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Isn't that what people are supposed to do during a natural disaster? Anyway now we see how people are supposed to react to crisis,when they're not a bunch of thugs and losers that is.

2007-10-27 06:04:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

I guess if you're poor and Black it's okay to riot and loot,at least based on some of the answers. New Orleans Katrina reaction was a failure of Liberals in leadership from top to bottom. You had a Liberal mayor who did nothing to evacuate the city when they knew the hurricane was coming,even though he easily had the resources to do it. You had a liberal Governor who did nothing to oversee the situation,and waited until far too late to ask for help,because if aid came from the outside she wouldn't get credit for it. And you had a bunch of Liberals in between who were more worried about whether something was done according to official policy than whether it was done right. They even turned away outside help because those offering help hadn't gone through "proper channels",that's a fact.Throw in a population that has no ability to take care of themselves,because they are the result of decades of the welfare state that New Orleans clearly was and you have all the ingredients needed for disaster. It was quite frankly the "Liberal Perfect Storm" Go anywhere else,where people are led by real leaders,and where people are taught self reliance and you will never see anything like NO. Other than New Orleans all the rest of the people who lost everything they had to Katrina have rebuilt and moved on,yet we still hear how little has been done in NO even now. It's truly pathetic,and I'm sure by the time CA has completely recovered from the wildfires New Orleans will still be a disaster area.


2007-10-27 07:04:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

OK all you Democratic whiners!!!
This is truth and it will hurt!
I am from Louisiana, grew up in New Orleans.
If you you knew any thing about the state, you would know its been run by Democrats for years!!!
It has been the center of government corruption for decades!
example: Just ask gov. Edwards!

Blanco and her preceding governors all knew about what a large hurricane could do to N.O.! Did NOTHING!

The majority of the looting population were blacks..and police!!!
They weren't taking just food...they were taking TVs, jewelry, firearms, electronics..etc.
Everyone blames Bush...what about the Democratic governor and Mayor?

The People in southern Mississippi and Alabama lost EVERYTHING!!!!!!..Not one riot or looting!!!!

Its the mentality of the people in New Orleans...the government has made them rely on it so much, that they are helpless to help themselves! Really sad. Want to see more of this...Vote Hillary!

They didn't riot in Cal. because the mentality of the people who lost everything were that of the people in miss. and Alab.
We worked hard for everything and we will rebuild!!!!
Nothing to do with race!

2007-10-27 13:37:15 · answer #2 · answered by Cajun_Hunter67 2 · 5 0

They did in San Diego and Immigrations officials picked up a group stealing food and things in the stadium where people took refuge. So. Cal is more spread out. But.. New Orleans was packed solid. Location comes in to play beyond the race card.

2007-10-27 13:14:07 · answer #3 · answered by Mele Kai 6 · 3 0

Incapable of making reasonable comparisons much?

The people in New Orleans were left to starve for days; the people in California weren't.

There WAS looting in California during the recent fires, but since people didn't need to take food from stores in order to survive (evacuation centers were catered), few participated. Most people fled for their lives.

If you hadn't eaten in several days, and your kids hadn't either, would you break a window to take food?

I remember at the time there were two very similar pictures in the news, one labeled "savaging for food" the other "looting" -- both were of a couple, wading through deep waters, with food they'd taken from stores.

The difference between the pictures? The "scavengers" were white; the "looters" black.

2007-10-27 15:38:15 · answer #4 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 1 2

The big difference is the class of people. Living in CA isn't cheap. If you live there, you can most likely afford to evacuate. A lot of the New Orleans folks who looted were the poor who couldn't afford to leave NO, and they turned to looting when supplies were gone. Floods may cause water damage, but there are still plenty of items that can be salvaged (by looter or owner)

The fires have wiped out nearly everything. Besides, the air quality is horrible, I doubt Ca residents will return for a while.

My only question for California is why are so many people trying to burn down the state? Cripes, even the people in New Orleans don't do that.

2007-10-27 13:13:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Why would folks loot in California? They all have insurance. Lets look at the differences:

California fire: Took place in exurb wealthy area with very low population density
New Orleans hurricane: Took place in a high-density urban environment populated by poor people
California fire: Authorities showed up in a timely manor
New Orleans hurricane: Took days for the feds to post
California fire: Basic necessities where taken care of quickly
New Orleans hurricane: Locals waded around in feted water for days without basic necessities.

2007-10-27 13:19:47 · answer #6 · answered by spay&neuter-all-republicans 3 · 3 3

People tried looting but since things weren't covered with water or totally evacuated in the sense that there are still complete houses mixed within the burned ones it makes sense. Also people just don't want a burned up TV but one on a bureau that is above the flood line might be worth taking by someone intending to do that. The comparison cannot really be made.

2007-10-27 13:19:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

I am appalled at these answers. Ever since poor = lazy criminal and the liberals labeled them incapable of self control bad behavior has been accepted. What happened to standards for all people, regardless of race, socio economic background. It has become a sad world where the haves expect and accept the have nots to act like animals.

2007-10-27 13:34:49 · answer #8 · answered by Reba 3 · 3 1

It's hard loot a building that's on fire.
The vast majority of people did not loot in New Orleans. It's like the shootings at rescue helicopters. That happened once or twice yet the right blew it out of proportion to make it seem like it was happening constantly.

2007-10-27 13:10:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

What riot?
They looted for food - which was not sent in a day - or two or three...or four... to New Orleans.
The fire went out - the flood didn't.

How long are you racists going to blow up every blizzard and disaster into comparison with the mega-disaster that was Katrina and New Orleans.
Lets compare the number of dead, or the number of homes destroyed, or something other than the virtuous happy ending of the most recent event - it doesn't compare with Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans.

2007-10-27 13:15:16 · answer #10 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 3 6

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