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Still keeping with the vet thread...

Have any of you had to "fire" a vet? If so, how did you go about it? I know you may have mentioned it in previous questions but what were the circumstances? Did you get your records? Did you have any trouble getting your records?

I know this question may not be appliable to everyone but still of interest even if you are reading it.

My "Friend" with 5 dogs had to fire a vet once. She had a dickens of a time getting all of her records. While she had most everything in a folder for each dog, she still wanted copies of x-rays, lab tests and notes for her dogs. It took quite a long time and much arguing to get the material. Her old vet was a bit of a blow hard jerk and liked to over medicate dogs. She didn't realize this until she talked to her new one for a 2nd opinion on an allergy consult. Boy was that an eye opener!

Happy Friday all.

2007-10-26 09:13:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

My "friends" dog was drugged to the point of comatose for allergies. The 2nd opinion was to see if there as an option instead of having this poor doped up dog. When she found out the other options and that the first vet had never done any of the basics like a food trial, she was FURIOUS... not to mention, horrified - what kind of vet doesn't try simple things first. Plus, she felt like a bad mom. The firing came about over the "discussion" about the allergy dog. It wasn't a nice discussion lets say....

2007-10-26 09:32:30 · update #1

My "friend" got cards, she got letters, she got phone calls, she wasn't going back. This vet wanted that business. The sad thing was, after being elsewhere, she realized just how horrible this place was and how good her new vet is.

For what they charge for radiographs, they should belong to us... =)

2007-10-26 09:52:55 · update #2

21 answers

Yes, I've fired a few. Yes, getting copies of records is difficult... they worry that they'll be sued. On the other hand, you PAID for that record.. so it is partially owned by you and you have a right to a copy.

Met a great vet last night. He actually LISTENED to me!! And was willing to discuss alternate treatments without be condescending... Yee Haw!! (I found him when I phoned my favorite vet from where I moved, she phoned a vet about 300 miles from here and THAT vet phoned me to make a recommendation... its not that I'm hard to work with, but I refuse to be treated like an idiot)

Story: Just after I moved I bred my b*tch, I went to a local vet who came recommended by a couple of neighbors .. The whelping went well enough but we ended up in the Vet's ER because there was a retained pup (definately dead). We needed a shot of oxytocin to help her expell the pup and for the first time in years *I* did not have any to administer myself. The ER vet was ADAMANT that we should c-section for this last pup (and by the way, didn't we want to spay her at the same time?)... did NOT want to give the oxytocin. It took my 6' 7" partner basically being threatening to get the shot... the b*tch birthed the dead pup and all was well... I do NOT put up with someone second guessing my decisions for my dogs...especially a young vet just out of school who has never whelped a litter in her life. I had a long discussion with the Vet regarding the ER and he supported the ER's position... Vet fired. Sad for him since I now had 7 pups that needed dewclaws, shots, checkups etc... had all the pups until 12 weeks, kept 2 of the pups, bought another pup... lots of money out of his door. He's since sent me 2 $40 gift certificates to come back for care... nope..

2007-10-26 09:32:54 · answer #1 · answered by animal_artwork 7 · 3 0

Thank you for asking this question! I have decided to switch vets, but technically have not done the switch yet. So my soon-to-be old vet thinks I'm still their customer. I have been wondering how exactly to switch the records, and have wondered if they will be difficult to get. I'm thinking best course of action may be to say I need the records for some other reason (like Mutt Mom did), and just skip the hassle.

I'm also wondering if there is some way to try out my new vet and if I don'y like the new vet, go back to the old? Perhaps that is too much to hope for...

Just when I thought NOTHING was tougher than changing hair dressers!

2007-10-26 17:27:52 · answer #2 · answered by Carrie O'Labrador 4 · 0 0

I had to "fire" a vet when my first cat I ever owned had cancer I brought her to my normal vet who said she may be able to recover if she had all these treatments done so I paid hoping that my cat would recover. Later when the cat kept getting worse instead of better I brought her to a different vet for a second opinion and came to find that the first vet had really been doing nothing but taking my money, there was no evidence that the cat had any sort of treatment done at all. After threatening to sue the vet I finally got a refund on my money and whenever I drive by that vet now I get chills and feel sorry for the animals who are brought there.

2007-10-26 16:23:31 · answer #3 · answered by Teresa V 5 · 0 0

I actually did this quite recently. They were always trying to have me buy teh crap food they sold there, and tried to tell me that the food I fed my dogs wasn't good (which I know it is).I never actually told them that I would be switching, which I dont think mattered b/c it was the type of place where it was walk-ins only... they had 4 vets there and you saw a different one, or whichever one was available, each time.

I didn't want to run into trouble getting the records, so I told them I needed the records so my dog could go swimming at an alternative pet therapy place (all of which really exists, I just never took my dog there). They tried to get me to let them fax the records to the place themselves, but I refused and said I would pick them up instead. They had them waiting there the next day.

A couple of weeks later, I actually had to go back there to get a City of Chicago dog park tag -- which was sort of awkward since I had taken them to their new vet for their bordatella vaccinations, and had to provide that paperwork to get the tag.

I'm glad that's behind me -- but their new vet is absolutely wonderful so I don't think I will need to be switching anytime soon =)

2007-10-26 16:21:36 · answer #4 · answered by Amanda 6 · 0 0

Yes, I've had to fire a vet. Shortly after I moved away from my first vet and before I found my current vet, I took my dog in to a highly reccomended vet for a shots update so I couldget her license. There when they saw she was an elderly chow mix, they took one look at her and demanded that she be muzzled before they'd even look at her. Then they stabbed her five times with a needle before they could give her a rabies shot, all without first reading my previous vet's chart saying on the front in big red letters "Give shots in the scruff of neck only." I was furious and I've never been back there again.

2007-10-28 23:43:50 · answer #5 · answered by Dawna S 2 · 0 0

I have gone to more than one vet/clinic at times. But it is simple to ask the new one to call and get records from the old clinic if needed. It's done all the time.

I have an older chi with knee issues. One side is not fixable, the other is only a stage one, although surgery would be contraindicated due to her age in my opinion. I did go to another vet on this, but there was no problem. He does alternative type procedures which my regular vet just raises his brows about. But it certainly wasn't "firing" one for the other. It was choosing to not use NSAIDS or do a higher-risk surgery and rather choosing to use some alternative methods for care. Both are licensed vets. Both are good. But they have different theories of what should be done and how invasive or intensive with treatment you should be with an elderly dog.

I don't think it would make one angry though if you chose another option. Would that be considered "firing" one?
edit-- I like animal artwork's story. It is so true that you should be the one making decisions about your pet. You don't have to have a vet's approval to make good decisions.

2007-10-26 16:25:11 · answer #6 · answered by mama woof 7 · 1 1

Yes. I went to one and he opened the door to the exam room, looked at my Newf, and CAREFULLY dropped in a muzzle and told me to "knock on the door when the muzzle was on".
This was a fairly new vet at the practice I had been going to. I refused to go there again if they would hire a guy like that and I had no guarantee that I would not have to see this guy for an emergency.
So, I requested my records, picked them up three days later, and went on my way to another vet.

X-rays can be a problem to get. Most vet hospitals do not have a copier and they technically are the property of the vet hospital. But they should make them available to you if you wnat to pay to have them copied or taken for a consult to another vet.

2007-10-26 16:33:23 · answer #7 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 0 0

I plan on changing vets, but they give me the dog's immunization record and stuff every time as part of the receipt. I may ask for something a bit more complete, make a copy, and give the old one to my new vet. Interesting question!

2007-10-27 22:54:11 · answer #8 · answered by a gal and her dog 6 · 0 0

My form of "firing" is finding another vet. Yes, I've done that a couple of times.

One vet is less than one mile from where I live. I took my dogs there ONCE. He was so mean, rough and very uncaring. I know he is used to farm animals, but you do not treat family pets like a herd of cattle. I never went back to him.

Another seemed to get his degree on the back of a matchbook. My dog had developed sores from scratching so much. I took her to a vet in Iowa. After many tests, (tested for mange, did bloodwork, xrays and he still didn't know why she had lesions) I was the one that actually suggested to him what I thought it was allergies. I was right! I never returned.

2007-10-26 18:51:36 · answer #9 · answered by Pom♥Mom Spay and Neuter 7 · 0 0

I have never said the words "Your Fired" but I have switched vets before and the new vet just calls the old vet for the records. Never had a issue thankfully!

2007-10-26 16:32:13 · answer #10 · answered by Boxer Lover 6 · 0 0

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