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i believe we can... do you?

btw Jesus rules.!!

2007-10-26 15:50:15 · 28 answers · asked by Justin Kalkimer 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Yes, you can. But the most important thing is to exercise you spirit. You alse can pray-read the word (Eph. 6:17).
1 Cor. 14:15 What then? I will pray with the spirit , and I will pray also with the mind; I will sing with the spirit , and I will sing also with the mind

2007-10-27 09:52:22 · answer #1 · answered by Nino 3 · 2 0

I guess that the most crucial part of praying is where we pray from. Prayer and watchfulness goes hand in hand. So does prayer and reading or reading and praying the word..prayer and thanksgiving.. they all go together. Some even pray sing:)

Some good verses
Mark 14:38
Watch and Pray tha you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

This is not with the physical eyes ... but our praying becomes our true watching. It is while we pray that we are clear and not befuddled by satan

Ephesians 6:18
By means of all prayer and petition,praying at every time in spirit and Watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints

Jude 1:20
But you, beloved, building up yourselves upon the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.

With physical eyes open or shut we can pray in spirit and in the Holy Spirit. Our mouth is just the audible way for our spirits to pray.

For some.. if you find that having your eyes open distracts you when praying then close them. But don't make anything legal about it. Closing your eyes does not necessarily mean that you are praying from your spirit and in the Holy Spirit.

Intesting Q:)



2007-10-26 16:19:58 · answer #2 · answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 · 2 0

The faithful can pray in any circumstance allowable. Often, I offer prayers to the Heavenly Father while driving the interstates--eyes wide open and mouth uttering.

Other times, I walk outside during a glorious day or moonlit night and offer prayers, my eyes to the heavens. But don't allow this liberty overshadow the prime method of praying when possible, and that is in private and calmness about you where you can turn over your soul to Him that loves.

2007-10-27 06:17:11 · answer #3 · answered by Guitarpicker 7 · 0 1

Yeah! If I can, I prefer to close my eyes...cause I feel like I'm giving God more of my attention...but sometimes when I'm driving, I REALLY need to pray...and I don't think that would work out too good if I had my eyes closed. And yeah...Jesus does rule!

2007-10-26 16:07:01 · answer #4 · answered by carmen 2 · 1 1

yes. i pray on the way to work and can't close my eyes because I am driving. Sometimes when someone is being mean to me I also say a quick prayer so my eyes are open then as well :)

2007-10-26 16:08:42 · answer #5 · answered by Indya M 5 · 0 1

Of course we can, I do it all the time. Prayer with me is an ongoing conversation with my Lord and friend. It wouldn't be wise to close your eyes to pray if you're driving or walking down the street! You can pray in silence, aloud, sitting, standing, in motion, or on your knees. You can raise your hands, fold them, or just let them hang. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to pray, and you don't have to use fancy "biblical" language. God knows every word before it's on our tongues so He knows if we're having a sincere, open conversation with him or just showing off for others.

2007-10-27 03:57:04 · answer #6 · answered by anna 7 · 2 1

Yes absolutely! :-)

Thank you for this simple, yet profound question. You helped me re-think how I am teaching my children to pray...

My dear Christian brothers Bobby and Don (above) both showed through scripture references that Jesus and Stephen (the first Christian martyr) both prayed with their eyes open looking up to heaven. Matt. 26:39 states that Jesus also prayed "on His face" in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "Pray without ceasing." And Ephesians 6:18: states, "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests..." These verses in essence mean that most of the time, we *should* be praying not only by speaking, but "in the Spirit" with our eyes open. (It would be very difficult to go about our daily lives with our eyes closed...LOL! ;-)

The Lord seeks relationship with each one of us. How do we develop a relationship (with anyone)? You have to communicate with them. Communication = listening to another person and talking (or getting our thoughts somehow) to them.

Our communication with God consists of listening to Him and talking to Him. We are listening to Him when we read the Bible--His Word. We are talking to Him when we pray (in Jesus name). These are the best ways to develop a close relationship with our dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His dear Son.

2007-10-27 04:10:21 · answer #7 · answered by oooooolala! 5 · 3 1

Of course you can. that is how the deaf pray so they can see the prayer too. If it was wrong it would be wrong for them too, and it is not wrong. God wants us to pray to Him and does not give us any restrictions as to the position or eyes open or closed

2007-10-26 16:18:20 · answer #8 · answered by Mr_Dees_65 4 · 0 1

You can pray with your eyes open, crossed, and while standing on your head, if so inclined. The important thing is that you are praying. In fact, you should pray at all times and in all things you do.

2007-10-26 16:16:54 · answer #9 · answered by Amalthea 6 · 2 1

You can pray, anywhere, anytime, any place and you can pray with your eyes open or shut....many times I have prayed while sitting in my swing outside in the sunshine,,,just talking directly to God and looking up at the sky and the tall trees.....

2007-10-26 15:57:21 · answer #10 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 5 0

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