to shreds and she even made her way to the very back of the property and ate my pumpkin that was about the size of a basketball. I was absolutely astonished that one tiny puppy could make that big a mess! After that I signed up for Dog Obedience and worked with her for 3 years. She's 8 now and a wonderful pet.

2007-10-27 18:47:01 · answer #2 · answered by doglover 5 · 2 0

A long time ago, in another life, my
late husband (he was always late), Just
HAD TO HAVE a weimeraner...to use
for hunting, don't you know.
Well, I had a large and low window
next to the dining room table. This stupid dog would scream and whine and
bark and lunge at the window every time
we sat down to eat.
He and parents owned a horse ranch,
and so I usually fed the hired hands
Ok, you guessed it. It was Thanksgiving
Day. The table was all set with food.
I went out and rang the dinner bell.
I left the back door open a little and
went in the bathroom to clean myself
up. When I walked into the dining
room, there was THAT DOG carrying
my turkey out the back door!
That was all she wrote. I got the
shotgun and told my husband, "I'm
killing that dog." So we got in a fight
and he gave the dog to one of his
hunting buddies. God, how I hated
that dog. Have you ever looked into
a weimeraner's eyes. There's nothing
behind them.

2007-10-27 21:09:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, we have always spent lots of time with and taken our dogs almost everywhere we went so our pets were never destructive ( calling out for attention ) . Treat them like people and you'll be rewarded with the best pets ever.

2007-10-28 00:00:25 · answer #4 · answered by SandyO 5 · 0 0

Don't get me started!
1) Pekenese pup, great little dog named Hercules! Was just wonderful, housetrained quickly...until our first baby arrived! All hell broke loose, he ate my wife's shoes, chewed the tables to bits, growled at the baby...just a serious case of jealousy..had to give the babe away.(the dog, not the son, but on second thought, would have saved me a lot of money to have given the son away instead!)
2) Lhaso Apsa: The dog was NOT trainable, could not house break her no matter what I did. Not only that, she would jump on beds to pee and caca...ruined more chairs and beds! Found a very good home for her!
3) Standard Poodle female, fantastic dog, loved her to death, but in her chewing phase, she literally ate a coffee table I had made! She ate every piece of woodwork at every corner she found, ate hoses, ate furniture, attacked the legs of one of my dining room chairs. And, though house broken, if given the chance, would pee and carp in the center of the living room! She eventually settled down, but was a hog for attention, would not let my other standard (my baby Bradley) ever get petted without coming between me and Bradley...I found an excellent home for her and she is now a comfort dog and is a movie star, has her own agent (not kidding!)
Present: Two standard poodles who can eat anything and everything...no dog toy has a chance, any potted plants are targets, they are lunatic dogs who always look up to me when scolded with that ****** head, "What?" is written all over their faces, in unison! They are here to stay...but there are days when I think they are going to kill me before I kill them...at this time, it is a stand off at the OK Corral! I have to admit, there are no two more beautiful dogs around, but such a price to pay for beauty. Bradley II just got back from the groomers yesterday, all fluffed, clean, gorgeous (no bows, please) and immediatly fell into the swimming pool! So much for that grooming! Dogs...I think I hate them and am masochistic in owning them. :-) Goldwing

2007-10-27 16:55:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Yes I have but I have to admit nothing like some here! LOL The one I have now was a terror. Chewed half way up a wood door....ate every single decent pair of shoes I had. Ate my love-bird when I was at work.....(can't totally blame him though.....the bird took a decent chunk out of his nose.) Has torn drapes and blinds out of windows. The dog just could not be left alone for any period of time without trying to get out one way or another. Took forever to get him used to a collar and leash or chain. I mean bucked like a broncho and almost hung himself in a tree trying to get loose. More than once I was ready to send him to the pound.....but I'm happy to report he grew out of it and has turned into a wonderful pet.

2007-10-27 19:52:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Many years ago we had a cat that totally tore up the living room furniture. there was no upholstery on the backs of any of it. And then it started spraying. If the kids did not empty the little box it pooped in the bathtub. Not a pretty sight first thing in the a.m.

2007-10-27 17:03:39 · answer #7 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 4 0

Cocker somebody, dug up every new plant I put in the ground, Weimeriner, ate, screens, lattice, stairs, wicker. Irish Wolf Hound, dug graves in the yard. Rabbits, breaking out and um breaking in for a new batch of babies. A Charpei, ate thru a door, replaced that so she ate thru the wall board and two 2x4's and the other wall board. she used to jump up in the air and catch birds flying by -- swallow them whole and then barf 'em up. A Pony with a temper and sly so very sly, nothing would keep her in a pen--she got mad because I took the handle off of a frost free hydrand so she couldn't turn it on and broke it off under ground by pushing on it. She used to crawl under the hot wire in the back of the pasture and eat the baby trees I had planted. Two Australian Shepherd sisters that would eat decorative fences, beer bottle and cans, wood chips, dig up old stumps and eat them, and one I found a half eaten light bulb. A goat that would only eat my raspberry plants and all the heads of my Iris when they were about to bloom, eat weeds--are ya crazy. Don't ask about my 'pet' kids. ;0)

2007-10-27 15:34:38 · answer #8 · answered by lilabner 6 · 6 0

We had a German Shepherd who managed to destroy a basket weave fence. He chewed his way through it. Usually neighbors shared in the expense of replacing fences, but we paid for it ourselves since it was our dog that did the damage. We had a male Siamese cat at the same time who would bite me on the ankles if I did not feed him on time.
I live in an apartment now and even though my grandkids tell me I need a dog or cat, I have not done so.

2007-10-27 15:37:55 · answer #9 · answered by mydearsie 7 · 5 0

Hi silk, I sure have. My precious black lab as a young male enjoyed many of my house plants as well as my blinds. He also found the leather on my bible to be quite tasty, but only took one bite of that. He found out that my beautiful couch had delicious pillow cushions. Had I loved him so much, he would have been gone, but he was such a lover and made friends with a small kitty we rescued. So, how could I give him up?

He did grow up, finally.....and learned to mind well. He was so gentle. Yes, he has passed.

2007-10-27 14:31:09 · answer #10 · answered by makeitright 6 · 6 0

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