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simple question! go ahead and answer it!

2007-10-26 15:44:11 · 22 answers · asked by meister 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Yes I would! Would you?

2007-10-26 15:51:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am what they call a half-born again Christian. But to a certain extent I trust God but don't fully understand anything about him or this thing called "life"..and yet I don't exactly believe everything either...Would i die for him..I know it's bad to say but if I was a nun or a priest that was honestly, and truthfully and through a divine connection linked and close to him i think that yes...but my family that I care for so much..would be the people i would die for first and since they're supposed to be children of God..wouldn't I be indirectly dying for him too...?

Yea i know, I am still confused and mystified by God..what can I say..isn't everyone scared of that..? and God?

2007-10-26 22:52:08 · answer #2 · answered by Mickey M 3 · 0 0

Jesus was crying like crazy actually SWEATING BLOOD not wanting to be crucified! Very few Christians want to admit the sadomasochistic aspect of God the Father's pleasure to have his only Son Jesus delivered and crucified "since the foundation of the Earth"...

Hebrews 5:7-8 (NIV) During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered

So you see Jesus was really scared to die. Good thing that Saint Paul came along later on and finished whatever pain Jesus still had to suffer in his flesh...

Colossians 1:24 (NIV) Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.

And that is why God rewarded Saint Paul with the "STIGMATTA". He was the first Christian to get it.

Galatians 6:17 (NIV) Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

2007-10-26 22:52:28 · answer #3 · answered by Opus 3 · 0 0


2007-10-26 22:51:22 · answer #4 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 0 0

If you are talk about who I think your talking aobut i just want to say you have it all backwards. He did not die for us to just die, i feel that he died so we could live. if this wasnt the case then why have him die. I look up to him as my hero, having courage, standing up for what he believes in , and most of all keeping faith. i would never plan to die on purpose , taking away a life that was given by god is a sin.

2007-10-26 22:49:08 · answer #5 · answered by willflip4ever 2 · 1 1

Right now it is easy for me to say yes, but in the heat of the moment, I would hope and pray that Jesus would give me the courage to die for him. If there was a gunman who wanted me to deny Jesus, I would not hesitate to speak for Jesus and die speaking for him. But if I were facing crucifixion, that would be a lot harder, I would pray that he gives me the strength to go through whatever he has planned for me.

2007-10-26 22:52:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jesus(PBUH*) is not a God or a son of God. ALLAH(SWT) has no partners or sons. Jesus(PBUH*) never said he was a God or a son of God. That was Paul who said that. Also Jesus(PBUH*) never told his followers to worship him and his mother as Gods beside or above ALLAH(SWT). ALLAH(SWT) is unlike his creations. Do you honestly think that a man could make another man or an animal like the ones that ALLAH(SWT) made? Jesus(PBUH*) did not die. ALLAH(SWT) took Jesus(PBUH*) up to Jinnah(heaven) and Judas died on the Cross. ALLAH(SWT) put the face of Jesus(PBUH*) onto Judas so the Jews would think Jesus(PBUH*) died. Jesus(PBUH*) performed many miracles by the will and leave of ALLAH(SWT). Jesus(PBUH*) will denounce his idolaters on the day of Resurrection. Jesus(PBUH*) is just a mortal man as well as the Messiah. Jesus(PBUH*) will come back close to the Day of Resurrection and will kill the Djjal(Anti Christ and Jewish Messiah) and then will live on Earth until he is 40. No I wouldn't die for Jesus(PBUH*).

2007-10-26 23:57:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would like to think that if it came right down to it that I would die for my Lord and Savior. I hope it never comes to that.

2007-10-26 22:55:55 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Him Who ?

On the off chance that you mean the Jesus guy and assuming you believe that he was god - then he didn't really die, did he? A god won't have to do anything that he didn't want to do, would he? In fact, dying, to a god, is kind of a joke, isn't it?

2007-10-26 22:49:49 · answer #9 · answered by Alan 7 · 0 1

YES!!!! I would die for Jesus at ANY given time that He wants me to. He died on the cross for us!!!!! Read the Bible!!!!!!!

2007-10-26 22:50:04 · answer #10 · answered by best bud 1 · 1 0

All He asks of us is to "die to the flesh" and live for Him.

2007-10-26 22:49:12 · answer #11 · answered by Rhoda 1 · 2 0

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