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I went to replace our VCR yesterday only to find out they've quit making the ones that hook up with coaxial cable and can be used with analog TVs and can be programmed.

They're ready for digital. I'm NOT.

2007-10-27 03:29:05 · 15 answers · asked by felines 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

Havasnana -- What we have is a combo DVD-VCR. There is only ONE of either type, and I bought it -- another combo. It's made by Panasonic. We're going to have the old one repaired.

2007-10-27 03:59:37 · update #1

Gladys, you always make me smile.

2007-10-27 07:11:39 · update #2

Xena, when you're ready to move, I've a tale to tell you about your name.

2007-10-27 07:12:54 · update #3

15 answers

I would try eBay too, I bought mine there. I am always running behind the times when it comes to new technology.I have SO many tapes and DVD's

2007-10-27 04:06:48 · answer #1 · answered by slk29406 6 · 0 0

No, not bullied.

I get irritated because we are expected to buy every new gadget that comes out....that it is difficult to repair something that is only a few years old because it has become obsolete.

Manufacturing process today is nothing but "planned obsolescence". We are such a consumer oriented society that we put up with it. To say nothing about the shabby crapola they sell us in the first place.

My 32" TV is 10 years old....and I will keep it until something breaks.

My VCR/DVD player is 8 years old...and I will keep it until it breaks.

My car is 10 years old....and I will keep it until it can no longer be repaired.

This computer is 4 years old and serves me quite well, thank you; I don't need a new 17" flat screen mega-monster.

I don't have a cell phone, iPod, Game Boy or and X-box. Nor do I want any of those things.

I don't have cable TV because I refuse to pay 50.00 or more a month for bad television. I can get all the bad TV I want - free.

On the other hand, I have a library of over 300 videos and DVD's with most of the really great movies of all time. If I want to watch something, I have huge choices.....

My car is completely paid for, runs like a clock, gets 28 MPH around town and as much as 40 MPH when I'm on a road trip.

My 6 year old "stereo" can blast the windows out of my place if I wanted it to.

My phone bill, including long distance is about 45.00 a month.....and that includes Internet service.

What I save by not feeling the need to keep up with the newest thingie, I use for 2-3 cruises a year, at least one 30-35 day roadtrip and several shorter ones, 2 week to 30 day AMTRAK trips. I can go out to eat where and when I want. I have no bills other than the normal rent/utilities.

I won't go "digital" other than the camera I've had for 3 years....which is perfectly nice....

I feel sorry for folks who think they must have the latest gadget or car or house......they will never enjoy financial freedom...they will always owe somebody something and will forever be in debt.

2007-10-27 13:35:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

In 2009 they will be converting all TV signals to digital, and if you have an older TV you will have to by a converter box. It is said that it will cost about $100. If you have cable you should be ok. But I refuse to buy cable for what is it now $50 or more a month, to watch the same old movies, and you can not even pick the channels you want. They just lump them into a package and say here's what we are going to give you. And I have a VCR/CD recorder. What about that ,will that become obsolete also. Now they call them digital recorders!!! Or they want you to buy a TIVO, some more money that they want you to spend. A lot of us are having to live on fixed incomes and don't have this extra money to spend. We are just trying to survive with a roof over our heads and have food to eat.

2007-10-27 19:22:48 · answer #3 · answered by Moe 6 · 0 0

My old VCR I never use anymore, although it is hooked up to my bedroom TV - guess I should go buy some blank tapes and use it before the total changeover.

I subscribe to cable so the changeover will be much easier....already have the digital box for my living room TV and DVD player.

The two smaller TV's in my kitchen and guest room will just go kaput I guess unless I invest in two other digital boxes, which I will not...it would be cheaper to just buy two 13" newer versions down the road.

2007-10-27 11:16:38 · answer #4 · answered by sage seeker 7 · 0 0

We just bought a VCR -DVD combo and I haven't taped anything since we got it. It just sits there on top of the TV . Our grandaughter watches her DVD's with no problem. I don't feel bullied, I feel redundant.

2007-10-27 17:59:03 · answer #5 · answered by Donna 7 · 0 0

Advice: Buy new ones, it doesn't pay to have any electronics fixed today...There are adapters you will need if you are not going to replace your tv's soon...for digital is the rule as of either 2009 or 2010....that is only 2 years from now...buy the adapter to your TV instead. Good luck

2007-10-27 13:46:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I find that hard to believe. There are so many people out there in the same boat as you then. We only have dvds and dont miss the eaten tapes or half rewound ones. Maybe you will have to make the transition. good luck

2007-10-27 10:39:20 · answer #7 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 1 0

No way no how!!!
It sounds like you are a victim of all this new technology. Its ridiculous the speed at which things are now replaced by the latest and supposedly better versions of things. Its just commercial greed. I'm afraid this kind of bullying we are all subject to, we are forced to buy things we don't want or need!!!

2007-10-27 11:45:31 · answer #8 · answered by Xena 2 · 0 0

Not bullied, just lied to all the time. When I was young I always wondered why anyone would become a hermit; now I know. At least I got one question answered.....lol

I just try to have some fun each day and that makes it bearable.

2007-10-27 10:44:14 · answer #9 · answered by andyg77 7 · 0 0

And what about the high definition thing?? Does mean that the not~so~old TV's that I have are already a thing of the past???? (By the way, haven't seen you for a couple days...good to see that smiling face of yours this morn'!)

2007-10-27 10:37:28 · answer #10 · answered by night-owl gracie 6 · 1 0

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