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My sister is 15 years old. She parties alot and comes in really late, she curses way too much, she disrespects my parents and curses them out and tells them horrible things, she beats me (her older sis but we're the same size, I just hate fighting), she pushes my mom around, she once tried to stab my brother, we recently found pot in her things. But my mom has been so blind and just lets my sister brain wash her. That when anybody says something about her she gets mad and stands up for her. She says that we "treat her bad" and its why she has turn like this. My mom is so wrong b/c I've always try to be my sister's best friend and she pushes me away. She treats me like trash and takes advantage of me all the time, in front of my mom and my mom does nothing. I told mom she's gone over the limit and I quit. I'm too behind in my college classes trying to deal with all this. Sometimes I recent my mom, I want to move out! My sister ran away and my mom doesn't know what to do.

2007-10-26 12:49:14 · 6 answers · asked by Ebony 2 in Family & Relationships Family

My dad has been more strict with than my mom. But whenever my dad tried to discipline us my mom always got in between. My mom is so blind and stubborn. Just because she had a tough childhood, she emphatizes with my sister since both are "the youngest in the family". But its a totoally different circumstance. My mom had no parents and was dirt poor. My sis has both her parents and on top of that is spoiled rotten. Its her friends and all the dirty music she listens to that have influenced her. My mom has let her gotten away with everything. Now that she is trying to stop her is extremely difficult. Its a dysfunctional family. What can I do? I wanted to get counceling but no my sister ran away. Should I call the cops?

2007-10-26 13:12:16 · update #1

I just want to comment on dooltaz:

Actually I do have a strong faith in Christ. Honeslty, it b/c of him that I have put up with so much. Because of him that when my sister has treated me and disrespected me so badly, I have been nice to her anyway and forgave her over and over again. He is my savior and the one who gives me strengh. I have for so long try to convince my family to go to church together. But its not easy to convince them, they would go but to a Catholic church where there is alot of people and you barely her the sermon. I've been trying to persuade my mom to join a small Christian church where, we are closer. But now my sister just ran away and she's extremely out of control.

2007-10-26 13:28:51 · update #2

6 answers

If your sister ran away then it sounds like the problem is solved...change the locks quick before she changes her mind...

2007-10-26 12:54:11 · answer #1 · answered by slappy 3 · 0 4

I wish it was your parents writing this question because it's not appropriate for you to be the parent here. But if they were writing the question, I'd tell them to get into counseling, and quick to help them parent approrpiately. As for your sister, I'd recommend that they get her in The National Guard Youth Challenge Program or before a judge and put on Diversion. I'd ground her and keep her restricted. I'd check her back pack every day, clean out her room and get her into counseling with a tough therapist. They've only got 3 years to get this nipped.

2007-10-26 21:05:01 · answer #2 · answered by oh_my_its_linda 4 · 0 0

You apparently have a dysfunctional family. Your mom is the enabler, and is blaming you for being a troublemaker. You didn't mention your dad, if he's around, what is saying? If he isn't then your best bet, is to find a roommate, and move out.

2007-10-26 20:01:56 · answer #3 · answered by Beau R 7 · 0 0

i think that your parents should just call the cops when she misses her curfew that they have set for her, not only that but as her big sister should explain to her about date rape, or anything that could happen to her and that when she drinks or smokes that it makes her abilty to fight back and say no alot less then if she did not do those things, I know that she may not listen to your mom and dad but as her sister she may listen to you also explain to her that she could even end up missing or dead and you love her and you do not want anything bad to happen to her

2007-10-26 19:56:55 · answer #4 · answered by Lady 2 · 0 0

You didn't mention a father in your post, so I'll assume there is not one. First and foremost, before anything, find a church that believes in the bible and practices the bible. Stay away from Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses or any church that has the word "united" in its name. A Baptist or Assembly of God would be good.

Ask for counseling from the church elders and ask them what they can do. Start praying. And if you're not born again, I would simply suggest that you consider your own sins before God. One day God will Judge you, your sister, your mom, and your dad. Everyone stands in judgment alone and must give an account for their Own sins.

If you're honest with yourself, and compare yourself to God's standards, you'll be guilty on that day like the rest of us. Have you ever lied even once, stolen anything small? Taken God's name in vain? Lusted after a boy? If yes for any of them the bible promises nothing but a lake of fire. Read the last 2 chapters of revelation. But there is hope...

God did something so that you won't have to end up there, and you can be completely forgiven. He became a man in Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect and sinless life. And He died on the cross for your sins. Then he rose from the dead to defeat death and Satan.

It's like you're standing in court room guilty of major crimes, but someone comes in to pay your fine by dieing for you. You did the crime, and deserve the time, but Jesus paid your fine. If someone did that in court for you, how should you feel towards that person, knowing they suffered and died because of the crimes You committed? What would you owe that person? Wouldn't it be your life?

So you stand here and have an opportunity. The judge is asking you... do you want to go free and not commit any more crimes? Or do you want to pay for your own crimes by eternity in hell? That's the decision we all must face. Will we love sin so much as to rebel and hate God and all authority, or will we turn from our sin, repent, ask for forgiveness, and then trust in Jesus to keep us the rest of our lives?

That's what it means to be a Christian, and if you choose to walk the less traveled path of eternal life, I'll tell you two things. 1) It's going to get hard and tough... But 2) It is worth every minute because you will know the Lord of all Creation, and you will be a Child of the Most High. God will be a GOOD father to you and lead you in righteousness as he does all of His children.

You see clearly the consequences of sin in your sister. Choose your path, and if you choose to repent, throw yourself on the mercies of Christ, and forsake all sins, then your reward will be eternal, to be in heaven with God Himself in perfect light and goodness forever and ever.

Look to Christ, who is the author and perfecter of your faith. He is gentle and will never let anything overcome you that is beyond your capacities. You can Trust Christ, who can not lie. God is not man that He can lie, and God says that ALL things work together for Good for those who Love God and are called according to His purposes. So repent, forsake your sins, and turn to Christ, and Love Him, and you will be saved and called according to His purposes. Then you can rest is His goodness knowing that You have God fighting your battles.

He will lead you and guide you, and He will listen to your prayers once you become His child. May the Lord God bless you with His mercy and Grace this day. Amen.

2007-10-26 20:14:05 · answer #5 · answered by dooltaz 4 · 0 0

Call the cops on her and have her thrown in Juvi.

2007-10-26 19:53:02 · answer #6 · answered by RedRabbit 7 · 1 1

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