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I remember in The Movie "Hard Core" starring George C. Scott about his daughter running away and he goes searching for her, that he comes to the seedy side of town and meets a prostitute that might know some info about his girl. As they talk he explains to her that God being God is omnipotent and knows everything already and so must also already know who is save and who is not. So if this is the case it kinda shoots the YOU HAVE A CHOICE theory Christians keep telling everybody they preach to all to hell don't it?

2007-10-26 17:59:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

This is a good question. The greek philosopher augustine who later became one of the founding protestant church fathers believed that god equipped everyone with free choice of the will. God was claimed to understand the tendencies that humans may have. For example desiring temporal/ material desires, and making bad choices. Although he knew that people would make bad choices he equipped them with the ability to live the right way. ( desiring the right things in the right way ex. god and education). According to this theory, you do have a choice and god knows that you could choose this.. But thats only his theory...lord knows what some religious people say.

2007-10-26 18:05:28 · answer #1 · answered by lexa 2 · 0 1

If God is choosing who is saved, doesn’t that undermine our free will to chose and believe in Christ? The Bible says that we have the free will choice – all we have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and we will be saved (John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10). The Bible never describes God rejecting anyone who believes in Him or turning away anyone who was seeking Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). Somehow, in the mystery of God, predestination works hand in hand with a person being drawn by God (John 6:44) and believing unto salvation (Romans 1:16). God predestines who will be saved, and we must choose Christ in order to be saved. Both facts are equally true. Romans 11:33 proclaims, “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!”

2007-10-26 18:08:11 · answer #2 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 0

If God knew who was saved and who wasn't, it would make Him rather like the capricious gods of Greek mythology.
Where fundamentalists are mistaken is precisely what you pointed out: they seem to think that the element of choice is whether or not you "invite Jesus into your heart" or some such slogan.
The real choice is much more profound. God has a passion for free choice--although He could command all living things to adore Him, He doesn't do so because involuntary adoration is not love. Love cannot be demanded, it must be given freely. Therefore, we are given the absolute free will to accept or reject God's love. It is not God who judges us; it is we ourselves, and no one else ultimately makes that decision.

2007-10-26 18:20:51 · answer #3 · answered by Gryphon Noir 4 · 0 0

The theology of omnipotent cames from great St. Thomas Aquinas. I bet most of you don’t know his theology. God him self can know the results of ones choices and their different possibilities. This leaves room for Gods love that he has gave use through free choice. True love is not possessive. God himself is pure, good, and holy. You need to read the bible when it talks about the love of God in the New Testament.

2007-10-26 18:29:37 · answer #4 · answered by Original Christian 2 · 0 0

He sure does ! Chosen, predestined, foreordained, the elect, called, name written in the book of life before the foundation of the world.

Now, which one of you intelligent unbelievers know for sure that you are or are not in that group. None of us Christians knew that until it happened. We did not pop out of the womb saved. Not UNTIL a person dies unsaved can anybody say they were never in this group. Only God knows in advance and He ain't telling.

2007-10-26 18:19:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Point well made. And also an argument that people have had for years. I believe that reality is fluid and we can do things to change it. I think God is part of that fluidity and, unlike we mortals, changes as the worlds change.

2007-10-26 18:05:51 · answer #6 · answered by San Diego Art Nut 6 · 1 0

I think in a way, he does, in a way, he doesnt. Its kind of like a destiny.

And please people, if you are going to be disrespectful, take your crap somewhere else. Do I come along bashing what YOU think?? Hmm?? I didnt think so. So back off. You know, I am 13, and I dont appreciate you trying to teach me otherwise than what I think. And one day, when I have trouble with my doubts, I will blame you. How exciting for you!

Please note: That is only for people saying God is false.

2007-10-26 18:08:34 · answer #7 · answered by Coconut Crazy 1 · 1 1

He already knows. But knowing does not mean doing. He does not make a person into a christian or not. IT IS their choice. But, He already knows the outcome of the choice.
Your saying that if i know something, then i am forcing that something into happening.

2007-10-26 18:03:42 · answer #8 · answered by dbu_44240 4 · 1 1

When I see a child chasing a ball into a busy street. I know what happens without taking away the child's free will.

2007-10-26 18:10:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If God knows everything, then God must know who's saved and who isn't, otherwise God wouldn't know everything. But God knowing everything isn't compatible with free will.

2007-10-26 18:02:45 · answer #10 · answered by Subconsciousless 7 · 2 1

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