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I just heard there are many volunteer firefighters that went from Mexico to the USA to help fight the bad fires you're having in CA..... of course they weren't asked for any documents to enter the country, yet Americans could think that there could be some people among them that might try to use this as a way to enter the USA. Why don't you expel these "illegal" people as well??? Only cuz they're helping you now and you feel that the rest of the immigrants aren't?? So when you do need mexican work force it's ok to cross the border without papers and without being suspicious about them, but when you don't want them it's ok to expel or even kill them? You should be fair.... you want no mexicans over there? Then send our firefighters back and get the fires extinguished on your own.....

Don't mean to be rude to the Americans who aren't immigrant-haters, but I've seen so many ppl bad mouthing mexicans here that I just thought I'd make this question....

2007-10-26 14:41:25 · 29 answers · asked by Lprod 6 in Politics & Government Immigration

29 answers

Don't feel bad LProd these gringos can be fiesty, but we Mexicans in the States can handle it. At one point they were blaming illegal Mexicans for the fire. Pathetic. They are afraid of our culture like a toco stand on the corner or the fancy paint we use to fix up the house. They are mad because we send money to our families back to the mother country. We have even joined their ranks in the armed services and fought with no legal papers. I liked the fact that you were rude because believe me over here they are always rude. No matter we will continue to live here eating our tocos, watching novelas and reading our newspapers in Spanish. Oh and tell abiela I said hi. Viva Mexico and nobody else and ok US of A.

2007-10-26 16:52:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

Imagine that 20 people invited themselves into your home and then just stayed there. Imagine that it takes $500 per month to support your own family, but now you've got 20 more with you. None of the 20 contribute enough money to help at all, and yet you must feed and clothe them, put their children through school, and provide medical care for them.

Be honest...would you like that situation?

Most Americans do *not* hate Mexicans. Of all the minorities in the USA, Mexicans are one of the finest group of people you could hope to find. A huge number of Americans hate having uninvited people move into their country and then being expected to support them while needy Americans continue to go without. These same Americans hate being called 'racists' simply because they object to having some 3-million uninvited people living *illegally* in their country. It would make no difference if they were Chinese, Russians, Nigerians, etc.,.

Come to the USA *legally* and for the most part you'll be welcomed.

2007-10-26 23:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by Chug-a-Lug 7 · 7 1

Canadians are here too... to help and then go home. Central America countries called... they want to help if needed. They'll be here.

Funny .. they're not on Yahoo making wild accusations and trying to make a silly point with some of the most illogical ranting I've ever encountered on this message board.

Sure didn't know you were the spokesperson for Mexican firefighters and the Mexican government who sent them. What is your title? I didn't catch that.

2007-10-27 20:05:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Let me tell you something sweetie, one of our biggest fires that rages right now was caused by illegals setting up their campfire in the hills...illegals are STEALING DONATIONS AND SELLING THEM...that is sick! Looting burnt out homes too. Illegal mexicans are unwanted here for obvious reasons...billions of dollars of obvious reasons. I'm in CA, and defending illegals is the wrong thing to try to pull right now. I don't mean to be rude to you even though you made yourself clear that you DO mean to be rude to those against illegals but what assistance Mexico is giving is very small and while it is appreciated, it was because the fire was at the border. The illegals are assisting who? Nobody at all, aside from themselves. You are being trite and that is uncalled for and offensive at a time like this. I cannot believe I come back from evacuation and read this kind of stuff here. Unless you are in CA you need to quiet down. Oh, and you say "help from us"....what help are YOU giving?

2007-10-27 00:24:42 · answer #4 · answered by GoodJuJu2U 6 · 4 1

i honestly don't think that Americans don't like Mexicans, they don't like the fact that people are here illegally. It has nothing to do with being Mexican! The issue is whether a person is in the country legally or not. It does not matter where the person came from! I work in law enforcement and I can tell you that it is not just Mexican people who get deported because they are here illegally. This is not a race issue. It is a legal issue

2007-10-26 21:56:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

Wow! First of all, we do NOT need Mexicans, legal or illegal.
Secondly, if we illegally go into Mexico, what would happen to us?
Thirdly, while a few may be helping us fight fires, that someONE set, many other illegals are stealing from houses that habitants were forced to evacuate.
Me, I want no Mexicans here, unless they are legal. I want every one treated the same; if we do the things in Mexico that Mexicans do here, we would be shot or jailed. Why don't you want equal treatment?

2007-10-26 22:24:37 · answer #6 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 5 2

i dont like the ones that stomp on the flag, burn our flag and say california belongs to them. They are the haters if you ask me. Not all mexicans are like. So your question should also say, I can understand how some people in that group are haters too but many are not. Just like americans. There are good and bad. Bottom line is we have how many illegal aliens from mexico in the united states? They make up the largest majority of illegal immigrants here and refuse to follow the laws. Some even go so far as to burn flags and make racial slurs at americans. Its hateful for both groups.

2007-10-26 21:48:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 13 1

You're getting issues mixed up. Our issue is not with Mexicans in Mexico, but rather your own countrymen fleeing your country instead of helping make it a better place. How does it make you feel when you learn just how many of your countrymen are getting out or trying to get out because they do not want to help make Mexico a better place? How would it make you feel if Mexico were like America, and America like Mexico, and Americans went to Mexico stealing all they could from you, and you having to pay for it? If you work hard and have a family, are you going to want to see food, medical and education taken from them to take care of grown men and women who want whats not their and do nothing to work for it? Look at old issue in newspapers at what Mexicans have been doing to America, the disrespect they have. Not all no, but enough that they have caused themselves to be the poster race for our dislike of immigrants. So sorry that you feel this way, but try and look at it through our eyes.

2007-10-26 22:46:01 · answer #8 · answered by ~*Wanted*~ 3 · 6 2

becuase they were given permission to come here. They didnt just jump in their equipment and cross the border.

We don't have a problem with legal Mexican immigrants it is the illegal ones.

And since the firefighters were given permission to cross they are not illegal or immigrants as they will go home when the job is done.

It shows how sad the illegal's case is when this is the best argument they can put up in their defense

2007-10-26 21:49:52 · answer #9 · answered by Geoff C 6 · 12 2

Maybe becuase the Mexicans are the only ones we see marching our streets waving Mexican flags, demanding rights they don't deserve, screaming obesenities at the people who oppose them, suck off our system like leeches, force hospitals to close due to their inability to pay, everyday Americans are murdered by an illegal alien most of which are from south of the border, overcrowd our schools, force us to learn Spanish in our own country since many of them are too stuborn to even try to learn English, cause deadly car accidents then flee the scene like cowards,etc

I could go on forever baby. The list is unending. Yet you still wonder why Americans are becoming less tolerant towards these people. Open your eyes to the reality of the situation.

BTW: Believe it or not, I happen to be Hispanic myself, yet even I'm shocked and disgusted by the way illegals (especially Latino illegals) act. These people are creating a horrible image for us. And it's people like you that reinforce the sterotypes.

2007-10-26 22:16:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 12 2

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