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Good point. Gore is no longer a senator.

2007-10-27 05:25:00 · 38 answers · asked by Duminos 2 in Politics & Government Politics

38 answers

Emphatically, YES!

2007-10-27 05:27:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 9

Those that added Reid, Pelosi Murtha, Hillary, Feinstein, and Boxer are all on the MONEY!

But to take off Gore just because he is no longer serving is Foolish in fact, the man is a FOOL! He is stating that the Global Warming debate is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. His own graphs show that the warming trends are cyclical and man’s actions do NOT coincide with the cycles.

Yeah and that point about him getting 1/2 of the USA, LMAO! Not only is the other answer correct, if you count the number of states the went for Gore it was 21 of 50 which is 42%. When the President is elected it is by the electoral college, see U.S. Constitution, ammendment 12

As for the anti-Semitic comment about Joe Lieberman, well that was just mean. I like Joe.

Oh, BTW thanks for asking this! I was able to build my contact list with some really cool cats based on their answers!

2007-10-27 06:26:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Are you kidding?

Democrats worship the ground that Hillary walks on. After all she is the wife of Bill Clinton. Even though she committed the largest campaign finance law violation in the history of the US and should be behind bars. They still worship her and defend her no matter what.

Gore is actually a nice guy. I saw him at a speech he made about global warming.

Kerry is a disgusting traitor that should be shot.

Kennedy, well I don't honestly understand why they keep electing this murderer. The guy hasn't ever put together a good piece of legislation and he has been living high on the tax payers dollar for decades. As far as I am concerned they should ship him to one of those countries with a bunch of starving people and see if they accept him or turn his fat a$$ into dinner

2007-10-27 09:15:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You hit on the most powerful of the disliked. Power garners attention and a lot of press, but there are many of lesser power deserving extreme ridicule!
Try Senator Bird, the KKK member.
How about Harry Reed?
Ooooh, I almost hate to go on! The list is too long!

2007-10-27 15:56:00 · answer #4 · answered by Philip H 7 · 1 0

Of course they are. The neocons are scared to death of them because those four people (Gore is no longer a Sentator, by the way) want to move the nation forward into the 21st Century where the neocons want to revert to the 19th Century.

Comment: Pete Stark is a Congressman not a Senator. Cons can't even get their facts straight. All they know is Democrat therefore bash.

2007-10-27 06:10:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Hillary lied when she said if reelected she would be New York's senator. Senator Schumer is carrying her load while she is gallivanting around the country running for president. As a New Yorker I feel used as in "stepping stone". Al Gore is kind of harmless although I don't know what Climate has to do with Peace. Kerry is the one I hate most. Kerry called his fellow soldiers baby killers and rapists and then he admitted on national tv of committing the same war crimes. Then he had to chutzbah to call himself a "war hero". Ted Kennedy is no JFK although he has been riding his brothers coat tails for the last 50 years.

2007-10-27 05:40:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

Your politics may not agree with these politicians but they are not your enemy. The elected officials in the US who are globalists are your true enemy. They are the ones who should be disliked, and voted out of office.

Globalists are destroying freedom in the Western world and in the United States because Americans, the middle class, those who believe in the Constitution, and those who are willing to fight for their rights. Americans are a threat to globalist plans.

We still have time to take our country back. There is a nasty movement among international leaders allied with the business/ corporate world called globalism. They want the UN or some corporate cabal based in the Pacific Rim to run the world.

Their tools are confusion and indoctrination and political correctness. Their war of confusion is being conducted on the American people right now and their arch enemy is the American Constitution. These globalist swine believe that no one, no people should have rights. They want the people to be worker drones in a global corporate communist society.

We have to fight this. The globalists have to be shut down.

2007-10-27 05:48:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Glad you caught that Gore is no longer in Senate, I would add Dick Durbin.

2007-10-27 06:55:23 · answer #8 · answered by ALASPADA 6 · 2 1

There is definitely something going on behind the scenes, and I want to put some study into it. Just need the time.

2016-04-10 21:31:58 · answer #9 · answered by Michele 4 · 0 0

Gore got more votes than Bush in 2000. Kerry got 48% in 2004 (59 Million votes, 8.5 million more voes than Bush got in 2000). Hillary leading in the polls. Kennedy ? Pretty popular with dems. Disliked ? Yes, by Repubicans -- not even half of registered voters in the US.

2007-10-27 05:40:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

You forgot "dingy" Harry Reid, and Pete Stark who suffer from "foot in mouth disease!"
I agree with John W., oh Kerry, the assinine attemopt to use his "war record!" as a foothold in gaining the presidency. He was another one who believed the truth would not come out.
Hillary will be exposed for the criminal behavior she has exhibited.
Why people keep voting for "killer" Kennedy who is always lushed up still baffles me!

2007-10-27 05:42:12 · answer #11 · answered by Moody Red 6 · 7 3

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