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Did men really go to space? or did they lie like they lie about mostly everything they tell us?

2007-10-27 05:40:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

No man didnt go to the rarse moon its all a conspiracy. if they really did try they would of been dead in seconds. theres only two people in this chat room who has sense. its true there are radioctive belts surrounding the earth which makes it impossible for any human being to break through it and survive. they would suffocate and die!. And its easy for them to lie trust me. Because theyve come up with this thing now........TECHNOLOGY! No-one went to the bloody moon, ever. They made it look like a film when they showed it to everyone. Plus, when they apparently went to the moon, they put up a flag in the ground with an eagle on it an said 'tha eagle has landed'. Thats some real masonary ****, is everyone blind or something.

2007-10-27 06:10:37 · update #1

24 answers

i truely believe they did.and im sure its possible.i dont go for these conspiracy theories about it being faked.
there seems to be somekind of conspiracy theory about almost everything from elvis working in a local tesco store to princess diana still being alive and her death faked.
i keep an open mind but i dont go looking for conspiracies either.

i think someone has been watching too much tv.how can you I meanYOU be so sure.you dont know! you have your opinion but u dont know it is definitely a conspiracy yet you want to force your belief on us like it is fact. well i am keeping an open mind and it is my belief that the ydid go to the moon i that wont change cus someone has watched a tv programme on a conspiracy and is taken in by it. sure ..give is your opinion but dont state it as fact and object if we disagree.
i think your the blind one if you cant accept we may differ in opinion.
have you studied engineering,physics and all areas that would give your opinion validity or to make your statement worth believing as fact . no!! just another armchair conspiracy theorist .

2007-10-27 05:53:43 · answer #1 · answered by snafu 7 · 2 0

Open your eyes! It's an incontrovertible scientific fact that we went to the Moon. Are you a radiation expert? I've studied it, and the radiation level of the Van Allen belts is harmless during short exposures. The Apollo astronauts went through the weakest parts of the belts, were exposed for about an hour, and were already protected by their ship. They received a rather low dose. It's not like it is in science fiction, where radiation instantly kills people. How dare you accuse the astronauts of being dishonorable liars based upon your misunderstanding of science.

Now, explain away the following:
1) Radio telescopes, including those in the Soviet Union (America's Cold War nemesis), detected the Apollo transmissions only when pointed at the Moon. This means that the transmissions were coming from the Moon; if there hadn't been a ship there, they wouldn't have detected anything.
2) Astronomers have detected the retroreflectors that the Apollo missions left behind hundreds of times.
3) Geologists have concluded that the Moon rocks actually formed on the Moon and explain that there's no way for NASA to fake them.
4) Scientists have carefully analyzed the lunar landings, and yet not a single one rejects them. Would scientists not be the first to notice something fishy? Or are you saying that the average person is going to notice a scientific irregularity - especially one as glaring as the radiation belts - that the world's greatest scientific minds will miss? I don't think so.

On top of all of that, there's not a shred of evidence against the lunar landings. All conspiracy theorists have is bad science and faulty common sense.

2007-10-27 13:29:29 · answer #2 · answered by clitt1234 3 · 3 0

The belts are not "radioactive". There is radiation, but please understand that you don't know everything. Radiation is not automatically deadly. There's radiation everywhere, including your own kitchen. We receive radiation when standing in the open air. Certain types of radiation are deadky, if received in great enough amounts. The astronauts going through the Van Allen belts received the same amount of radiation that they'd get in an afternoon at the beach.

You can believe what you want. But this is not a question, and it's not going to convince anyone of anything. If you're sure you have the answers about what "they" lie about, then find a blog to tell everyone about it. You'll just make a fool of yourself here. Not by asking questions, but by insisting that you know everything.

2007-10-28 01:59:01 · answer #3 · answered by Choose a bloody best answer. It's not hard. 7 · 0 0

WOW, WE LANDED ON THE MOON. The amount of radiation they got is about the same as an X-ray you get from a doctor. I KNOW we landed on the moon. there is no GOOD evidence to suggest that it is fake. It was 100% real. If Nixon got cought with the Watergate and only a few people knew about that then thousand of people would have to keep quite would be impossible. We landed on the Moon and it is an insult to there accomplments to say they did not. you are just jellious that it was not you up there on the moon.

2007-10-27 18:23:02 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Smith 5 · 1 0

Of course, men really went to the Moon. The tale about a fake Moon landing began with a silly "mockumentary" on FOX TV. There have been several shows that refuted this silly one. Look for them. It is highly unwise to form a firm opinion based upon one source, especially such a silly one as a dumb and sensationalistic TV show. Check out the ones on Discover that refute this one. You are not qualified to judge in the matter of the Van Allen belts. You should listen to scientists who are.

2007-10-27 13:52:13 · answer #5 · answered by miyuki & kyojin 7 · 2 0

You're way to cynical. First of all, who are they? And why would they lie? And what are they lying about? Yes we went to the Moon and we came back. There were way too many people (thousands) involved for this to have been a ruse. Surly one of them would have spoken up.

Edit: Oh I see, you know everything and have a full understanding of the Van Allen radiation belts and what it takes to "fry" a person? Can you please show us the math? I guess I should really ask why you're so paranoid...?

2007-10-27 13:02:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes a the first man on the moon on that day they showed on live TV the space shuttle lifting off and the man walking on the moon besides why would they lie anyways.

2007-10-27 12:57:30 · answer #7 · answered by THAT GUY 3 · 0 1

Just looking through your other questions, ive been able to judge you and i can now decide that i hate you, your the type of person to undermine a great bravery of someone else just because you have never and will never acheive anything of real value in your life!

You are SEXIST, RACIST, INSULTING and UP YOUR OWN A*SE and you probably have many other bad qualities! People like YOU deserve deportation away from humanity and GREAT Britain due to your cruel hatred!

2007-10-29 14:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, they really went to the moon.
Yes, it is possible.
Yes, they went into space.
No, they did not lie.

I do not think that the American government has the brain power to keep a lie like that going for all these years. Do you seriously think that the likes of George Bush would not have slipped up & told us about it by now?

2007-10-28 03:24:14 · answer #9 · answered by monkeyface 7 · 2 0

The gov't can't even lie effectively about a few documents in a hotel room. Do you really think they managed to keep thousands of people quiet for 40 years?

Yes, we went to the Moon. We have mountains of evidence to support this. And it's not hard to do.

2007-10-27 12:43:54 · answer #10 · answered by eri 7 · 7 0

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