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I am 29, married and have two children in elementary school. I have worked very hard, and done without "necessities" like a cell phone or cable, to make sure my children have health insurance. I pay money into a social security system and will never see a dime of that money, so I work an extra job to save for retirement. I have never felt entitled to anything and pride myself in doing right by my children. I'm not against helping those in need, but I don't think I should be forced to take on the financial shortcomings of the entire country's poor, lazy or illegal population.

2007-10-27 02:54:26 · 27 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics & Government Politics

Unlike most people in my situation, I don't want government freebies. I'm not worried about collecting social security; I know I'm being robbed of my money. That's why I do what's needed to make up for it, I work a little harder! I don't want more government involvement

2007-10-27 03:15:51 · update #1

27 answers

I will never vote for a democrat. They believe in everything I don't. Big government, high taxes, basically socialism. I feel for your situation. My husband and I are empty nesters but I worry for my children and grand children. I raised a daughter by myself on $5.75 an hour without any help from anyone not even child support and know what it is like. We shouldn't be expected to pay anything to those who won't work, those who are unable to due to physical or mental disabilities are one thing but lazy is another.

2007-10-27 11:54:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

We could start with the fact that due to a Republican president we now owe more than we have ever owed before, and you and your children will be responsible for paying that debt.
Don't you realize you are arguing against your own economic well being when you say you have to work two jobs and do without small luxuries, that you are paying into a system you feel you will never get anything out of, which by the way, the people who are now getting Social Security have also paid into for a lifetime, all so your kids can have health care?

This is something that shouldn't be necessary, and its not healthy for your kids not to ever see you in a state of less than exhaustion. Also, way back under a Democratic president, we instituted workfare, not welfare, something that is so totally forgotten now that the scare tactics are back.
Truthfully, they found it didn't take that many people off the rolls, turns out Reagans Welfare Queen, was an urban myth, most people are on it are white, and on welfare for around a year. Its a battle that was fought and won while you were still in school.
Do you also realize that you gave the richest people tax breaks under the Republican Bush, and you got no relief at all?
Does it make you feel better knowing you took on the burden so the countys richest, busiest, and legal population could buy another yacht?
Think twice before you say you want a Republican, they may talk at good deal, but they don't do anything for you.

2007-10-27 03:19:33 · answer #2 · answered by justa 7 · 4 3

An overwhelming majority of the US electorate favors electing a Democrat in 2008. The fact is that you just don't have any facts to back up your fantasy. Current US tax structure favors the rich. You (and me) are carrying the load while the trust-fund pukes are laughing all the way to the bank.

Another fact: Universal health care WILL COST LESS. Whatever you are paying out-of-pocket plus whatever your employer may be paying will be REDUCED with universal health care. Just the administration savings alone will be staggering.

And Social Security will be around when you retire. The age of retirement may go up a year or two, but it will be there.

Don't listen to the fear-mongers.

By the way, I am 50 and have three kids in college. Try making that nut.

2007-10-27 03:13:05 · answer #3 · answered by spay&neuter-all-republicans 3 · 4 4

Did it ever cross your mind that if health insurance had not gone up in price so much in the last half-dozen years, you wouldn't have to scrimp and do without to pay for it?
CHIPS is FOR families like you.

It seems disingenuous to complain about the weakness of Social Security, and yet disdain the help of CHIPS. Or do you live in a state that puts the income level lower than moderate income, where it is supposed to be? If so, that is your state government.

2007-10-27 03:06:12 · answer #4 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 4 2

Question: "Who in their right mind could possibly think electing a Demacrat in 2008 is a smart move for this country? " If you mean DemOcrat - the answer is: Those who are now trying to live in a country with a huge deficit that is growing, on account of a REPUBLICAN president for the past 8 years.......unlike the previous DEMOCRAT administration, which left this country with a SURPLUS...for starters.

2007-10-27 03:01:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

I understand your position perfectly.
Your sentiments are on target. However, you need not get that complicated.

Look at the Democratic party's best foot forward.

Nancy Pelosi -- Her claim to fame is nothing more than being contrary.

Harry Reid --- If being a mormon is a problem, what is he doing there?

Howard Dean -- Irrational. That they leave this guy in charge is just amazing to me.

Hillary Clinton -- A career politician with nothing to offer

Joe Biden -- An emotional wreck, through no fault of his own

Gravel -- Who?

Kucinich -- The mother ship will be along shortly

Schumer -- Irresponsible do nothing legista

Dodd -- An angry old fool. He hates America. The list of examples is too long.

Webb -- Armed and dangerous

Obama -- His campaign is staggering under its own weight.

Edwards -- Hypocrite

Richardson -- Being hispanic is just not enough

Charlie Rangle --- Leading the socialist charge with taxes on the House ways and means committee. A bold face liar for so long he forgot what the truth is. He thinks anyone who owns a clock radio is rich enough to tax.

You need look no deeper. There is nothing there.
Anyone who gives even one of them a second look is just not thinking.

2007-10-27 03:21:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

It's time we get a government that concentrates on building the wealth of the lower income levels rather than the top 1%. Whether that be a Democrat or Republican doesn't matter to me.

2007-10-27 03:02:10 · answer #7 · answered by Perplexed Bob 5 · 7 1

Most people in their right minds would realize that electing a Democrat in 2008 is the right thing to do for this country. The alternative is unacceptable. We've had enough experience during the last few years to see where that leads.

2007-10-27 03:01:02 · answer #8 · answered by quest for truth gal 6 · 6 3

When the liquor cabinet drys up and you become sober maybe you'll realize your part of Americas problems.

Oh and when a child who was denied health care because of people like you passes a comunicable disease through the school and your child gets sick from something that was preventable tough. Dont come to Y!A and whine.

2007-10-27 03:03:55 · answer #9 · answered by MyMysteryId 3 · 5 2

Vivian, if you're concerned about your children and their future, you should consider what will happen to them when the Bush debt comes due. George Bush has doubled the National Debt, which is now over 9 trillion dollars.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.42 billion per day since September 29, 2006

2007-10-27 03:00:15 · answer #10 · answered by Zardoz 7 · 7 4

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