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18 answers

Actually the existence of Nuclear weapons has probably saved millions of lives. Do you really thing WW2 would have ended when it did without the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings,or do you think the Japanese would have held out longer as we were forced to invade the mainland killing many more? The answer is of course that it ended in large part due to the bombings,saving lives. And what about the Cold War, do you think the US and Soviet Union would have resisted the urge to go to war over their mutual hatred,had it not been for the promise of mutual destruction? The answer is most certainly no,while we fought a proxy war or two,we never faced off personally thanks in large part to our Nuclear arsenals.

So I would say that getting rid of our nuclear weapons would be a mistake,not only are the odds of the superpowers fighting decreased by them,but they help deter to a certain extent the dictators and crazies of the world.


2007-10-27 05:18:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Certainly NOT!
The United States of America is the ONLY Nation that fits your description.
The United States does NOT enter into a war for NO reason.
Permitting decent human beings to fall under the control of ruthless tyrants is less than noble.
America must continue to promote freedom whenever needed and tyrants only recognize POWER.
Nuclear weapons are a tool that we all hope will never be used, but eliminating them will only encourage and promote tyranny world wide.
You would have to be a FOOL to not recognize the need to maintain a logical arsenal.

2007-10-27 05:22:44 · answer #2 · answered by Philip H 7 · 3 1

In a perfect world all nations would give them up. But guess what? this is the real world and as long as other nations have them I am glad we have them.

Nukes are not what we should worry about. They cause too much long term damage to be viable which is why we created the fuel air bomb and russia has created the implosion bomb. these are the bombs that will be used next. massive devastation with little long term effect.

2007-10-27 05:06:00 · answer #3 · answered by Bishop 5 · 5 0

If we gave them up there would be no peace anymore

The fact that we have nuclear weapons, causes peace among others. You have to realize, not everyone thinks as you do and wants peace, so sometimes the only way to keep peace with this people is either (A) kill them, or (B) make it so they know if they got in a war with you, that they would lose

2007-10-27 05:02:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I don't think Bush was threatening WW III. I just believe he is being honest in the fact that attacking Iran would likely result in it since it would disrupt the supply of oil to all the major powers in the world. That is the kind of thing that starts world wars. I would hope it also means he is rethinking his position on his tough stance in the Middle East. The U.S. would be blown to bits with the rest of the world meeting the same fate or being mutated by its resulting residue.

2007-10-27 05:04:34 · answer #5 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 5 1

It is a sad fact that someone was going to use nuclear weapons. Be it the US, Russia, or Germany.
I'm not sure anyone knew the true consequences of that bomb...now we do. Anyone that would use it NOW would have to be totally insane.

It's another sad fact that insane people now have the means to use that bomb even knowing the consequences. So yes, the bomb has actually become a weapon to ensure the peace.

EDIT: It's another sad fact that your hatred for the US has blinded you to the threat that Iran has become.

2007-10-27 04:51:11 · answer #6 · answered by time_wounds_all_heelz 5 · 6 1

Since the US is the only country that used Atomic Weapons, your question is obvious. Only two countries have ICBM's, being the US and Russia. Possibly Israel also. So what you suggest is the US give up all nuclear weapons. That's insane.

2007-10-27 04:44:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

yes but you probably don't care Iran is trying to devlop them. They only want to destroy Isreal, The US, and bring on the apocalypse. Don't believe me listen to what President Tom of Iran says in his speeches at home and abroad.

2007-10-27 05:41:05 · answer #8 · answered by rizinoutlaw 5 · 2 0

Removing weapons will not bring peace.

2007-10-27 04:44:33 · answer #9 · answered by Overt Operative 6 · 9 0

Who will force them, the United Nations? LOL! Or should we continue the Clinton policy of selling the technology to the highest bidder?

2007-10-27 04:39:56 · answer #10 · answered by stupidcaucasian 6 · 10 2

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