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Democrat governor=Chaos,Disorder and Looting. No Evacuation,No help from Local Government

Republican Governor=Quick Response,Orderly Evacuation, Teamwork,No Looting and Rioting.

Amazing how that works.

2007-10-27 06:17:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics


Thank You,you put it even better. I lived in the midwest for 20 years,with people that are far from rich,it's about the people not their wealth. I saw people around me lose everything they ever had,and never saw anything like in NO,more like what we see in Cali now or what we see in FL after every Hurricane,people working together.Of course many in New Orleans have no idea how to take care of themselves,the government has been taking care of them for generations.

2007-10-27 06:30:54 · update #1

27 answers

We saw the same thing with Hurricane Rita. Texas had nothing near the problems of New Orleans.

And with the flooding in the midwest
And with the hurricanes in Florida

In fact, wherever you see liberals in charge, you get whining, demands for help and accusations of murder, racism and homophobia if the help doesn't come fast enough.

Whenever you see conservatives in charge, it's all about self-determiniation and helping each other survive. No whining for federal attention, no blaming Bush for fires and floods.

All you have to do is elect a democrat to the white house and they will create an entire country of whining, mush brained idiots who are helpless without federal aid.

2007-10-27 06:23:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 4

The comparison between the CA fires and Katrina are weak at best. New Orleans lost all services (power, water, sewer, transportation), the CA fires did not have the same effect. The areas affected by the CA fires were affluent, they had transportation, they had places to go, they had the money to assist themselves. The very poor areas of New Orleans had none of this. The CA governor did a good job in mobilizing help in CA. The Katrina damage in New Orleans was much to widespread and more devastating. Comparisons between the two disasters and the responses are weak.

2007-10-27 14:37:07 · answer #2 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 1 1

Lousiana governor=Chaos,Disorder and Looting. No Evacuation,No help from Local Government

California Governor=Quick Response,Orderly Evacuation, Teamwork,No Looting and Rioting.

2007-10-27 13:24:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

Did La have an appropriate plan? No. Can you compare a fire to a hurricane? No. Can you predict the devastation caused during a hurricane for a state that is well below sea level, and the levees break? No
Your comparing apples and oranges. The wealth difference between the two stats is astronomical. The resources that Ca commands overwhelms that of La. Fire moves much slower than a storm surge. La did try to evacuate before Katrina came ashore, but many disrequarded the warnings, and stayed. So did some in Ca, and they died as well. Could the situation during the catastrophe in La benn handled better, the answer is YES.

2007-10-27 13:29:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Well, I think in this case, there ARE some Apples/Oranges issues here to deal with... such as :

Looting - Flood damage is not as severe as heat/flame damage. Still, there WERE several documented attempts in CA to loot, and some were caught, so to say there was NO looting in CA is false. And no sane criminal is willing to risk a burning death, but most can probably swim, so unless it's an alligator issue, I think New Orleans probably did have a more lucrative field to work with than California. With richer mansions to loot in CA, though, there probably WAS some desire to loot there, if possible ( and several attempts were made and documented ).

Poor vs Rich - True, there were alot of differences in income levels- but then again, would you be MORE likely to stay if it was just water, than if it was fire, approaching your house? You can get wet, but you can't get burned. So I think that is a HUGE difference, but not the best reason to stay. Another major difference is that people had DAYS in New Orleans to prepare, and the Government there had DAYS to get things in order, but did neither. The CA fires spread quickly, and when people were ordered to GET OUT, they got out! In 'Orleans, thousands stayed behind ( yes, some had no money for bus, train, or airline tickets), but that should come down to the LOCAL government responses, NOT Federal. School buses were left to flood, rather than use them - why?! Then the whining about Greyhound didn't send coaches to "help" evacuate. Sorry, self-reliance should be first, and not using local resources and wasting them is no reason to blame others. THAT one is squarely on the local residents, AND the local government, to shoulder the responsibility on that issue.

Attitude - If you look at the neighboring state Alabama, which had as much damage ( and as much low-income minority population ) as Louisiana, but didn't get the media attention because THEY didn't whine, cry, and blame others in spectacular fashion, they just set about helping each other ( like the CA people did ). Did you see hardly ANY video of Alabama coastal cities and people? HELL no! They didn't make good news sound-bites, because they were too busy NOT placing blame, just getting to work on the clean-up afterwards. Not sure if Alabama coastal residents vote Left or Right, but at least they were self-sufficient and willing to dig themselves out. New Orleans people just cried and whined, and the government just placed blame other than at themselves for their lack of action, when they had PLENTY of time to prepare. No tears shed here for them, sorry for all the people that got hurt and displaced,but life happens.

Bottom line, I think well-off people have a better time during disasters, but some of the fault lies with the New Orleans government which SHOULD have had an effective plan in place, after all, they've had decades to prepare for this sort of disaster, and have done nothing constructive, looking at the results afterwards. Have you even HEARD from the state Government down there since? They're keeping their heads low, because most of all, the blame lies with THEM, in my mind. And they know it, too. The people of New Orleans got the results they voted for - maybe next time, they'll think about it ( but I doubt they have the mental capacity ).
- The Gremlin Guy -

P.S. - And Oohboth.. there IS a destination - AWAY from the coast! You moron - hurricanes weaken inland, you can't tell me there are no cities within a few hundred miles of the coast, that it's all barren swampland until you get to the next state. What a fool you are. What about Houston when the hurricane approached? They GOT OUT - left to head inland, anywhere out of the main wind force. Once it hits land,it weakens. I'd take a parking lot or side of the road inland to staying at the coast any time. Stupid response...

2007-10-27 13:46:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

There was an evacuation order in New Orleans - just no destination to evacuate to, for urban poor people.
Quit playing politics by slandering the dead and displaced of Katrina.

No evacuation order?
""Nagin first called for a voluntary evacuation of the city at 5:00 p.m. on August 27 and subsequently ordered a citywide mandatory evacuation at 9:30 a.m. on August 28, the first such order in the city's history. In a live news conference, Mayor Nagin predicted that, "the storm surge most likely will topple our levee system",""

Away from the coast and what? Die in a field? It costs money to travel. Buses with WHAT DRIVERS and WHAT PICK UP POINTS? AND WHAT DESTINATIONS? Oh ok right - they could all EAT CAKE - Miss Antoinette.

yeah - that Houston evacuation traffic-jam was SUCH a success - because they didn't get hit. How much of Houston was underwater and flattened?

2007-10-27 13:36:16 · answer #6 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 1 4

Arnold and crew were three days late, lest they could have prevented much of the suffering before it even occured. Prevention is the most important part of fighting fires, and Arnold was warned that it would be hot, dry, and windy. This trifecta was ignored by the "gobenator". His lack of National Guard troops and equipment, because national republicans have them entrenched in a civil war in Iraq, speaks volumes about the twisted priorities of the republican't party. Your an idiot if you think the same attention would have been given to a fire in south central or watts. But, when a fire threatens the wealthy, its "Kindergarten Cop" to the rescue. Give me an F-ing break!! Oh, and the plumbing and electricity worked in Qualcomm stadium, unlike the superdome. It has nothing to do with the class of the people, morons!!! Floods are a much more difficult problem than fires, so pull your head out already!!! Again, I repeat, emergency officials saw the fires coming and Arnold did nothing!!! PREVENTION IS KEY WHEN DEALING WITH FIRES, and the lack of federal and state preparedness to prevent and contain fires BEFORE they start and spread is a testement to the importance of TAXES. Republicans cut them, and the money isn't there for PREVENTION. Its that simple!!!

2007-10-27 13:43:58 · answer #7 · answered by McCains InSane 2 · 1 3

I do not think it is the Governor that is the issue. The success is because local and state officials, along with the public took the initiative to solve their own problems, instead of waiting for someone else to do it for them.

As much as I am a conservative, Republicans are not completely responsible for the success.

What we really learned is people who follow the basic idea of conservatism: personal responsibility have the most success. Those who follow the liberal view of expecting others to do it for you fail

2007-10-27 13:53:49 · answer #8 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 2 2

Personally I would attribute it more to the Communities as opposed to the governor. Those outside of the San Diego Region don't get to see the community efforts that are taking place, you really only get to see an basic overview. San Diego, as opposed to a lot of California, is a more locally oriented Community. It has served us quite well in the wake of this disaster.

2007-10-27 13:31:59 · answer #9 · answered by Jon M 4 · 5 1

California is used to disasters earthquakes and wildfires are not new to them which makes effective planning easier. Also there is less corruption and more competence. Mayor nagen had hundreds of buses that could have been used for evacuation instead they were left to flood. but i guess that was bush's fault?

Also I don't hear any horror stories about rape, murder and people leaving feces all over Qualcom stadium like we heard out of the Superdome? Is that due to wealth? or is it due to people having more class?

All of you who are blaming wealth and the fact that new orleans has minorities get real.....california is full of minorities and new orleans has plenty of wealthy people.

2007-10-27 13:41:10 · answer #10 · answered by Bishop 5 · 4 2

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