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Even though Islam is a peaceful religion in the same way cristeanity is???
please no troling or slander.

2007-10-27 04:06:49 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

just adding that the crusades resulted in the sacking of cittys in gods name, so isent this violence in gods name.

2007-10-27 04:16:36 · update #1


2007-10-27 04:18:31 · update #2

30 answers

People want to believe that because then they don't have to look at the real reason it is going on. Injustice breeds terrorism and US behavior in the middle east is what's driven this our way. It's purely geographical.

2007-10-27 04:30:31 · answer #1 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 1 6

To get the right answer you have to ask the right question. 'Islam', like nationalism, or fascism, communism, or 'manifest destiny' can always be perverted to do The devil's work. Religion is no different. Let's not forget the crusades of the middle ages, or the carving up of Africa by the European powers in the late 19th century under the banner of 'The White Man's Burden'. Real or imagined injustices can always find a home. In the middle east, where a patriarchal religion grafted itself onto an already established tribalist culture we have the perfect storm for mischief. Like Hitler's Germany, the injustice of the treaty that ended WW1, plus hard times, plus the 'Master Race' war cry began a cycle not unlike the current situation in the middle east. Just add guns and the pot boils over. The west has systematically robbed and plundered the middle east. Call that the 'injustice' The middle east has no lack of 'Hitlers', no lack of hard times, no lack of a 'master race' belief based on a belief in 'one true faith' and certainly no lack of 'guns'. Mix well and stand back. Somewhere along the line we should have seen this coming....but then we never saw Hitler coming in 1918 either!

2007-10-27 04:36:05 · answer #2 · answered by Noah H 7 · 3 0

There are several things that would help people realize what Islam is about.

Read the Qu'ran and the hadith. Let the words sink in.
Read the history of Mohammed. Find out how he created Islam and how he maintained it.
Read about the Crusades and how long it took Christians to retaliate against a vicious religion taking over the whole Christian population.
Read and listen to the leaders of Islam today and compare what they are saying to what Mohammed said centuries ago.

Start with "The Inpolitically Incorrect Guide to Islam" Then read "Why They Hate."
Talk about an eye opening experience.

2007-10-27 04:39:21 · answer #3 · answered by time_wounds_all_heelz 5 · 3 2

Because there is a tenant of Islam that says that the guarantee of heaven comes with death in a jihad. Because Jihads, (holy wars) are called for the purpose of spreading Islam, and converting infidels,(non believers in Islam) by force if necessary.
There is no such teaching in Christianity, and Christians like being Christians, just as Muslims like being Muslims, and they don't take kindly to being forcibly converted to anything.

EDIT: I understand that the Crusades were "holy wars" the difference is that this is not codified into our law, it is in Islam.
The Crusades, like the Inquisition are less than stellar points in our history, but because religions are run by people, these things are going to happen. As I recall, the Crusades were called because Islam was at the time engaging in the forced conversion of neighboring peoples, and this fact was taken advantage of by restless Christian nations.

2007-10-27 04:17:20 · answer #4 · answered by maryjellerson 4 · 5 1

Do a search yourself.
If you find a site that shares Islam's own words about terrorism and similar acts, read it. I suggest the following search:


There are many holy books of Islam. They all have something to say on the matter.

2007-10-27 04:23:48 · answer #5 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 2 0

"IF" Islam is a religion of peace, why don't we see more "real" Muslims taking the streets to protest about what those "radicals" are doing to their religion?? Fear????? If true *peaceful* Muslims take the streets to protest for all the murderous acts of the radicals, Christian and even Jews will follow them, support them, and protect them!!

Muslims love to complaint about all being call terrorist, but when you keep quiet about any kind of wrong doing, you become an accomplice, and accomplices are as guilty as the ones committing the crime, so Muslims are paying the price for their silence....

2007-10-27 05:40:13 · answer #6 · answered by Millie 7 · 0 0

When you have radicals that tend to read only the out dated arts of the Koran and live by them, they tend t be terrorists. There are parts in the Christian Bible there are some bad things but they are all in the past as the first part of the Bible is a history book but 99% of the people today don't live by those parts f the Bible. They see it as the past and something to be left in the past, something to be learned from. All too many radical Muslims live by the bad parts of the Koran. Things like when it says not to become friends with "infidels" and "Jews" as well as the parts that say to convert them or kill them where they stand.

I have several friends who are Muslims and they would NEVER do anything like that but uneducated and stupid people make up the radicals fractions and they get other gullible people to become terrorists with them. I don't know of too many Muslims that would turn in a fellow Muslim for their misdeeds however I know A LOT of Christians who would gladly turn in other Christians if they did something wrong.

Mohammad was a murdering SOB but yet Muslims worship him like a god. The ONLY thing god like about him was he had the face of a god...A GODDAMN DOG!

2007-10-27 05:26:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Redlegman has it right-

Because there are not enough Islamists or Muslims coming forward to denounce the terrorist acts of their brothers.

Because Al Jezeera t.v. broadcasts t.v. shows of Muslim children being brainwashed to hate, hate, hate- kill, kill, kill.

Because Islam wants everyone to be afraid. Why else would a group of men stand outside 10 Downing St screaming 'be-head all infidels'. Or masses of grown men burning cars in France like juvenile delinquents.

Because Islamists don't rush to the aid of anyone or any country (I know of) to help in a crisis. Why don't we hear any news about UAE sending planes of food, supplies or aid to Tsunami victims, even though 100's of thousands of MUSLIMS live there. Yet we hear NOTHING about Islam paying to help.

Why do you even have to ask the question that way? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask why do some people believe Islam is not promoting terrorism.

2007-10-27 04:54:36 · answer #8 · answered by anyusmoon1 3 · 3 1

The crusades happened a thousand years ago, so it in my opinion is irrelevant.

Today, Islam is primarily a religion of peace.

However, the facts remain that all terrorists are Muslim.

Even if all Muslims are not terrorists.

2007-10-27 04:20:50 · answer #9 · answered by Smoking Man 3 · 5 0

They are promoting terrorism, give some examples that they are not! Where are the Muslims protesting the actions of the extremists? where is the voice of the moderate and liberal Muslims, why haven't they been heard (En mass) crying for justice against there extreme brethren? Well, as a matter of fact, they haven't been, now have they??

PS. The Crusades? Are you a bonehead? how long ago was that there Muhamad? The world has changed alittle dontcha think? Maybe in your god forsaken sand filled hell it hasn't but to the rest of the world it has, don't worry, we'll bring you mayhem tenfold for every stupid act you do, keep at it. Your numbers contunue to dwindle!

2007-10-27 04:11:51 · answer #10 · answered by redlegman64 3 · 10 2

"The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions, or a clash of civilizations. It is a clash between two opposites, between two eras. It is a clash between a mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages and another mentality that belongs to the 21st century. It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality. It is a clash between freedom and oppression, between democracy and dictatorship. It is a clash between human rights, on the one hand, and the violation of these rights, on other hand. It is a clash between those who treat women like beasts, and those who treat them like human beings. What we see today is not a clash of civilizations. Civilizations do not clash, but compete."

the islamic women who made this statement is under death threats now and is so incredibley brave, read more about her, she and other's who believe are our real hope to end this maddess and the terroristism.

2007-10-27 04:24:37 · answer #11 · answered by ? 7 · 4 0

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