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6 answers

The priesthood ban.

In 1994 I had taken the discussions but had already known about some of the LDS history (including the priesthood ban) As a black man this obviously bothered me A LOT. None of the missionaries nor my LDS friends had any logical or scriptural reason to give me for this, so I did as the missionaries told me: read, fast, and pray. I read the Book of Mormon cover to cover. Prayed day and night for a witness AND for a reason as to why the "true church" would ban a group of people from blessing for such an archaic reason. 3 weeks of prayer and fasting (only eating in the morning and only drinking water) got me nothing! Not even the slight "burning in the bossom" that so many Mormons rave about.

Just as I was about to give up and conclude that it was all a lie, I had one of the most profound dreams ever. I had this same dream, every detail the same for 6 nights straight. I consider this dream a personal revelation and so I will not share it here.

0I will tell you about the dream following those. On the 7th night, in a dream, I saw my deceased grandfather in what I thought was purgatory (being raised Catholic) but what was weird was that he was going around preaching to people there.

Anyone familiar with Catholic doctrine would see that this didn't make any sense. Purgatory is a place to "clean up" before going to heaven of any venial sins you may have died with. My grandfather however had penance on his death bed and the priest "absolved" him, so he died "clean". Why would he have been in purgatory, and more importantly why was he preaching to people?

The missionaries came to visit me again to see if I've made any progress in my pursuit and I felt prompted to tell them my dream. Elder Schofield looked just as confused as I was, except for different reasons. He elaborated on the doctrine of the Spirit World, but said he didn't understand how a Catholic Deacon (non-LDS) would be preaching to people there (based upon the assumption that the LDS church is true). I also pointed out to him that my grandfather died before I was born and so also before the lifting of the priesthood ban. So how was a BLACK non-LDS person preaching to people?

A week later Elder Schofield came to my house with some documents. I looked them over. It was a pedigree. I asked him "whats this about?". He prompted me to keep reading it. It was then I came across my grandfather's name, baptized by proxy Aug 14, 1984, and endowed May 29, 1989 both in the Los Angeles, CA temple by distant relatives of mine whom I had never known to be LDS. Suddenly that dream of mine made sense to all of us and I was baptized the following week.

Every time now, when I get impatient with how slow I perceive Heavenly Father to work, I remember this and remind myself... "all in HIS due time".

2007-10-26 11:08:17 · answer #1 · answered by Feelin Randi? 5 · 2 0

Tithing. I had strong feelings about how churches raised and spent money. I liked the idea of giving a full 10% even less. As I attended, I saw how tithing was really out of our own hearts. No one ever made a spectacle about is. Eventually I gained my testimony.

2007-10-26 09:14:48 · answer #2 · answered by Isolde 7 · 2 0

just getting on my knees and finding out the truth.

Best think I ever did!

I wish my story was as good as him above me. Thanks for sharing.

2007-10-26 13:12:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't believe that Jesus and satan are related. If you saw satan, like I did in satanism, you would not believe this either. Also, they do not talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus, just believing there is a Jesus. The Bible says that we must be born-again to enter heaven. I love the people, just disagree with their beliefs. Thank you.

2007-10-26 07:17:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

My own pride

2007-10-26 08:12:02 · answer #5 · answered by strplng warrior mom 6 · 3 0

the story about the hat

2007-10-26 07:16:03 · answer #6 · answered by 2 5 · 2 5

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