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2007-10-26 12:16:44 · 27 answers · asked by ☃FrostyGal♪♬♪ 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

I can tell you honestly, everything I ever prayed for, I never got.

Thanks a lot, god!

2007-10-26 12:19:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

The power of prayers is never to be doubted. It is real.

I have lost count of all the blessings I have received through prayers. It remains the most effective way of communicating with the Lord.

There use to be time I just took prayers for granted and thought it to be a waste of time. I believed in my own efforts and intellectual capacity. Until one day I lost everything in my ones beautiful and comfortable life.

My brains could not produce food. My intellectual capacity and 100% efforts only made my life miserable. I was beautiful but it still could not pay the bill unless I go down on my morals which were not my values.

Then like a wind it just blew some sense into my soul and I started to pray.
One by one, things happened, my life became better and as I continued to pray, more things came my way. In the middle of my misery, I started to smile and my once heavy heart, turned light and inspired.

Today I pray not to ask for anything much any more but in thanksgiving for all the blessings in my life. I learned to pray not alone to ask but more but to realize that everything comes from HIM, my efforts all that I am, thank God.

The Power of Prayers should never be under estimated. Have Faith and God will do the rest.

God Bless you dear


2007-10-26 19:43:10 · answer #2 · answered by Helen 2 · 4 0

Yes, many times...prayer is powerful...there are certain ways to pray...and you have to remember to give God glory and praise for what He does and for what He has done...pray with belief that you are going to receive what you are asking for, like you can see it/picture it...you have to believe you will get it...also, you can block your blessings by not treating people right, etc...and sometimes you will get what you pray for, but maybe not the way you want it...be specific when you pray...God says yes, no (I have something better for you ) and wait...Peace, love, and blessings!

2007-10-26 20:19:45 · answer #3 · answered by BLBHF 2 · 2 0

Yes. God is so great to the people who worship him.

As to Aghh, did you ever consider that God had that happen. If you don't sincerely mean something when you pray it and do everything you can to the best of your abilities, God won't answer. You can't just say "God, Please give me a Audi" and have it in your driveway the next day. He's not Santa Clause. If he wants you to have the Audi, he will grant you the skills to get a promotion at work or some skill to help you work toward the car.

2007-10-26 19:25:17 · answer #4 · answered by Smartie_Pants 5 · 1 1

I prayed that the Lord would teach me patience. That was when I learned about being careful about what you pray for! Hard lesson and I'm still not perfect, but I'm a great deal more patient. I asked the Lord to help me because I couldn't stand my life anymore. I was a wreck, depressed and at my wits end. I had a breakdown, and it was discovered that I was bi-polar and ADD. Many things in my life have smoothed out, though it's not perfect, and I'm being treated for my mental and medical conditions. I was very short of money and wasn't sure I could pay all my bills. Someone gave me $75 out of the blue. Then I wrote all my bills and had a little money left over. I went over my check book and there were no errors, but there was no way I should have been able to pay all the bills and buy groceries with what I was earning. There was a death in the family and the wife was distraut. I was at her house that night and something told me to go to her. I crawled in her bed where her husband was sleeping that morning. Then something told me to hold her hand, and I told her. She handed her hand to me and I felt like all the energy was being drained from me. She said if that's so, then let go. I told her I would know when the time was right. After I let go, she told me she had been feeling bad, had a headache, etc. She said she felt like something was flowing into her and now her headache was gone and she felt much better. She went to sleep shortly after. Then there was the time I was very sick and I was on the mend. I was due to go to the doctor in a few days for a final check up and release. I was in bed and felt like I was trying to sit up. I realized that my spirit was trying to leave my body. I saw a long tunnel and a light at the other end. I started to cross the void, but was afraid especially when I heard the terrible noise. I prayed to God for help and then remembered that someone told me to pray to Jesus, so I did. I saw a spiritual form approach. The next thing I knew, I was laying on my stomach and looked over my shoulder. I saw Christ with a cloak and he was draping it over my shoulders like a blanket. I slept quietly through the night, went to the doctor and ended up in the emergency room waiting for a bed and emergency surgery. NO ONE can tell me that there is no God or no Jesus! I could go one, but enough said for now.

2007-10-26 19:37:49 · answer #5 · answered by Sunny 5 · 2 1

Just today.....

My husband and I have been through many things in the past few years including the death of my mother, my husband losing his leg to diabetes, and many financial issues during and after. Now, our 20 year old van was dying a slow death. Many prayers were being said about it.

Earlier this week the guy from the shop who works on it called. An elderly lady who would no longer be able to drive was selling her car. We don't have the money. More prayers.

Today, our pastor was over visiting with my husband. He said he was going to check this weekend to see if the church could help at all. He got back to the church to have a message from another member who is giving us the money anonymously.

When my hubby called to tell me, he was in tears. It is such a blessing. I cannot even explain.

God bless.

2007-10-26 19:22:35 · answer #6 · answered by lovinghelpertojoe 3 · 3 1

Yes I have, I once shouted out to God requesting He help me find the keys to an apartment I was vacationing at. I had lost the keys on a beach, about 20 miles from the apartment. I realized they were missing later that night. Immediatly after shouting I saw a glitter in the sand, like a sparkling star, I moved towards it, after spending about three hours searching, and to my surprise and delightment, it was the very tip of the key, barely sticking out of the sad. A small miracle, but one i enjoy sharing.

2007-10-26 19:22:04 · answer #7 · answered by guillermo@cortesnunes.com 1 · 4 0

Yes I have had many, many prayers answered - not always the answer I thought or in the time I thought it should have occurred, but all were blessings -

I don't think I can sit around and pray for riches, fame, never to experience hardships, etc. and it will just happen - I hear people say I prayed for money and waited and waited and didn't get any money - God expects a few things of us as well - it's not a 1-800-ORDER UP WHAT EVER YOU WANT type of situation

A river overflowed it's banks and flooded a nearby community. One man, trapped on the roof of his home, prayed to the Lord, "God, please save me from this situation." God answered him and said "I will save you, my son." Soon after, a man in a boat came by and called to the man, "Come and leave with me in my boat."
"No thanks," replied the man from his roof, "God is going to save me."
Later, a family in a boat came by. "Come and leave with us," they called to the man.
"No, God is going to save me," he replied.
Later that evening, a helicopter came over and spotted the man. They went down to rescue him. He refused to get into the basket and be rescued. "God is going to save me," he shouted back to them.

The man drowned that night. Upon arriving in heaven, the man asked God..."Why didn't you save me."
God replied..."My son, I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter..."

2007-10-26 19:37:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Absolutely! It happens all the time. I firmly believe that god hears us and answers our prayers. Our income is very tight and you wouldn't believe how many times I have prayed that I would be able to stay out of debt despite bad things happening. Well, guess what, after all these years of having very low income, my only debt is my house. I'd say that is an answer to prayer! The bible says that miracles follow those that believe.

2007-10-26 19:21:14 · answer #9 · answered by fnipohc 2 · 4 1

yep prayer is a powerful thing specially for those who have faith in God those who are feeling helpless and acknowledging that only God can make a way, and sometimes we must be aware because God will really answers our prayer but not in our expectation but in His awesome power and authority we're not capable to grasp by now and we should check our motive in asking God's help cause God is really dealing with our hearth and also we should be thankful everyday because everyday is just like a miracle, by nature you will see the awesome power of God and no one can fathom the vastness of space and time and that's one of the miracles only a powerful creator can make even the great scientist cannot comprehend. I've prayed before for the right girl and i practice purity in every sense and finally God make a way by bring the lady of my dream in the right time and in a right place, I'm not a good looking guy but He gives me a good looking lady and by the way i don't even court her or make an effort the girl did it all for me. pls visit http://photoshoparchived.blogspot.com thank you

2007-10-26 19:45:18 · answer #10 · answered by jo r 1 · 1 1

The reason I gave up on Christianity is because I prayed a bazillion times for health and good fortune and a better life ... but never got squat. So I decided you just had to rely on yourself and that wasn't such a bad, scary thing. I've been agnostic spiritual ever since.

2007-10-26 19:22:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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