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I believe that pornography should be outlawed. It is demoralizing people. I strongly believe that our government should take action to put an end to pornography over the internet. Not only that, but they should enforce these laws by criminilizing the possession of pornography, like making it just as bad as possessing weed.

What is your opinion on this issue?

2007-10-26 11:14:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Barry C,

One of your arguements is: Porn is good for the economy and research. I believe what you say: that the porn industry encourages technological growth, but I also disagree. Let me use an example...

WWI and WWII caused economic growth, especially in WWII. And in both wars, technology, especially military and to an extent industrial, grew. Therefore, according to your logic, war is good because it encourages technological, economic and industrial growth.

Assuming you have at least one ounce of deceny in your character, you'd probably say, "Well, despite the technological, economic and industrial benefits war can bring, war is immoral, therefore, it is not justified, despite the benefits it can bring to research, economy and industry."

Porn, by the same token, is immoral, so despite the benefits it brings to our research and econmy, should still be outlawed based on its being immoral and unethical.

Do you understand now?

2007-10-27 05:44:00 · update #1


You may not look at porn - and that's good - but did you know that 40% of all married men look at porn? (1)

While you as an individual may not be affected by porn, there's nearly a 50/50 chance that your husband or future-husband will. Even though you say, "Well, I don't look at porn; nothing to worry about" - I can tell you that, indeed, you should be worried, because there's a good chance that your future husband will be affected by porn, and that would consequently affect you.

(1) http://xxxchurch.com/gethelp/index.php

2007-10-27 05:51:11 · update #2


That you would dare call pornography "art" is a testimony of your ignorance and stupidity. Your paranoid thoughts of the government seizing all sorts of things and rights because of banning porn, serves only to add more stupidity on top of your already-sheer ignorance. That you would dare compare banning porn to the government of Iran, is only a further testimony of your ignorance, stupidity and paranoia.

Get real. I've wasted my time responding to you.

2007-10-27 05:55:55 · update #3

BC's buddy,

What a stupid response.

How could you possibily compare the banning of gum-chewing to the banning of pornography? What was going through that pee-sized brain of yours when you were saying that? What possessed you to think that you were capable of making a rational arguement?

I'm through talking with you, because you obviously lack the faculties to even debate like a rational adult. Good bye.

2007-10-27 05:59:16 · update #4

To all of you morons who say, "It's part of free expression!" I've got something to show you idiots:

"...or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."

The first amendment does not say freedom of expression; it says "freedom of speech," which is also used in conjunction with "the press." It is very clear that from the context, the first amendment is refering to words, or "speech." No where does it mention anything close to the freedom to view pornography or anything that can be interpreted as the freedom to view pornography.

Stop trying to hide behind to constitution, because it clearly does not give you the "right" to look at porn.


2007-10-27 06:04:25 · update #5

19 answers

it is not laws we need, it is changes in the heart of man not to do evil

laws will not stop men from committing crimes or doing evil, it just forces them to go underground.

I read a history of crime some years ago, and if I can find the book I will edit or email the title to you (if closed). I'm moving and stuff is packed.

in the history, sex crimes were known, but there was an explosion of crime about the time of the publication of Fanny May (or Mae). Since then, it has just kept growing.

in the final chapter (now out of date) they were saying that preditors were being created at the rate of 4 per minute world wide...that is scarey.

I don't know if porn is the only driving force here. but it is spiritual in nature

2007-10-27 03:44:36 · answer #1 · answered by magnetic_azimuth 6 · 1 0

What a stupid question. Why do you feel the need to tell other people how to live THEIR lives. You dont like porn, OK, then dont look at it. Criminalizing porn would be just as stupid as criminalizing weed is...RETARDED. Go ahead and make booze, tobacco, swearing, spitting, chewing gum, wearing certain things, and every personal choice illegal. The government should set very strict guides on how to act to act in public and private, and if people don't follow these guidelines....throw them in jail, even if there is no victim in the "crime". A police state sounds like fun doesn't it?

I don't think you've thought this one through. People (especially males) like sex, and there's a biological role involved in this. If someone gets their porn taken away, their body doesn't stop producing semen. In some countries (religious crazy ones) porn is illegal, and rapes are much more common. Coincidence? Furthermore, where there is a demand, a supply will develop. This will push the sale of porn into the hands of organized criminals, which will use this money to conduct other illegal activities. The low supply, and the criminal risk would force the cost to skyrocket, providing criminal elements funding for other activities (sound familiar?). And of course more police, judges, correctional officers will need to be hired, more prisons built, and more people will have their lives ruined by going to jail for victimless crimes.

I think if a "war on porn" were to develop, it would be slightly less successful than the "war on drugs", and would most likely cost a little less. Same end result though.

2007-10-26 11:54:21 · answer #2 · answered by BC's bud 2 · 1 1

You know, I never feel demoralized by pornography. Why? Because I avoid looking at it or coming in contact with it. That's actually pretty easy to do.

I don't go near magazine racks that sell it. I don't seek out websites that promote it or contain it. I use email protection, pop up blockers and parental controls to protect me and the children I am responsible for.

I think that pornography trivializes human sexuality and that's a shame. And I agree that child pornography is child abuse and child pornographers should be put in jail.

But not everyone can agree on what is porn and what is not. What some see as porn, others call art. I would prefer that we be very careful about what we outlaw and choose freedom of expression over oppression whenever possible.

2007-10-26 11:26:02 · answer #3 · answered by raichasays 7 · 2 1

This has been litigated in court ad infinitum.

Have you reviewed any cases and the reasoning behind it?

Hint 1: 1st amendment.
Hint 2: One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Now I will tell you something as a Silicon Valley insider you may not have known:

The porn industry, being so competitive and flushed with cash, drives innovation buy buying cutting edge hardware, software, and services.

They might not show up on customer lists, but I can tell you that at the 2 dotcom companies I worked at, both of which were top IPOs and did not fail, porn as early adopters made it happen.

So think about that when you have broadband, cell phones, ipods, cheap web hosts, digital cameras, dvd players, flat screen tvs and monitors, video cameras, laptops, cheap pcs, and everything else you carry around and like, and a lot of stuff behind the scenes: none of it would exist as fast as it did or as cheaply as it does, were it not for a bustling porn industry.

2007-10-26 11:25:35 · answer #4 · answered by Barry C 7 · 2 1

the porn industry is HUGE, always has been, always will be, legal or not...

What will happen if porn is made illegal is, it will go underground... There will be no regulation with in the industry and exploitation will take place on a huge scale. Diseases will spread like you don't know what.... The goverment will lose a HUGE chunk of tax as people start buying their porn from direputible crime lords... Remember prohibition?

I don't really see what's wrong with porn? I mean i'm not a big fan... but i don't seem the harm...

I suppose there's a very compelling argument from the perspective of prostitution. I don't agree with that and is porn any different?

kinda, with the internet and video upload sites, cupples are videoing them selves and posting it for others to watch... it's porn but not prostitution...

I think i'd sooner shift my opinions on the legalization of prostitution before shifting my views on porn. It is a kinda grey and dark area of our society, but it's one every society has... what harm do you really think it does? Porn?

And what do you mean it demoralizes people? lol do you mean degraded?

2007-10-26 11:32:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

How would you define pornography, would your definition be the same as mine.

Is Michael Angelo's David Pornography? to some yes!

What about the Reuben paintings.

Pornography is so subjective, so who would be put in charge of deciding what is pornography and what is not.

No, I don't think making porn is illegal is the answer. But better controls I definitely think are in order.

Congress defeated a bill recently that would have set up a .XXX domain on the internet, but it was blocked. I think something like this would help.

We need more stringent rules, but outlawing it completely is not the way to go. It could be abused way to much.

2007-10-26 11:27:30 · answer #6 · answered by QBeing 5 · 1 1

That's funny because I think "weed" and prostitution should be legalized!

Not that I want my kids to become potheads or prostitutes, but I generally believe that outlawing products and services that cater to strong biological needs - is a recipe for disaster. You just end up with a HUGE law-enforcement burden and large percentages of your population in prison for what I consider petty crimes.

And history shows that when this country outlawed alcohol it was an unmitigated DISASTER!

Also, the people who want to tell others what they can do are self-righteous, uptight, insecure, religious, anal-retentive control freaks. And I don't think those types of people should be calling the shots.

2007-10-26 11:25:42 · answer #7 · answered by Whoops, is this your spleeen? 6 · 2 1

NO its part of their freedom of speech and expression. They have a right to do that. No one holds you down and makes you watch or look at it its all choice. People just need better morals and control of their sex drives. Its not the governments buisness to tell you its bad for you or not thats my choice. They also need to stay out of alcohol drugs and cigarettes. We are big people we know what hurts and what doesent but its our bodies not theirs.

2007-10-26 13:07:29 · answer #8 · answered by SS4 Elby 5 · 1 1

Well, why stop there? Pornography is considered an art form, or entertainment, just like TV, movies, books, etc. So why don't we make violence on TV and movies illegal? Lets do it to books as well...no sex or violence. And lets remove any paintings or sculptures that depict violence or sexual things.

Actually, they already have a country like this. It is called Iran. So you should move there and see how great it is. They don't have ANY homosexuals in IRAN!

2007-10-26 11:26:46 · answer #9 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 4 1

Honestly I don't care if people look at it or don't look at it. If it disappeared from the internet tomorrow I wouldn't care. I have all the porn I need just watching my wife.

2007-10-26 11:19:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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