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Please do not jump to conclusions on this one. Let's leave God and his word out of this question right now. Why do I not hear any homosexuals addressing some logical issues such as:

1. What about the fact that this lifestyle for men does severe damage to the body, and I won't say where but it's serious damage that is known to occur. Nobody addresses this or why this should be covered by insurance?

2. What about kids growing up for instance with two males and no mommy? Didn't we hear a few years ago the importance of breast feeding? How will this happen? Will straight kids get confused and suicidal like gays now claim "gay children" get suicidal from being raised in Christian homes?

3. Okay so your state votes to legalize marriage, could you explain why church has to be involved in something that is obviously not approved in the bible and how you are being fair in this regard or even honoring other people's beliefs like you want your beliefs honored or respected?

2007-10-26 09:06:46 · 37 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


I have been called a bigot, human garbage and told to GROW UP because of my question. What's the deal? If gays want love honor and respect are they capable of giving it?
Just so you know I don't hate gays and I don't look down my nose at them. I'm truly trying to get a reasonable answer or see if that is even possible. Christians are asked to answer hard questions. can you do the same?

2007-10-26 09:08:55 · update #1

Also I did not compare Gays to Felons and Drug Addicts. Well I sort of did but there are people who commit a crime once and still love children and would be good to them. There are people who have recovered from drug addiction who also would be good parents. Now. How do Gays stop confusion from the children they adopt concerning their lifestyle? Is it tried and true or just a theory that things will be okay. Please don't hate me for asking! thanks!

2007-10-26 09:10:41 · update #2

37 answers

I agree with you totally. God loves us all, just the same, but no matter what our sin is, God loves us too much for ANY of us to stay in our sin sick condition. HE calls us all to the High Standards He has for us, as He wants only to love and protect us. If you do medical study on this issue you bring up, you will see, there is very dangerous things attached to this. Even oral sex, such risks and dangers. God called men and women to have natural sex and only within the confines of marriage, and to populate the world with Christian children. Not everyone believes that and it is ok. God gave free choice, but we should not have to pay for the lifestyle of those who wont walk away from sin. Its not just this one issue. Look at all the abortions from those who sleep around. Why should anyone pay that but them? WE could go on, but limited space here. I do feel bad tho that gays think we are just looking at THEM as being in sin. Adultry is sin, gambling is sin, lying is sin. Why do all the rest of us have to give up the things GOd says to give up to be in obedience, and then jsut one certain group claims they can remain in sin and its ok with God. IT clearly is not. God says it is sin, and says no one can enter heaven if they are in sin. W e must repet and not do it again, no matter how strong the desire. THere is a powerful lust associated with any sexual sin, but God can heal and deliver us from anything if we really want it enough to truly submit our desires to His desires and simply not do it. Obedience is the key to all blessings. BEcause we obey, He will take that desire away. God bless all who truly seek God and find that He can heal you of anything. And remember He loves us all jsut the same, sin is sin, not one greater than the other. BUt we ALL have to turn away from sin to be saved. God lvoes us so much, He wants us fully healed , delivered and saved. God bless you for the question, and no you are not preaching hate, YOu preach Gods love, cuz this is what God says about being saved, that all must turn from sin. HE tells us to tell them, so they will know and turn from sin unto salvation.
God is so good, all the time. We arent alone. And do know < God is so good and loving, that He will forgive any sin. Just repent and leave it alone. Ask God to show you how and He will. My prayers are with all that are asking for help.
for any sin......... Obey God and go to victory over everything. We are commanded to be like Jesus, and what God says is sin, msut be stopped. Saying No to sin and Yes to Jesus, Jesus who saves. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

2007-10-26 12:00:40 · answer #1 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 6 15

1. The fact that a lifestyle causes severe damage is not unique to gay males...and I notice you leave gay females out of the equation because for this question, it doesn't apply...but it's interesting it only seems to be bothersome when it's men.

Straight sex causes more venereal disease across the globe every year than any other kind. These diseases usually leave permanent damage of some kind (scaring, etc.). The reason it's not really an issue is because injury or illness is not unique to the lifestyle. But let's talk about lifestyle. What is the church's stand on our American diet? What is the church's stand on alcohol sales? What does the church say about being inactive and not exercising? these all cause severe damage, not just to the person, but to their families as well, especially when their health fails and they have to be taken care of.

2. Kids grow up without mommies all the time, and many with mommies don't get breast milk...and many who do don't get it exclusively...they also get formula. Apparently it's not a requirement to breast feed to have a healthy child. As for straight kids being confused...who knows? I'm straight and I was confused for all of my adolesence about sex and girls and everything else. Maybe if they have loving parents, they'll be able to handle their straightness...

3. I don't know of any state that demands any religion or church to perform gay marriage. In fact, that would be illegal, and I would protest that very strongly. Government has no business saying how a church decides to deal with marriage (except in cases where we deal with other issues, like child marriage, etc.). The fact is, marriage is a legal institution, not a strictly religious one. It's a legal, contractual agreement between two people, and does not have to be aligned with any religion at all, which is why you can get married by a judge...even an atheist judge. The state grants individuals the right to perform legal marriages, including clergy...but they are not asking that any church be forced to perform a marriage. That is why you see the group gay marriages happening in city halls, not in the local church.

Now the question is turned back to you. Why is the church involved in a matter that is strictly legal in nature. It's a legal status, not a religious one. The idea that marriage is an idea of Christianity certainly isn't one you support is it? What did people do before? Why did aboriginal societies that never heard of God have marriages? RIght now, marriage is a legal institution, according to the state. So why shoud the church have any say at all about what the state does with legal arrangements like this? If you don't want to perform a gay marriage, fine...but why should your religious perference be involved in a state matter of this kind?

2007-10-26 09:26:05 · answer #2 · answered by Night Owl 5 · 3 3

Leave the homosexuals alone. How do they affect you in any way. What does two guys getting married have anything to do with you. I'm not gay but I really don't care what they do.

1. Heterosexual woman can receive the same damage, are you saying they shouldn't be covered by their insurance? Its their body let them do what they want with it.

2. Who's to say who's fit to raise children. Not all homosexuals are but not all heterosexual couples are either. Many woman don't breastfeed anymore anyways. These kids are obviously being taken out of foster homes so I'm sure they receive much more love from a homosexual couple than they do where they came from. The homosexual couple may not be the best people to raise the child but they're better off than in a home.

3. I don't really understand this part of the question. The church is involved because marriage is supposed to be a religious thing. The state passes these laws because we don't live in a theocracy. It doesn't matter what the bible says. Since pretty much everything in the bible can be proven wrong, I would think basing laws on it wouldn't be the greatest idea.

2007-10-26 09:20:26 · answer #3 · answered by Bob 5 · 4 5

1. I think that sexual activity, regardless of gender, can do damage to the body. I've been injured by completely boring vanilla sex with my spouse. It's like any activity, accidents happen.

2. OK, babies with 2 daddies might not get breast-fed. Neither do children adopted by straight parents. Amazingly, they live. Knowing a few kids that were raised by gay parents, it was rough on them at times. They got teased and bullied. No two situations can be directly compared, so it's hard to say that there won't be the occasional kid that will be so mortified by their parents that they commit suicide. After all, that happens now for other reasons too. With a little luck, society's increasing acceptance of different family styles will help reduce the pressures felt by all children, from the Christians who wear modest clothing to the ones with two daddies or only grandparents.

3. My state did vote to legalize gay marriage and I'm glad for it. Frankly, there probably should have been a separation of marriage a long time ago. There should be the kind of marriage that is legal under God and the marriage that is legal under the law. Let's separate the two fully.

The Church absolutely doesn't have to be a part of this form of marriage. Each church can recognize or not recognize whatever kind of family unit it chooses. That's entirely protected under the first amendment. For example, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Boston no longer has adoption services. They didn't believe that they should be required to place children with gay families, so they removed themselves from the legal issue.

The use of the word marriage by both is unfortunate, but because of all the tax laws, privacy laws, and other legal constructs that refer to marriage, we need to use the word to apply to all forms of marriage, not just the type that is accepted in the Bible.

Think of this as well, since it is a slippery slope we are on - in certain forms of Islam, it is acceptable to have more than one wife. Perhaps this should be permitted, so that we don't infringe on free exercise of religion. But let's have one wife for the purposes of all our laws. Islam, and Sharia, can handle the other wife (or wives), since the state isn't set up for such a thing.

2007-10-26 09:28:32 · answer #4 · answered by phiguru 2 · 0 2

1) What the heck are you talking about,I think about the only health problems I've herd about is hemorrhoids.
2) Gays have been raising children for years,they can't be any worse then many straight parents.
3) The state would be the only thing that would have to recognize gay marriage. If your Church doesn't like they would not have to allow it. All though if gay marriage was legalized I don't think many churches would turn away the income.

2007-10-26 09:21:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I'm not gay, but live in Canada..and you should see the gay pride day parade, it's amazing... course, guess you wouldn't go.

Well, anyway, here in Canada, the gay marriage is not quite the same as man and women, it's still legal and most of us don't have any problem with it. Your State will probably use the same legislation. Maybe you should read up on it a little more.

As for your two other "questions" that's just plain stupid.

Why don't you live and let live! You'd be way happier

2007-10-26 09:31:19 · answer #6 · answered by gemma 4 · 2 3

1. yes, anal sex can do severe damage. But remember that vaginal sex can cause severe damage too, if the man is being violent, which is usually the case when damage occurs during anal sex.

2. breast feeding is important yes. However, can you honestly say that a child being raised by a loving couple of the same sex would be worse off than an abusive hetero couple?

3. marriage does not have to occur in a Christian church. What same sex couples are looking for is the ability to make the same commitment, with the same legal benefits, that hetero couples have.

Personally, I am hetero, but I have never understood why so many Christians have a problem with same sex couples - yes, I know the Bible is against it, but there are so many issues in this world (poverty, high crime rates, environmental destruction, etc) that need to be addressed, so why spend all this time on the fact that two consenting adults choose to live together?

2007-10-26 09:19:32 · answer #7 · answered by bregweidd 6 · 9 8

1. Do you think that treatment for lung cancer should be covered by insurance? How about liver cancer? How about drug overdoses? How about type 2 diabetes? How about hardened arteries? Should insurance stop covering ANY diseases or injuries that could be caused by lifestyle choices?


3. Every church always has the option to choose which marriages they perform. A pastor has the right to refuse to perform a marriage that he doesn't feel is appropriate. For example, a friend of mine asked the pastor of her home church to marry her and her fiance, and he refused because she was marrying a man of another race and he didn't agree with that. So if same-sex marriage was legalized, that in no way means that any church official will be REQUIRED by law to perform any particular ceremony.

2007-10-26 09:21:09 · answer #8 · answered by ??????? 3 · 5 6

You've got a speck there in your eye, dear.

1. I've seen no medical study done one way or another so I can't say.

2. If a child grows up in a loving, caring, and supportive household then that's a good thing, no matter the gender of the parents. I grew up with only one parent and I'm a very well-adjusted young woman. That wouldn't happen to straight kids because they wouldn't have their parents telling them that their lifestyle is SINFUL.

3. This country is not a Christian nation. Even if you think it was founded on those principles, it allows people to live and practice whatever religion they want, or none at all. You can't legislate your personal beliefs. You're the one bringing your own personal morality into this one and trying to force it on other people.

I am a Christian too, but I refuse to take such a closed-minded, ignorant, and blind view on this issue.

2007-10-26 09:17:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 9 7

Until you start acting like a Christian I'll only call you lady.
The first mistake you made.
Let's leave God and his word out of this question right now
That's one of the main reasons our schools are in trouble, taking God out of the equations and what have you got?
we are getting to the point we don't want "In God we Trust" on our currency. Prayer in schools have almost totally been abolished. Churches that won't allow homos-- (gays) to have funds raisers and parties in there auditorium loses there exempt tax status. Prayer Lady!

2007-10-26 17:10:21 · answer #10 · answered by jj 4 · 0 1

1.) I don't see how that is any of my bussiness or yours. Do I have a right to stop you from drinking, smoking, or spending too much time in the sun?

2.) The reason kids are suicidal is NOT because of their parent's orientations, it is because of the stigma put on them by society. You feel that gay parents should be punished because society is composed of bigots?

3.) Church doesn't have to be involved. If the law required that churches give marriage licenses I would protest the law.

2007-10-26 09:16:43 · answer #11 · answered by Dark-River 6 · 5 5

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