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God thinks it's so easy 2 b HUMAN. & he thinks we shouldn't commit adultry. God never got married & handling spouse and in laws. Even Jesus didn't get married. I got up from my nap & I saw 11:11 pm on the clock & I was thinking God thinks it's so easy 2 b HUMAN & then I got up from bed & somehow the tv went off by itself. & God doesn't understand MONEY & value, if he does, y don't he look at the starving kids in Africa? God thinks we should be like JESUS. if we be like JESUS, we all will end up Crucified. Did he create the DEVIL? y can't he get rid of the DEVIL & stop him from tempting us. JESUS should understand how hard 2 live on this earth. Y we have 2 spread God's words? Should we all know it instinctively? GOD shouldn't JUDGE us cause he never been a man. y can't God just get rid our sins, y he wants us 2 follow LAWS & Ten Commandments? & then FRY us in hell if we disobey.
I was watching Bruce's Almighty movie, & if Bruce turned God. Then God should transform into a man. Well?

2007-10-26 18:04:14 · 25 answers · asked by MFD 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

You seem pretty conflicted.

I think of god as a clockmaker. The earth is the clock he made. We are all the inter-workings of the clock and we run what God has made. He has told us what he expects, but doesnt enforce it.

Faith is a state of openness or trust. To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on. In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe, becomes a person who has no faith at all. Instead they are holding tight. But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.

2007-10-26 18:09:44 · answer #1 · answered by Gideon 3 · 0 1

You got it sooooo. wrong!, is that what your mother teach you ?!....ok you got some idea but ....
God doesn't leave amount us like a man even tho he is the God-Man if he would live like a man he will never be able to be in 10000 places at the same time, he is holly of holly a transdecendent God, our creator and sustainer of the universe. God is Spirit he is invisible. He became visible in human form in the person of JESUS CHRIST. God is All Powerful. God power is unlimited (Gen17:1 18:14 ) God is All knowing he possesses all knowledge (Job38:39; Rom 11:33)because God is everywhere at one and the same time, GOD is Eternal, Is Love, Is Truth, Is Wisdom,... Devil or Satan yes he is a create bean and he also will cast in the lake of FIRE (Rev:20;2,10). Sometimes God allows him to afflict His people for purposes of correction(1Tim.1:20-2Cor 12:7(The great revelation of God , however, comes through the Bible. ADULTERY.....Willful sexual intercourse with someone other than one husband or wife. Jesus expanded the meaning of adultery to include the cultivation of lust. Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his hearts (Matt.5:28-1Cor. 6:9 Ex.20:14) In the Ten Commandments God emphatically prohibited adultery when he said "You shall not commit adultery" tha is a sin

2007-10-26 19:41:32 · answer #2 · answered by jeannette143joe 1 · 0 0

It really depends on who you think God is. If you have heard or watched Joseph Campbell's Power of Myth then it has probably convinced you that God is beyond human. He is the transcendent. In Christianity, God is depicted as the father of all things. In some eastern religions God is beyond female/male, good/evil... I guess the big problem with Christianity today is people are wondering:
Is Life really fair? How could God send people who don't know him to hell? Why do we suffer? Why are we tested? Why are we created to Sin?.....

You believe whatever you want to believe. But If God truly is beyond the dual-nature of things, he will not see good and evil and thus will not judge use.

When It comes to Jesus, he did know how hard it is to be human because he lived like one. Many religious people say we suffer because of our Sins, but suffering also cleans up a person's heart and gives him/her more perspective on matters.(you don't judge people by how they look, if you know how much it hurts to be judged by appearance). Jesus felt betrayed because he knew God sent him to be crucified and pay for our sins. He cried to God days before his crucifixtion.
The thing about Jesus is that he had a sin-free 100% pure heart and did not deserve all that suffering. He made the choice to be crucified and suffer all that pain. Jesus understands all the temptations because he has faced them all. He knows how hard it is to stay away from our sins.

So, God knows It is hard to be human and sin-free if not impossible which is why he sent Jesus Christ. So he can be a role model to us.

2007-10-26 18:24:02 · answer #3 · answered by Answer-er 2 · 0 0

Should a judge and a jury have to have killed somoeone to judge a murderer ???

You seem to be quite confused relative to the bible. And not believeing in it due to material problems. when in the bible it is said that if birds do not have to worry about the next day, man even less since they are sons of god !!

On that i agree with you ...difficult to understand.

If their is a God, african childrens dying ... he should do something ... i agree ... difficult to swallow or to digest.

All started in the eden, when they ate the apple ... since then man was cursed and he should work to get food. And the devil was at that time looking for a kingdom ... which he found in eden. And Jesus made us free if we have faith ... because he was the sacrifice that would buy our sins and save us from the wrath of God.

keep reading the bible, ask a pastor to help you understand it ... slowely the truth shall be revealed to you. And understanding shall grow. But do not forget 1 thing, God is not the God of everybody !!!

God understands us better than we understand ourselve.

2007-10-26 18:17:16 · answer #4 · answered by tomcat 4 · 0 0

God does not judge
God is not a man who will judge you.
We judge ourselves in our thoughts
We are here to understand for ourself, money
Sin is misunderstood, it is when you miss the mark, which means you miss moving on your higher self's direction, and have just reacted of the top of your head, or the ego.
The "devil" is in your mind (ego), you give yourself lessons in life because you want to live a "good" life.
Marriage is your choice

In your learning you transform yourself
The ten commandments are to live a good life, they are not to be feared.
You are to live the word, by living the word, you are spreading it.
I don't feel anybody is to preach or convert someone.
In living the truth, others glean what they are ready to and then make a choice.
You cannot be Jesus, that is a allegory to show you the way, you can do as Christ did, if you have the Christ energy within you. It is not about making anything happen, if you have the Christ energy within, it will manifest good works,
If you come in contact with one who has transmuted the dross from the being, you will be uplifted just by being in their company. Christ energy is of God,
Of God, is from all that is,
To live life reacting, of the top of your head, with no responsibility, always seeing self against the other, being competitive, wanting more, this is all ego.
Ego is not of God.
It is not difficult to understand.
It is not difficult to live.
It is a discipline, and when you live the life of "understanding" it is truly a gift.
A gift beyond your dreams.
Few call themselves to this life, and even fewer can maintain the desire to live this way.
There are many people who live this life, for all, it is a case of the more of the more of.
The energetic works its way in the world.
I see it everyday, clearing, transformation, transmutation and transfiguration.

Blessings to you, and with the living you will realise, it is either for you or not. Either way it is okay. It is your choice.

Peace in the heart

Blessings to you

2007-10-26 18:28:25 · answer #5 · answered by Astro 5 · 0 0

I agree with most of the things you have stated, I ask a lot of those questions during Protestant Class, but I don't get any 'understandable' answers. They think I'm stupid to ask such question! They said God will forgive us if we turn away from him and then rejoice. If he does!!! Then why doesn't he forgive us when we're already in hell?!?!?!?! (I think, that's because we'd be dead already, before they make up their minds) And like you said, if he's gonna fry us up in hell, then why in the world did he create us!?!?!?!?!? I mean everyone, I mean everyone, has disobeyed God!!!!

But like God and any other religion, they are only a reason to answer the mysteries about how the Universe was created.

2007-10-28 23:38:13 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

God All-mighty will Judge all humans and there is nothing any one will be able to do about it. God will be the Master on the Day of Judgment. Jesus never said he was God. He was a human and lives in Heaven.

God will send Jesus back on earth to die to certain important job here because and then he will die here like every human does. All other Prophets completed their assigned duty to God, then died on earth never to come back again.

2007-10-26 18:27:02 · answer #7 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 0 0

ok in certainty (unquestionably) people are animals and god knows that. the only way for God to maintain the worldwide working and people living is via judging us. If we as people have not got an apprehension of being decide the worldwide could be chaos, we are able to kill eachother I recommend is undesirable adequate with those wars. think of if people did not have an apprehension each and every little thing would be loopy by way of fact people would be loopy. the certainty that we are able to be decide is a good ingredient and God created this for a reason. think of approximately it a guy or woman who needs to commit suicide will think of it over very thoroughly till now attempting something for the phobia of what's next, hell or heaven?

2016-10-02 21:51:38 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

And that is exactly what he did.

God did become human.... he was born into this earth as jesus- who came from a poor country and was a refugee for many years. his parents thought he was crazy, his friends betrayed him, his cousin got executed. he struggled with things like lust and greed and lonliness. he went to the synagogue and had to put up with the preachers telling everyone what a judgemental god God is...and he had to put up with their murderous anger when he disagreed them.
he also enjoyed a great party :) i like that.

God doesn't think its easy to be human. not at all. the bible says " Jesus became human so he could be our advocate. he can SYMPATHISE with our weaknesses becuase he suffered and was tempted in all ways". he DOES understand how hard it is to live on this earth

Jesus suffered and died as the punishment for all the mistakes we make and ever will make...so we DONT have to burn in hell if we break the 10 commandments. jesus obeyed them perfectly on our behalf...God knows we can't do it. it's ok. we don't have to go around thinking god hates us and that he expects us to be perfect. he ACCEPTS us and LOVES us- whether we do really bad stuff or not.

God DOESN'T judge us and he doesn't WANT to. his anger at all the greed and murder and injustice in the world (including the fact that there are innocent starving kids in africa) was all poured out on Jesus on the cross. Jesus was judged so we don't have to be. woo hoo!

2007-10-26 18:22:58 · answer #9 · answered by clairebear 3 · 0 0

The great things and ideas on earth are wasted on humans.
If God exists, he didn't take into consideration the fact that stupid, arrogant humans with gunpowder kill the smart, tolerable ones with beautifiul artwork.
The Bible was written a long time ago. Its use is just about done. Its ideas are outdated and wrong.
They are not the words of God. If God told people to write it, or wrote it, I'm positive he would not make it obvious that different authors in vastly different times wrote it to anyone who's taken a high school course in Literature (and the 'he's testing us' bullcrap isn't going to cut it).
If God exists, he doesn't want us to believe all the stuff we say he does. A truly just God would care about our motivations and morals, not about who we had sexual relations with and whether or not we said his name in vain. And if God exists and he's NOT truly just, well maybe I don't want to worship him anyway.

2007-10-26 18:11:46 · answer #10 · answered by Jo'Dan 3 · 0 0

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