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Exactly what is "better" about this behavior? For anyone?


2007-10-26 11:53:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Hotwheel: Do two wrongs make a right? No. The descendants of native Americans includes most Americans to some percentage so, if anyone, they (we) are being pushed out again. Those coming are NOT a product of ANY of the tribes who suffered greatly in the north. More likely, they're the same sort against whom most of the tribes were forced to defend themselves for centuries. That point is dead and moot. These people are simply hateful and lawless and do NOT represent any part of Latin America. See: www.dontspeakforme.org

And, yes, this country DOES have plenty of its own criminals. We don't need the benevolent gift of more coming from other countries.


2007-10-26 12:20:44 · update #1

Roheezy, that gold was a "non-value-added" resource. It's value was simply inherent in the substance itself. The wealth these aliens come for is CREATED wealth. Were the Native Americans here, undisturbed and living as they did before Columbus, there'd be no more wealth here than is currently found in say, Guatemala or El Salvador. Look at Costa Rica, though, and Brazil. Same stock of people, different life-choices. Their economies are growing rapidly due to "Value-Added" output. That's the ONLY hope for ANY of these poorer nations to become richer. Better "Life-Choices".

2007-10-26 12:27:37 · update #2

11 answers

Ah, ok. Enough of this. As much as I tried to fight it.

I have now changed my attitude

Welcome Mexicans Come on in

I don't know what the big fuss is over immigration. You should be happy that people want to come here to the US. The more people the better. After all look at what it has done to the quality of life so far!

You get fresh produce, doesn't matter that it is tainted with **** from the fields, it is fresh and cheap.

Otherwise it would be more expensive and free from feces.

How about our city streets. The are jammed with cars, so much that you can't find a parking space. The Richmond and Sunset districts are all now part of Chinatown! We should be happy that the Asians have the ability to have 4 or 5 families with 4 or 6 cars parked outside, using the housing, after all, if there was only one family to a house, they would take over all of the city!

Look at what the gangs do, they exhibit free spray can art all over the cities. So what if it takes city workers all the time to clean up, hey it's Art!

Now look at would happen if they didn't cram your ER rooms at your hospitals. Hell, I can remember that when you went to an ER you could go right in and be seen within minutes, Now they have made it nice so that you can sit in the waiting room for hours reflecting and meditating while they get free health care and medical treatment which you so graciously pay with your tax subsidies.

While we are on the subject of tax subsidies, I think you should not burden anyone by making them fill out the forms for welfare, we should just send a check out to anyone who wants one, working or not, for about 1000 dollars a month per child.

This would give an incentive to anyone to squeeze out 6 or 10 kids, so that they would be valuable workers here, doing jobs Americans don't want to do. They shouldn't have to go to work for it either. Thats not the American way!

They should also have a way to support Gangs, Gangs are important social organizations that keep the population under control, are a cheap distribution network for drugs, and are the number one supporters of the tattoo ink industry.

Without gangs, the tattoo parlor and ink businesses would suffer greatly!

Also , gangs are important for the underground gun industry. What the general public doesn't realize is that gang members are lucky that they don't have to wait for waiting periods or background checks to get their weapons, hell, just think of how good that is for the gun manufacturer's!
Another industry saved by the gangs!

well, I wish I could come up with more reasons to just let everyone in, maybe some of you readers can help. I hope that the immigrants that have lost their papers, while crossing the boarders increase as much as they want.

2007-10-26 11:57:10 · answer #1 · answered by flaming_liberal415 4 · 7 2

I can only assume that Paul S. Bullfighter is being sarcastic. People used to get married at the age of 11 or 12, or be contracted in marriage even younger (in some cases involving what would probably would now be defined as pedophilia, as older men married much younger women). Marriage for love is a very recent innovation on the concept. I could go on.

2016-04-10 08:20:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They say the going rate is $3,000 to be bought across the border. Then news shows talk about ones being picked up by ICE in hotel rooms because they didn't pay the other $1,500. Figure the relatives pay, but wonder about that. Friends wife was having a baby and she was form Brazil and he could not get her mother up to help, even contacted the senator, but told me a family of four from Brazil paid $3,000 or more and fly into Mexico City and then met the people where taken to the border and met by BGs and then taken new detention center and then told they had to come by for hearing in 30 dyas. They went to St. Louis and that's that.

Maybe the mules that bring in the poisin drugs make a cut. the whole thing is insane. I suppose they (congress) are going to compromise and make these citizens and then build the fence so another 9 million can come in . If Duncan in Cal can cut crime and illegals by 90%, wy not build the fence. Billion dollar Drug Czar is a waste of time. Imagine that we build the fence and heal the country. We also need to stop90% of visa and stop that 3.5 million that come in overstay and then hide.

Spanish and Mexicans could not settle because of the Indians. Mexicans screwed up and betrayed Geronimo and he took them out before that athey traded, interesting story. As my full blooded uncle tells me "We fought a 400 years running war with the most powerful nation in the world and lost. I wonder how it is in San Antonio. Why are they not taking care of the country and our national security, it's like come on in. 1 in 7 caught is from a terrorist sponsoring nation. take care. cuse spelling

****Add on **** Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, bese me, Blah
What about dignity, empowerment and divesity?ONly 300,000 in Fed pens and estimate 300,000 in local and stae jails*

2007-10-26 20:19:39 · answer #3 · answered by R J 7 · 3 0

While this video is certainly true, I question the statistic of 48, 000 americans killed by illegals since 9/11? Does that include 9/11? That would be about 10,000 a year... Sorry I don't think its anywhere near that high. Besides I am much more concerned about being killed by one of my own country men than an illegal. Sorry, but America is one of the sickest most depraved countries out there. Also lets not forget that 10% of the criminals commit 90% of the crimes, so if we figure that in, in reality still very few illegals compared to us are commiting crimes. These crimes are shocking, but so are too the ones commited by Americans against Americans.

2007-10-26 12:10:17 · answer #4 · answered by Avodah 6 · 1 3

Immigrants come to America to make money. That's why Columbus kept coming back, he wanted gold. When someone steps in the way of that people tend to get very violent, especially when guns are so easy to get...Most immigrants I know would love to be in their home country but feel trapped here because there is no opportunities to make the same money back home. I'm sure all the Irish, and Italians felt the same way.

2007-10-26 12:16:26 · answer #5 · answered by Roheezy Fosheezy 2 · 0 3

better for the criminals is all there is to it. the end..
just for those that sit and say stuff about the US criminals,, when they get caught they go to prison..no they do not get deported so that they have a chance in sneaking back here to commit more crimes..how many illegals get deported and turn around and re-enter our country every yr.? someone find that answer...

2007-10-27 03:49:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

That behavior, though horrible and sad, is not the behavior of just the illegals, it is the behavior of our own Americans as well.

You didn't post those figures, 100,000 murdered since 2001.
I'm sure if we figured out each case and dug deeper we would find the whys etc.

But again, its not just illegals. And this country was built on immigration, just do it legally. As far as them taking jobs? Well I don't see any lazy American welfare people doing the jobs. Why aren't they forced to do work? They get away with all the same things we accuse illegals with and they cost us money as well. Hey, I got an idea, why not switch our lazy people with the illegal people. At least they work.

2007-10-26 12:14:05 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 0 4

I'm sorry i couldn't finish looking at it all the way through.
I'm so sick of the illegals that if the government refuses to get rid of them we will get rid of the politicians at the polls!!!! time for them to step up to the plate and DO THEIR JOBS!!!!!!

2007-10-26 12:34:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well one who murders someone doesn't matter if they are legal or illegal shouldn't be going around killing people.

I (a US legal resident) actually was assaulted by a US citizen outside of my local grocery store. He tried to steal my purse and then proceeded to kick me several times. He also tried to leave...but thankfully people who were also at the store stopped him. If you want to know my assailant was a while male, and I am a legal immigrant from Mexico. I came to this country via a company transfer, so I put money into this system. While this jerk abuses the rights this country has granted him since birth.

A friend (from India) of mine who is on a worker's visa was assaulted by a US citizen outside of the mall here. My neighbor's son had a gun put to his head by a US citizen because they wanted to steal his new car.

Crime is not only committed by illegals there are plenty of US citizens who commit crimes.

2007-10-26 12:04:30 · answer #9 · answered by rainy32 4 · 1 6

'Better' would mean a bigger and richer pool of potential victims.

2007-10-29 05:04:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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