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2007-10-27 03:36:20 · 72 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I feel like most of you are lying cus im a black girl, and when i see a white man with a black women, all it reminds me of is slavery and how they used to rape us. You can forgive but never forget.

2007-10-27 03:55:01 · update #1

It doesnt matter if it ended years ago. I feel for my people who were treated like that back then. Nothings changed. People pretend alot and nothing can fool me, trust me. I still see rascism the same way, and only a black person would understand my piont of veiw.

2007-10-27 04:16:57 · update #2

Ok lets get this straight. Im not rascist. I cant be anyway. i do have white friends, and yes im still young im in college but i believe that iv got alot of knowledge for my age. I do get along with everyone, but i believe that slavery happened for a reson, and i need to ask all these questions to find an answer. it still kills me inside because it happened. to my people. I dont care how long ago it happened, white people up to this day feel on top of black people in everyway. Work, Schools, Goverment, Police, Doctors, Entertainment, i could go on for years, they are all run by white people. Why?

2007-10-27 04:27:05 · update #3

listen yea dont take me for some rarse clart fool yea, who are you calling an idiot? cus you know that im right you jack **** come off the line man

2007-10-27 04:39:04 · update #4

Ok i respect that answer niamth. But did you know that white is resesive and black is donimant? do you all know what that means? someone answer my question please.

2007-10-27 04:45:06 · update #5

Yes i do live in the UK. I live in london where its hard for people like me to be upper classed. Im not poor, i dont live on the streets but i might as well be because we get treated the same way as poor people any.

2007-10-27 04:49:57 · update #6

I just wish that we could all get along from day one. Did you know that it was a black man who created white people? You probably think im going to far but if you know real history, you would know its true. And the history they teach us in school is fake. if you break down the word 'history' they changed it from 'his story', just like what thet did with 'television' which is really 'tell lie vision' and 'world wide web' so they can catch all of us not only blacks but all of us and keep us on lock down.

2007-10-27 05:04:35 · update #7

Thanks 'give and take advice' you made me feel a bit better.

2007-10-27 05:21:57 · update #8

look cowboy vic or what ever your nameis. Stop tryna be smart about the situation. obviosly i wasn't born when it happen you fish, im only 18. when i say remind i means that i think of what happened and no i havent been raped, a man could never get away with that with me, id kill him! and when i say my people, im talking about people with mellownin in their skin, unlike you thats why your a doofers.

2007-10-27 05:27:49 · update #9

Cowboy jesus wasnt a hippy looking white man wearing crusty clothes, he had wooley hair like the sheep. Wooley hair like me. And the first jews were black cus we were the first. the image they give us today of jesus is well fake

2007-10-27 05:33:22 · update #10

**** you Dels you rascist honkey. you fe get bun

2007-10-27 05:36:02 · update #11

Cowboy it was the school who was teaching me wrong so dont tell me to go back there. And yes i do have evidence of where they stole things from the bible and put it in their own words. they stole it from Africa yea. So dont come to me with that crap about the holy bible which was written by a battyman. Even what the pope weres on his head was stolen from Africa. Thats what my ancesters use to were and iv got proof on dvd and pictures and books that support that. Proof that goes back way before the bible and 'jesus' ever existed. so **** all that bull **** about the bible.

2007-10-27 05:54:12 · update #12

I hate cowboys. your all gay man.

2007-10-27 05:57:02 · update #13

72 answers

I feel nothing at all and why would I?

2007-10-27 03:38:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 15 5

I don't get this question for several reasons. You're mentioning two different races and asking for an answer that is designed to draw a comparison, so how will I not be rascist when I answer it. Also what is the assumption that seems to be behind the question? What do white males prefer about black females over white females or why white males flocking to black females, or what do white mles see in black females that they find attractive that would be different than what they see in white females and find as attractive. I could write many different answers here based on what I could assume you're asking, but I will briefly just give one or two from the point of view that some characteristics in general of black females are different from those of white females and is more attractive. I think black females are more emotionally honest and less full of horseshit.

2016-04-10 21:25:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am curious. How can it "remind you of slavery", when you have never been a slave. To be reminded of something is to recall a past experience, therefore if you have experienced slavery then you are probably the oldest person on the planet.
What they did to "us". Have you ever been raped? Were you a slave? I think not. Don't try to group yourself with people who have been dead for many, many years. It don't wash.
How do I feel when I see this perversion? I don't see it, because it don't happen where I'm from.
And finally, a "black man" created white people? You have just shown your stupidity to the point that you don't even deserve acknowledgement.
God created everyone, and Jesus was a Jewish carpenter. When is the last time you saw a "black" jew?
People like you who try to change history to suit your selfish racial needs are abhorrent beyond measure
I'm a "dofer"?? What is that?
Finally, as I am not going to validate your idiocy with any further commentary beyond this point, when I state the truth you start ranting, which shows how truly flimsy any argument you might have truly is.
You weren't a slave. Your weren't raped. You have never experienced any of that, so shutup and go back to school, where maybe you will learn how ignorant your statements really are.
As far as Jesus have "wooley" hair...lol, I suppose you have some documented historical evidence to prove this. My proof is a several thousand year old document, that has stood up to scrutiny by historians (both black & white) for thousands of years. It's called the HOLY BIBLE!

2007-10-27 05:20:33 · answer #3 · answered by vetone10 4 · 9 2

It doesn't bother me, or even startle me that much really. Why does it bother you? Love is love, right?

"I feel like most of you are lying cus im a black girl, and when i see a white man with a black women, all it reminds me of is slavery and how they used to rape us. You can forgive but never forget."

It might remind you of slavery, but if the woman loves the man and the man loves the woman, who are you to tell two people they can't love each other? He isn't thinking, "Oh, she's black therefore I'm going to exert power over her and coerce her into being my girlfriend." Chances are, he's thinking, "God, I love her so much!" By claiming interracial relationships are wrong, you're just reinforcing racism and greatening the rift between people. The more biracial children these couples produce, the less racism there will be in the world.

Yes, black people were treated horribly. Slavery is WRONG. But not all white people in the US today are descendants of slaveowners, just as not all black people in the US today were slaves. There's been plenty of immigration since then, from Africa and from Europe. Besides, even if someone IS descended from slaveowners, so what? Would you imprison a little girl because her mother committed a crime? People do not necessarily have the same values as their ancestors.

Yes, it's a travesty that there is still significant racism in the US, but not all white people are racist and many are fighting very hard to lessen racism in the US.

You think you're the only one with these questions? Who can fathom how people could be so cruel to each other? It didn't even begin with black people; indentured servitude, often just as bad as chattel slavery (although there was a minuscule hope that someday they would be able to repay their debts and be free) was mostly made up of poor white Europeans. Then as the need for slaves increased, people began to base it off of race.

As to your question about why all these industries are run by white people, it's because of racism and the "glass ceiling" concept. Because there were MASSIVE amounts of racism in the US up until the late 60s (not that racism is completely gone; just that there's less of it), many black people were poor... and if your parents are poor, it's harder for you to get a head start in life.

2007-10-27 04:41:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Wow, that has to be one of the most ignorant rants I've read in a long while. I hope you're not serious. If you are, try to get that hate out of your heart; it's not healthy. It'll eat you away. Also, you really got off track from what you originally asked. Stick to the point.

Okay, I just read a few more of the questions you've posted on Yahoo Answers, and you're such an idiot. Get a life, loser.

2007-10-28 16:52:06 · answer #5 · answered by Luis B 2 · 1 1

I wouldn't notice to be honest, a person is just a person, and untill people can let go of the whole black and white issue racism will never be gone.
People are just people, we come in all shapes, sizes, colours and religions, there are more similarities then differences.

Oh and by saying that white peopl remind you of rapists and that you can't forget the slave history, you are doing exactly the same thing as the people you are ranting about who you say treat all black people the same.

Maybe you should re asses your opinions when you have grown up a little

2007-10-27 05:45:03 · answer #6 · answered by Mummyme 3 · 4 2

I read what you wrote over and over again to understand them better and I think I understand them now. I know and understand how you feel.

But think of other view too, it's not only White people. I'm Japanese and have been told many bad things about what Japanese people did to other Asian countries.

Also I have a younger brother who is adapted and not Asian but White. People call him "White brother" but he is just a brother for me. Not my White brother but a brother for me. I love him so much and he loves me so much. I have travelled all over the world many times and discriminated againt being Asian some times(being thrown eggs, yelled at, called too dirty to get in to a swimming pool), but I don't hate White people.

I really try to see others as a person, individual. Never the group. People really should see people as individual.

2007-10-27 11:25:47 · answer #7 · answered by Chris 2 · 2 0

Well a while back I had a relationship with a black man, in fact I've had a few.

Do you know I never thought twice about what other people would think. And I don't think twice if I see a mixed race couple myself.

As far as I'm concerned black, white, asian, what does it matter we're all human?

If it's the slavery thing that still bothers you after all this time I would seek help coz you've obviously got a real problem that is affecting your ability to form relationships with other human beings.

**** happens, and no matter how bad it is (and it was bad I know) if affects you when it's no longer happening then you're stuck and need to move on.

2007-10-27 05:11:30 · answer #8 · answered by Louise H 3 · 3 4

It don't bother me a bit!!! I have never cared about black men with white women. (heck I had/have white g/f that's with black men, and I'm ALL for it)
What bothers me is seeing a trashy white female with a black man ... my thing is ... if you're going to date outside of your race, make sure your companion is and looks about something.
That's all I'm saying ... granted people says my husband and I are as different as night and day (YES INDEED THATS TRUE) I'm the Princess type where I won't go outside without being dolled up, where he's the regular country with a hint of city boy!! (but dang he cleans up well, LOL)

2007-10-29 13:10:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I see a white woman with a black man I feel bad for her.Honestly The white guys will often reject her later on or else put her down for not knowing her place. I tryed to date a mexican once and I really got put down hard in my community.They shamed me for dating out of my race.Also I think that Black man will probly beat the crap out of her and cause her to gain 50 pounds.Thats all I hear about.From OJ Simpson to just daily TV seem like any poor white girl gets with a black man is going to have a rough life.

2007-10-27 15:52:13 · answer #10 · answered by butterflyspy 5 · 1 2

I married a black man and i have 3 beautiful mixed race children.We all have suffered oppression and prejudice as a result of being interracial.My eldest is a performing poet,play writer and actor and this week we have attended 2 events to celebrate 200 years since the abolition of slavery in which he performed his work as part of Black History Month in the UK.Not only was it a celebration of emancipation from slavery but a celebration of how far black people have come since those times.As a white woman with a responsibility to promote my children's ethnic identity i feel i should tell you that if it wasn't for the strength and determination i found to give my kids the power to be whatever they want to be and follow whatever dreams they had,they would not be the people they are today because the legacy of slavery would have remained and kept them in chains.I fully understand your anger and resentment and have fought racism at every level myself for the good of my kids.I also know that you will still in this time be experiencing racism personally on one level or another and as a white woman cannot feel what you are feeling and would never claim too but i do go someway to feel it through my kids experiences.My answer you will now know is that i feel joy and unity when i see white and black relationships as long as the diversity of the union is acknowledged and respected by them both.With kids like mine how can I not.Peace.

P.S.Just read your additional words.I KNOW you are right when you say only a black person can understand how slavery impacts on how you feel.It even gets me mad when white people have the audacity to tell you how you should feel.I don't care if anyone of any colour tells me i don't have the right to take a stand against racism just because i am white.I do and i will.

Edit>don't claim to know where you are coming from about black dominant and white resessive but my opinion is that Africa is the mother land and where life began.We are all Africans as far as i see.
Gotta keep it real.

Edit>Half the history has never been told.Know your history to know your destiny.Profound words spoken from the minds of the righteous who hold belief in the conspiracy practices of the decievers.

2007-10-27 04:40:46 · answer #11 · answered by Niamh 7 · 2 5

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