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I'm talking about REAL fear that scares ya right from the gut. Makes your heart pump a gallon of blood a minute!!! I totally adore dogs but my biggest fear is hearing a snarl then a growl and looking behind me to see a huge Rottweiler looking right in my eyes with his teeth showing, drool running from his mouth and getting ready to run after me. I'm sure this will never happen but once when I walked my little dog, I had 2 pit bulls chase me into a yard with a fence that I locked just before they got to us. That was terrifying!!!

2007-10-27 04:08:14 · 23 answers · asked by Wet Doggie 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

I love most snakes... The rest of them, I respect and keep my distance but they don't scare me at all. I used to have a 6 1/2 foot Boa Constrictor named Sparkle Plenty.

2007-10-27 05:25:23 · update #1

23 answers

Well if I were you I'd give 'Born in the USA 10 pts as I can relate to that. Add opening your eyes in the shower to a spider hanging down in front of your (mine) face after rinsing shampoo out of your hair( actually happened one morning to me, and to top it off I was still half hungover. Nearly tore down the curtain rod getting out of there).

2007-10-28 16:24:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a fear of falling off of any high precipice or bridge of
any kind into water. After having a near miss trying to cross a wet log in a forest. There was no other way to cross a river with alot of rocks jutting up. And a teenager had been killed the week before at that spot. Even tho, he had been drinking.
I also have a fear of elevators, since I got stuck in
one several years ago and had to wait til it was opened from
the other side. It was a freight elevator, and I had no idea how
long it would take before someone had to use it. There was
something wrong that it wouldn't open on its' own. And there
was something wrong with the gizmo that opened it from the
inside. I can't remember if it was a lever or a handle. I just
remember it wouldn't work. And I was afraid of staying inside
and losing my air.
I also have a deep fear of drowning, since I came so close twice in my life. Twice, when I was little at a park pool and
the other time at a Camp Fire Girls' camp, in the river. They
were doing some work on the pool that week. So they roped
off the shallower side of the river. And I lost my footing and
the currant carried me downstream. The camp fire councelors
thought I was faking the drowning part. That was a narrow
escape I almost didn't make.
And the last would be to die alone without someone I knew at my bedside. My parents died without someone near them from the family. And they were alone. So I wouldn't want to
go out without someone holding my hand that I at least, knew
and liked. If not loved.

2007-10-28 02:14:43 · answer #2 · answered by Lynn 7 · 1 0

abagail, I hate to say this, but that is a good fear to have. I owned a rott for a while and found them to be very head strong and uncontrollable. No owner will ever effect their thought train. My rott would actually walk right up to a person and suddenly latch onto their rear end. I would recommend caring some pepper spray or a gun if you have a rott in the neighborhood. Shoot the dog six times, if he gets up again, feed him!!!hahahaha
Though I have no fear of dogs, this may be a very real concern.
My greatest fears are snakes and alligators

2007-10-27 11:22:33 · answer #3 · answered by Cheryl 6 · 1 0

Oh gosh, I live in a hurricane area here in Texas and that scares me every year when I hear the weather man say that there is " something stirring in the Gulf". Also scared to death of even the thought of a Tornado. I'm also afraid of Tree Roaches ( those great big cockroaches that are around where there are a lot of trees.....at least they are here) I also get really afraid when the wind blows real hard and the trees bend way over.

2007-10-27 14:23:57 · answer #4 · answered by Eve 5 · 2 0

When I was a teenager, I was living in San Francisco, and the SEWER RATS there are as big as a large cat. On of our neighbor kids found one in the street that was dead and started swinging it around and chasing me. I was terrified and ran screaming home. To this day I can not stand to look at one on TV or the MOVIES or anything. Mice are about the same, just smaller.
EDIT: I like snakes, but know I could never have one, because what do they eat LIVE RATS and/or MICE

2007-10-27 19:40:30 · answer #5 · answered by Moe 6 · 1 0

Heights has to be the main one for me. I do good to get on the third step of a ladder. My daughter seems to have fun with me on this fear. I have tried to no end to explain to her how bad this fear is for me. She thinks it is very funny and tries to get me in places that are high. I asked her if she was trying to give me a heart attach, and I was not joking either! I have been known to freeze on the spot.

Spiders are the next in line for me as I can kill one by stepping on it IF it is small. But if it is a large one like a cotton spider or tarantula, forget it, I can't even get close to it. I will not even pick up one that is dead, even with a tissue.

Snakes are next after the spiders. I can and will kill any kind of snake. I can not pick it up if it is alive, but once it is dead, I can pick it up. But if I go to pick it up and that thing moves, LOOK OUT!!

2007-10-27 12:23:19 · answer #6 · answered by SapphireB 6 · 1 0

Thanks for reminding me, I'm changing my avatars name to Chicken. LOL. I have lots of fears but few that I think about. I know I will not go into a cave. I did it twice. Its not worth it Because all sorts of thoughts go racing through a now illogical mine. It takes a few minutes to get myself under control and then I proceed. I don't mind elevators or inclosed areas. Its caves themselves.
I went to Howe's Caverns in upstate New York once. It was a good visit, nice and educational. It was that step off the elevator and realizing that now I was 150 feet below the surface and looking up at million of tons of rock. AHHHHHHHHH.

2007-10-27 12:31:38 · answer #7 · answered by Tinman12 6 · 0 0

Snakes....just can't deal with them. Haven't yet learned to identify the good from the bad just by their markings, so many have died by the shovel I keep handy. Also terrifies me to look out and see our little terrier trotting around with one in her mouth...she doesn't care about the good/bad thing either, and I'm afraid she's going to mess with the wrong kind one of these days.

2007-10-27 12:18:50 · answer #8 · answered by night-owl gracie 6 · 1 0

Me it's heights, my eyes glaze over and I have a hard time standing up straight. I usually end up on the floor because I'm terrified of falling over, and I crawl back off. Pretty pathetic haha

2007-10-27 11:12:42 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Arachnids. Big, small, hairy or not. They terrify me.

Went camping with a friend's family once, and, as we were ready to break camp, I sent my son to our tent to get something, and he came back and said, "Mom, I'm not going in there. There's a big spider on the door."

I said, "Since when are you afraid of spiders?"

He said, "But, Mom, it's a BIG one."

We looked. Sure enough, it was a tarantula. About the size of a large teacup. My friend's dad dispatched it with a baseball bat. I get chills just thinking of it.

2007-10-27 11:22:29 · answer #10 · answered by felines 5 · 2 0

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