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Since Humankind started from Adam & Eve, aren't we all the descendents of them? That's means in a way we are all related to each other regardless of the color of the skin or the religious beliefs we adhere ourselves to. If that is the case why do we keep killing one another? Why can't we settle a differences or problems in a civilized way? I hate seeing the war in Iraq or anywhere else. Alot of lives are lost. Will we ever get to see the day when the Muslims, Christians and Jews live in peace and harmony and respect each other not only in terms or religious beliefs but as a person and as a brother/sister of Humankind itself? We all have to believe that we can in fact make a difference....issues are merely tools for us to overcome.

2007-10-26 13:25:37 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I appreciate all of of the thoughts or opinions. It have been a great insight for me to read the thoughts of people who are thousand of miles away from where i live. Thank for sharing your thoughts with me.

2007-10-26 13:46:32 · update #1

30 answers

I like your attitude, and from your name I'm going to assume you're a Muslim. I believe that man is basically good in his heart. If not, we would have died out millenia ago. But we persist, we cooperate and work for peace. BUT there has always been those few radicals who are hungry for power, the few who would force their beliefs on others, the few who use violence to make good their point.

Once it was Rome. Then the Huns. Egypt, The Crusades, The list is endless. At this point in our history it is the Radical arm of Islam that is causing the majority of grief in the world. They would see the whole world fall under Islamic rule.

So here's a question for you. What are you personally doing to stop your radical Muslim brothers from their suicide bombings, their Jihads, their killing fellow Muslims as well as all non-believers?

Only when Muslims like you stand up and loudly condemn the radical Muslims, will this stop.

I would love to see all mankind, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, living in total peace and harmonic tolerance. God loves us all, regardless of our religious beliefs or for that matter, the lack of them.

2007-10-26 13:46:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know we are descended from common ancestors, only a lot farther back than you are talking about.

Yes it would be nice if everybody could live peacefully together. Let's see, was it 136 Pakistanis killed a few days ago, by others of their own faith? These extremists justify murder for everything. It's getting to be a weekly thing. I remember Lebanon and all the violence and bombings in Israel. Cheap shots: bombing young people at discos or in stores or buses. Every time Israel is attacked and they try to tighten security where it makes the most sense, they get blasted by the world community.

We have Jerry Springer, rap music, punk rock, and Steve-O that we feel embarrassed are a part of our culture. You have the Taliban and several other sects dedicated to death and destruction. Young Americans, trying to help rebuild one of their bridges in Iraq after the Gulf War, were tied up, beaten by a mob in the street, tied to the backs of cars and dragged around town. Then gasoline was poured on them and they were hung from the bridge and set on fire. Stories like this against us, their own kind, and even their own families are endless. You need to take this message to your own people and hopefully there are enough like you, that reason will prevail. Until there is movement in that direction, don't try to take the moral high ground here.

2007-10-26 13:51:02 · answer #2 · answered by Brant 7 · 1 0

"Will we ever get to see the day when the Muslims, Christians and Jews live in peace and harmony and respect each other not only in terms or religious beliefs but as a person and as a brother/sister of Humankind itself?"

In my opinion, no. And imagine the way it looks from the perspective of those who don't belong to any of those three groups.

2007-10-26 13:38:08 · answer #3 · answered by Demetri w 4 · 0 1

I agree with you but, unfortunately the rest of the world does not. It would be nice to live in a world that is war free. Get along and love each other as we should "in GODS eyes". Politics and racial issues makes this very difficult. Not only does the US need a strong and better leader but so do the other country's that have leaders that fill up their own pocket before feeding their own people. Or prefer a war before world peace. All we can really do is live our lives in our believes and pray that we live to see the day where our children and our children's children can live without worries...

2007-10-26 13:34:31 · answer #4 · answered by Barbara H 2 · 0 0

I believe in God and the bible; but I think the story of Adam and Eve is more of a evolutionary type of story and not to be taken as absolute fact. If it was 100% true, there would be no need for the tower of Babel plus, didn't Adam and Eve only have two boys? Where did their spouses come from, how did we continue to expand.

With that said, I still believe in what you have to say. Its too bad we can't all get along - we still have the thread of humanity in us...at least most of us do!

2007-10-26 13:32:25 · answer #5 · answered by Randy W 3 · 0 0

I wish it were as simple as that. The world would be alot better off if we practiced love instead of Greed and War.
Most everyone has compasion deep inside. It's a shame
we cannot change. Just do one good thing for someone every day even if it's only opening a door or a smile in a stressful situation. Or is it too late.

2007-10-26 13:35:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

YOu are correct. In fact, some people will go so far as to say the war was engineered to take people's minds off Global Warming. Do you know how much it will cost Americans to switch their systems over to Earth-friendly systems. The Industrial Tycoons do not want to do so. They'll rape the planet until there is nothing left, and their coffers are full.

The good people of this planet, of all faiths (you KNOW who you are) ALL WANT to live in PEACE. But they are too afraid to speak up and stop the madness. Bullets hurt. They can hurt a person to death. This is a difficult thing.

2007-10-26 13:38:21 · answer #7 · answered by Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth 7 · 0 1

You have nice thoughts.
The world is not so nice. There has always been war and I do not see an end in sight.

One time I stood with a group of people fighting corruption in a small southern town. Soon my husband and I stood alone. We finally moved away.

2007-10-26 13:40:49 · answer #8 · answered by Ruth 7 · 0 0

Ya now that i think about it, every country that has gotten big at some point in time always sends troops to other countries.
its hard to say wither they had helped other countries in a good way or not. i my self dout this idea im thinking they just marched over there and demaned money! and other things and if they dident get it they met on the battle zone.

2007-10-26 17:25:35 · answer #9 · answered by Sam 3 · 0 0

I agree with you. We are human beings and not animals. Animals fight to overcome their problems but humans were given reason. Most of these people who give you a negative answer are a bunch of religious nuts. I have nothing against anyone's religion but people don't understand how to live a life guided by religion. They instead live their lives controlled by it.

2007-10-26 13:32:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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