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I was just about to ask a question on this online ouija board, 'What is my birthday?' to confirm if it was true or not, when a sudden loud noise of a jet flew right over me and the water I was boiling whistled at the same time. Did God want to stop me from getting into this sort of thing?

2007-10-27 06:13:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

14 answers

Even the most agnostic individuals must acknowledge that a Ouija board is occult.

A workmate of mine threw her's into a burning fireplace... and it screamed.

Stay away from those. If you ask about something, such as when your death will take place, you will get a date, and the evil spirits that answer you will make sure it happens on that date.

Christians (true) know what evil is behind the Ouija board. Since agnostics don't believe in God, they can't get an explanation, but they don't need one to realize that there is something supernatural, unscientific, about that thing.

Do not meddle with it any further. You will end up in a mental facility, unable to speak about why you are there, and everyone will look upon you as just someone whose mind is lost. They won't even know why you are there, and you won't even be able to tell them.

Stay away. Burn it. Destroy it. Start to study the Bible. This sounds like a gimmick, but trust me. You have to distance yourself from spiritism.

2007-10-27 06:45:48 · answer #1 · answered by perfectlybaked 7 · 4 1

If it's an online ouija board, I'm pretty sure that you'd be up against some sort of AI rather than a visitor from a spirit world, unless spirits have become more technologically savvy of late.

I honestly don't think a couple of random noises are clear-cut signs from a higher power, but then I'm not particularly superstitious. If you interpreted these sounds as being signs that you should not continue, perhaps it was not necessarily that they were signs, but that you were looking for a reason to not continue, since you didn't actually want to. If you are uncomfortable for any reason with the idea of trying ouiji, then by all means, refrain.

I don't really believe in a spirit world, but, since none of us really knows for certain, I'd recommend you exercise great caution if you ever do decide to use a real ouiji board. If you were to get into contact with an unfriendly or malicious spirit, you would need to know how to dismiss it if you needed to. So carefully research ouiji ritual before you ever participate. I believe there's a good article on wikipedia about this very thing.

In answer to your question, sure, I guess the ouiji board could be used for evil if it is actually a medium for spirits, but in itself it probably isn't evil. Does God want you to not use it? It depends on which God you believe in. Would God disapprove of your doing your own research into the spiritual realm instead of blindly accepting his/her explanation? Or does your God actively encourage spiritual exploration?

2007-10-27 13:40:54 · answer #2 · answered by Pip 5 · 0 0

Parker Brothers did not invent the Ouija Board. It had already been around for awhile when it was bought by Parker Brothers in 1966 and turned into a commercial success as a board game. Its beginnings lie in the distant past when an earlier version (a tripod device) was used in the ancient ways of Babylon and Greece to contact departed spirits. The tripod became the pointer now used with the Board, which is printed with the alphabet, the numbers 1-9, a 0 (zero), and the words 'Goodbye', 'Yes', and 'No'. There are other boards like this with different names, but with the same history and purpose. The modern version of this game was developed by a man named Planchette, a spiritualist (someone who contacts the dead as part of their religion). The Board was further transformed around the turn of the century under the direction and ownership of two men, Elijah J. Bond and William Fuld. Fuld’s name can be seen on the Ouija Board today. The name Ouija is a combination of the French and German words for 'yes': Oui and Ja. According to Bond and Fuld, the Board suggested its own name. The primary purpose of the board is and always has been to contact disembodied spirits. Contacting the dead is called necromancy, and contacting spirits is spiritism, both strongly condemned by God (Deut. 18:9-12; Lev. 19:31, 20:6; I Sam 28, II Kings 21:6; Is. 8:19, 19:3-4). The Board’s translated name, 'yes, yes', is an ingenious and subtle way to invite spirit contact. Dead people cannot hang around after death; you cannot communicate with a dead person. The practices and techniques of contacting the dead and contacting spirits are used widely in the occult. Although the pointer is often moved intentionally or subconsciously by the players, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position when using the Board. By 'playing' this 'game', you are showing an interest in spirit contact. If contact is made, it is demons (evil spirits, fallen angels), not the dead, who are responding. If Satan can disguise himself as "an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14), then it is not improbable that fallen angels can disguise themselves as the dead. The Ouija Board is not harmless just because it is marketed as a game. Satan, the master of deception and seduction, is good at twisting the truth into lies (Gen. 3:1-6; Jn. 8:44). Satan likes disguises and his lies are often disguised as games. The next time you are tempted to play the Ouija Board as a game, look beyond its disguise and see it for what it really is. Think about this: Just what or who are you trying to contact? God tells us to seek Him instead of the dead (Is. 8:19), and Christ "lives forever to plead with God" on behalf of those who believe Him (Heb. 7:25b). Who wants the Ouija Board when you can know the One Who has "complete authority in heaven and on earth!" (Matt.28:18). If you are wondering about Christ, think on His words in John 5:23b-24, "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father , who sent him. I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

2007-10-27 15:39:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

• Buyer beware-Would you invite the world in your home as you slept?
• Then don't use the board.

• Here are my reasons, copied from other posts and questions so may not all relate-but you will understand my gist.

• • So many people ask about ouija boards and the simple answer is that yes, it contacts Earthbounds, and YES it can hurt you emotionally (harrass you), attach to your energy(aura) drain you-and then with enough convos will start to give you negative thoughts.
• It can't physically harm you, but you are inviting them into your home, mind, and energy.
• Here are a compilation of a few of my replies to other people who asked about the board, so it may not be directed at you, but it is there for your knowledge.

• -I know this all from first hand experience being a medium.

• No prayer will stop a low level entity from talking to you(NO prayer), b.c as soon as you open up the the board and place your hands on it-you are bypassing your own prayers and letting anyone in.

• It i like locking your doors up (saying the prayer) and making sure the windows are shut before going to bed in a busy city where there are many bad people, good ones too-but no good person would walk into your home at night anyways!!
• So once you feel safe and protected-you go and unlock all the doors again and open all the windows (opening up the board).
• ******

• It is the same as praying for protection but leaving your door unlocked at night-We still need to take action too!
• There are safer ways to communicate with our loved ones and spirit guides, the board is not one of them.

• Throw it out.
• You are attracting LOW level entities who can attach to your aura and drain you and haunt you, and eventually disturb you.
• It is dangerous.
• No Well meaning HIGH level entity will speak through those things, as they find it disrespectful, they don't want to compete with the baddies, and they come through in ways that aren't going to use your energy and harm you. As I gave my example before-What Good person will walk into your home while you sleep? Only bad people who have bad intent will-Make sense?
• **

• There are SAFER ways that a person like yourself, without understanding energy patterns can contact a loved one who has passed on or speak to their spirit guides.

• One such method is sitting quietly and asking your own spirit guide questions-Who they are, what they look like, ect..
• You should have a pen and paper in front of you-and you listen to the thoughts that appear in the mind. Images, colours, shapes, names, words-will appear.
• Some may be your own, and others wont-That's why you write it down so you can figure it out later.
• Some people get information they never would have thought to give before.
• It's safer, it' s only talking to your own protector, and it comes with no negative attachment-as the board does. Boards have for centuries been used with negativity, so it carries that energy around with it..To understand this, think about a swear word that you just can't ever say with a good meaning.
• It may not have meant anything wrong at one point in time, but that swear will always carry its negativity now.
• The boards are used also as a game, and it is disrespectful to any intelligent soul-NO higher up entities will even look at it.

• You do not want to do that, and make your guide useless, as you have free will, so we can bypass them-but trust me, you don't want too.
• if you are inclined for further contact-always protect yourself, white light, and ground yourself and sheild yourself. Say a prayer before any spirit work and perhaps get someone like a medium in your city to help you understand the basics.

2007-10-27 14:21:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, it was coincidence. Ouija boards are nonsense. It is silly to believe they can harm anyone. The only danger is wasting time with them. My mother and my brother did much of that getting silly answers on one.

2007-10-27 14:19:48 · answer #5 · answered by miyuki & kyojin 7 · 1 1

YES!!! Even people who believe in the supernatural will tell you not to play with Ouiji boards. They don't bring anything to you except evil and open doors that you don't want opened to you.
God loves you and wants you to talk to him. Not spirits.

2007-10-27 13:29:32 · answer #6 · answered by Operator 5 · 4 1

Don't know about the God angle, but the board is definately evil. Had a few run-ins with them myself. Depends on spirit in board, they all come with a resident, but evil has been known to overcome friendly in these. Get rid of it and do NOT replace!

2007-10-27 13:22:33 · answer #7 · answered by got2stangs 2 · 3 4

No your subconcious mind was freaked out by it and your energy caused things to manifest.

Rule of thumb with Ouija...don't do it scared. Do it calm, relaxed, and at ease....do not fear it.

Another thing...you obviously don't know how to use one...so leave it to the Witches and Occulists to help you out.

If you need advice....mail me.

2007-10-27 13:46:17 · answer #8 · answered by witchy boy1989 3 · 1 3

Listen- there are one of two ways it works. Subconscious manipulation or demons. Demons are real- don't listen to the naysayers. After all, the devil still believes in them.

Don't invite demons into your life- even by chance

2007-10-27 13:25:02 · answer #9 · answered by Everything you know is wrong 5 · 4 2

they open the door to evil demonic stuff do not mess with them

2007-10-27 13:40:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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