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1. dont even think of mentioning the word faith, saying "its called faith man!" is not proof, it isnt intelligent, and it isnt going to get you anywhere with me.

2. do not ask me to prove that god doesnt exists. the burden is on you to prove that he does since you are the one claiming that god exists. besides, if there is absolutley no evidence either way (and there is a ton for my side) then i think the burden falls on the ones with less proof to explain themselves

3. Do not think about bringing up miracles, science has proven that thousands of so called miracles are totally explainable and not the result of god.

4. Dont talk to me about how i am a lost soul or a bad person. I am happier than i ever was when i tried to be religious. there is one thing i hold above all else, The TRUTH. and the truth is a funny thing. we all know what the truth is deep down in our hearts, we just have to be strong enough to accept it.

please respond only with logical proof's or disproof's

2007-10-26 09:53:21 · 16 answers · asked by corypitzl 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

How can one understand your Question and Answer it ?

When you yourself can prove your Question is right ?

You say that you dont believe in GOD ?

So if u dont believe than you should have a reason.

And if you yourself dont have a reason ,

then your Question is Stupid.

However if you can update with some logical proof & Disproof that GOD does not exist maybe we can help you.

And remember If you are right, Then you will be the one who will be showing the path to Glory.

2007-10-26 10:16:50 · answer #1 · answered by sharksdiver 2 · 0 0

That is easy. - - -

Today, many people call themselves atheists and it is frequently argued that atheism is the only rational viewpoint. However, it is also often said that there is no such thing as a real atheist. This is supported by the Bible which declares: “a fool says in his heart that there is no God.”

So which view is correct?
If we give just a little thought to this matter, we can see that there is no argument at all as to whether the qualities and properties usually attributable to God actually exist. This is certain and beyond dispute. So really the only disagreement is over the source or origin of these attributes.
Furthermore, we can see that there are only 2 possible alternative sources of these attributes. It is self evident that something material can never come out of (absolute) nothing of its own accord (First Law of Thermodynamics). We know that something material exists (i.e. the universe), therefore something must have always existed, something must be eternal and have had no beginning. This eternal something, can only be:
1. A force or power independent of the material, and thus the Creator of the material, OR 2. The material itself.

So an eternal nature must be possessed by, EITHER:
1. A Supernatural Power.
2. Matter/energy.
Consequently, all the other qualities, powers and potentialities which exist in the universe must have originally derived from ONE OR OTHER of these two proposed 'eternal' sources.

Some of the qualities existing in the material world.
Laws of Nature, Information & means of information storage (DNA etc.), Life, Design, Order, Motion, Love, Choice, Good, Beauty, Emotion, Intelligence, Kindness, Personality, Morality, Awareness, Justice, Wisdom, Hope, Joy, skill, etc. There is no disagreement that these qualities are present in the universe. The only dispute is over the source or origin of these qualities.
Is the stuff of the universe (matter/energy) eternal? Does this 'eternal matter' intrinsically possess all the above qualities, or the inherent potential to produce them of its own volition?
Is there a power greater than, pre-existing and independent of, the material? A Supernatural Creator of the material, possessor and originator of all the above attributes evident in the material creation?

No atheist would attempt to claim that mankind is the originator of all these qualities. We are not eternal, we did not create ourselves or the universe, something greater than us essentially exists'. Is that something a Supernatural Creator God? Or a purely material power which must intrinsically possess all the qualities, powers & potentialities usually attributed to a Supernatural Creator God?- - A material god? - - A pagan god!

SO THE CHOICE IS CLEAR,- - WE MUST FACE THE FACTS!- - ATHEISM (or even agnosticism) IS NOT AN OPTION. YOU MUST PAY HOMAGE TO A POWER WHICH IS GREATER THAN YOURSELF, either; The Creator God of the Bible, or; the material pagan god or gods' (represented by: Mother Earth, Nature, the Sun, Moon, or idols of stone, wood etc.) which you must necessarily imbue with the SAME ATTRIBUTES.


FOOTNOTE: According to Law of Cause & Effect:- Every effect must have a cause‘ AND, 'An effect cannot be greater than the totality of its producing cause/s‘. Therefore matter/energy cannot be eternal. Matter/energy must have originated from a first cause (a cause greater than the totality of the universe), which was itself uncaused. i.e. Not subject to the Law of Cause & Effect. Thus outside the laws of nature i.e. - - - - a Supernatural Cause!


2007-10-26 09:58:14 · answer #2 · answered by A.M.D.G 6 · 1 1

I can tell you how I know God exists: How was the universe created? The big bang?

(Here is the proof that God exists) Where did the matter that formed the universe moments prior to the bang come from? Did it spontaneously appear? Atheists have no answer.

Where did the energy that sparked the big bang come from? Did it spontaneously generate? Atheists have no answer.

In absence of explanations by "learned scientists and Richard Dawkins, the only logical conclusion can be that God created the mass and caused the spark.

This is how I know God exists. He flung the universe into being.

When you take all you know, and make it a circle. Then you draw a circle of all there is to know around the dot that is the extent of your knowledge. God exists there.

2007-10-26 12:59:05 · answer #3 · answered by Christmas Light Guy 7 · 1 0

No body can prove anything. I know I'm breaking rule one in my next sentence by saying faith but it's not what you were talking about in the rule. Everyone goes by their own faith. Everyone should believe what they want. If you believe that there's no God then that's what you believe. Nobody can prove anything. If somebody keeps on asking why to a statement then the eventual answer is "Just because". What if we weren't even here? What if life was an illusion? Some people believe so. I don't but they do. We go by our instincts and beliefs.

2007-10-26 10:02:35 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 1 1

We don't believe in something just to believe. We believe in something when it is necessary to go somewhere or reach a goal. You don't believe in God because you don't want to find God. I believe in God because I do want to find Him. You were either created or not. I have no idea how to calculate the odds or even whether odds have any meaning.

I don't have any obligation to convince you that God exists. You and God have to work that one out. I am out of it. But let me relate a little story.

The great atheist Bertrand Russell was once asked what he would say if after he died he found himself in front of God. I thought he would blow it off and say something to the effect that it couldn't happen. But he didn't. He was ready with a defense. He would accuse God of not offering enough evidence of His existence.

Bertrand was worried enough to work up that little defense. Was it an honest defense? Couldn't God just say, well Bertrand, other people sought me and found me and they didn't think they should make up the rules as you did.

Do you think yourself smarter than Russell? Do you have an honest defense stuck up your sleeve?

2007-10-28 15:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by Matthew T 7 · 0 0

scientists have tried to disprove the bible on many occasions over the past centuries and have only managed to prove it's authenicity. People believe in the wind even though they can not see it etc etc. Being religious is not the same as believing in god you can be religious about housework etc which has nothing to do with god.

2007-10-26 10:08:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's not possible to prove that god exists. If we could, there would be no debate over it.

I don't think religious people are stupid necessarily they just don't realize the damage they do by identifying themselves as "muslim" or "christian" when they're really not.

"i have trouble with my faith..." Well that's because you're not a complete fool and not a christian or muslim just say it out loud. Don't let fear dictate your life.

2007-10-26 09:59:28 · answer #7 · answered by Epik 2 · 1 1

Scientific inquiry says that nothing can result from nothing. Before Planck time, what was there? There has to be something, otherwise the rule will be broken. There has to be something to start it all. That something has to be intelligent to cause it all. Intelligent enough to be aware of itself, to have a personality. So there you have your God. Inference? That's a valid process.

2007-10-26 10:02:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm going with Abdul on this one. Clapton is definately a God, but then again, so is Jagger, and Freddy Mercury, Neil Young, and accumulatively, Lynard Skynard. Oh my, what am I to do??? Best smoke another joint I suppose.

2007-10-26 10:08:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why do you seek an answer if you aren't looking for Him? That to me is proof that He exists. He is pushing you toward believers to help you find your way back to the flock.

2007-10-26 10:00:33 · answer #10 · answered by Shubunkin 4 · 2 0

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