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Most women who call themselves feminists aren't really into feminism. They select the parts of it that they think are comfortable, easy, or empowering, and they usually reject the other parts of it, like man-hate and feminist-superiority talk.

The revised feminist handbook sounds like sweetness and light and reasonableness, all the nasties have been purged. It is now supposed to be all about real equality between men and women.

I'm a masculist and an equalist, believing that men and women are born different but equal, are of equal worth, and are deserving of fair treatment under just laws.

So if feminism and masculism now apparently all believe in the same thing why bother with them anymore? Why don't we now just consign them to history and join the equalist movement?

2007-10-27 03:41:34 · 11 answers · asked by celtish 3 in Social Science Gender Studies

11 answers

Celtish you are an intelligent man. So I think you should sit down and actually read some feminist theory. Feminism has never supported any man hating or women hating or minority blah, blah blah.
I am a feminist, and equalist and a humanist as well. I have devoted my entire life to helping others. As a feminist I help everyone but my area of focus and expertise is dealing with female issues.
This is very much like some of my colleagues who specifically deal with children, gerontology, addictions. You dealt with money in accounting so why in the world were you not out performing brain surgery on your tea break?
Do you see my point? Hope so because you certainly have the brains to.
I have a degree in Women's Studies and I can honestly say that in all the time I have actively been involved with feminism I have never once heard feminism equated with female superiority over males.
Why do you keep insisting these lies are true when you obviously know better? Is that just like spreading stereotypes about Blacks, Asian and Indian people?
To me it almost sounds like hate speech when people openly lie about feminism and how it had impacted equality.

2007-10-27 05:00:30 · answer #1 · answered by Deirdre O 7 · 2 3

I agree with you. Women and men are completely different creatures but we deserve the same treatment in the eyes of the law and opportunities afforded.

Feminists annoy me to no end. Why would you WANT to be like a man in any capacity? Why not appreciate the subtle strengths a woman has, why not embrace our ability to nurture and teach?

People like to label themselves to make them feel important and feel that they have a cause for which to champion. Feminism, masculism, and any other -ism is a trend, a fad if you will. Everything will eventually come full circle.

2007-10-27 10:53:04 · answer #2 · answered by Wicked 3 · 2 0

Pardon me for going off the beaten path for a bit. A man should never fight a woman for he can do her great bodily harm. A woman should never fight a man for he can hit harder.**Back to the subject in hand. The way I look at something you have to be all of it or be nothing of it at all. This speaks of those who only accept certain parts of feminism. Moving on to that sweetness thing, we all use that as an enticement to lure people over.**Call me the odd one out cause I do not believe in true equality.**About the just trearment under law; we had that, especially when the menfolk were making compensations for our womenly weaknesses; only we failed ourselves by taking advantage of those favors in the worst way possible, doing things such as playing mean tricks to get them blamed for more. When someone has to play mean tricks to get the other to be blamed for more that is not equality seeking now is it? I know my argument is weak, still this is how I see things. I also am a firm believer that life is not always going to be even steven; it fluctuates.

2007-10-27 21:25:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We are different and I for one appreciate that we are. We can have respect and do many things without making it of its own catorgory.

I often wonder how feminist would feel if a man stood at the resteraunt door waiting for her to open it or at the dinner table waiting for her to pull his chair out. I mean if we raise the issue of being treated the same, should we not also fill all the manly duties?? Will they also shave their faces and grow beards to be manly?? They would have this "right". When the ship sinks, will they be men or woman as the safety boats are being loaded??? If Lord forbid they are beaten or raped, in the eyes of the court should this not be a view of the weaker sex attack by the stronger?? And you can take those men and woman signs off the bathrooms and we can ALL just use the urinals.... I mean woman want to be like men then surly they can void like one too, as sitting down to pee would be a "femine" thing to do!!

What are these views seen as by feminist?? Is there a guildline or a limitation?? Or is it all set by each individual as to what suits them specifically?? I would think if a femisit wants treated as a man so badly it needs its very own recognition, then hand her a pair of bibs, a suit, a cigar, some chew, a beard, hairy legs, bushy eye brows, boxers, take her skirts and makeup, in fact she can shop at the mens store, and let her be a man. And hey....be sure to leave that lid UP!! They can also take the garbage out and fix their own cars and all that too. (as yes I am sure some do).

What we do or don't do should not need a specific label or group to be in. Why can't we all do whats of our own ability, resonsibility, expectance, and preference and accept it as such?

If my husband is not aorund for a task I attempt it myself. If I can do it fine if not I ask for assitance. When I fish, I bait the hook myself. I worked 11 years in a meat market most people didnt think I would be abe to do the job at or gave me a second look when I said I did this job as I am very femine looking and petite, however I did do that job and I did my own part. I carried my own meat around, I lifted when it was needed, daily. However I do not consider myself a feminist. I did the job I was hired and paid for.

I for one am a FEMALE, and would appreciate being treated as I am, and spoken to as I am, and if I can do a manly thing then good for me I didnt have to trouble a mann or wait for one for it, or I could take on that job, but I still DO sit to pee and chose the WOMAN's restroom and want to be asked out by men not manly woman, and VIEW"D for what I AM which is a woman.

I feel a job should have a specific pay for WHOMEVER is doing it. Pay whats its worth, regardless of who is preforming it, end of story.

I for one STILL appreciate the gentleman who can open my door, offer me a hand or a seat, escort me, and treat me as the woman God made me to be.

We should all have the same rights, joys, and chances, etc. we are ALL citizens. However, women ARE the femine version of a male as a man is the masculine version of a female. There IS a difference and it should be recognized as one.

And Ladies, when you burn those bras........its doubtful it will be BOTH sexes admiring your change in stand. I would have to say it more points out the "differences"!!!

2007-10-27 11:48:25 · answer #4 · answered by savahna5 6 · 2 0

I think the term "masculist" is dangerous. Masculism has the potential to fall into the same pit feminism fell into where the radicals took over & ruined the party.

It's a term that says we only want to see men succeed.

I'm a men's rights activist. MRAs are looking to fight the anti-male bias in the courts & legislature.

Laws are slanted. We're trying to correct them. Just like the early feminists fought the slanted laws and won... we wish to do so now.

The pendulum swang in favor of women. We're trying to make the pendulum stop swinging.

2007-10-27 10:56:07 · answer #5 · answered by hopscotch 5 · 4 1

Feminism and masculism don't believe in the same things. If you believe women are of equal worth and deserve fair treatment, then you're not a masculist.

2007-10-27 10:53:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

To get to equality and stop the pendulum there must be an opposing counterforce. That counterforce is masculism until true equality is reached (ie. they stop dismissing men's issues) and until the feminist movement is gone.

2007-10-27 11:12:11 · answer #7 · answered by Rio Madeira 3 · 3 1

The difference between feminism and masculism is that their primary focus is on women and men, respectively. It would certainly be nice if we could forget about who fared worse and worried about fixing ALL our problems.

2007-10-27 13:14:15 · answer #8 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 1 2

Hello, It was said to me on one occasion by higher command (woman). You Tarzan me Jane we shall both prosper in this jungle because we shall become a team of equal minds. Never did suss out quite what she ment but in one year i became her equal but was paid more salary, it's a funny old world.

2007-10-27 13:41:05 · answer #9 · answered by Beau 5 · 1 1

I dont have a problem with feminism, I have a problem with its spokepeople.

2007-10-27 11:02:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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