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Recently, the question was posted here: "How many of you Christians really think that all atheists are going to Hell?"
More than half the respondants (who were actually Christian and who actually answered the question) essentially said no.

So my question is: If you are Christian and you agree that not all atheists are going to Hell, how do you reconcile that belief with the fact that the Bible clearly states that the only hope of salvation is through acceptance of Jesus Christ?

This is in no way intended as a slight to anyone. I'd just like to understand the thought process. Thanks.

2007-10-26 06:47:04 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers


Christ's sacrifice was sufficient to cover the sins of mankind for all time.

Too much to explain here but check these out:


They explain what is known as universal salvation.

I believe that there is a reward for belief now as opposed to later but I believe that all will come to know the truth as the proof will made evident.

-- gee I wonder where all the thumbs down comes from? Opposing viewpoints? Probably never even bothered to read up on it...

2007-10-26 06:53:55 · answer #1 · answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 · 1 3

Okay, I'll take a stab at this. I am a Christian. I make no apologies for it. I do not attempt to convince anyone here of my position. I don't care to argue with anyone. People are free to hold thier beliefs. There is a group that says Atheists are going to hell (gleefully, as if they well finally win an argument when their opponents get plunged into fire with the echoing "I told you so"). There is also a group that says God is "an invisible imaginary sky daddy, easter bunny you name it". I have a problem with the invective being tossed around by both groups.,

My beliefs are personal to me, and I have no problem answering people's questions as to what the Bible says or what Christianity believes but I don't look for clever segues.

I felt I needed to give context to my answer.

Now to the previous question.

Yes of course the Bible teaches that apart from belief in Jesus Christ there is no salvation--and that would ultimately mean hell. You are correct in your understanding.

The previous question was probably not asked for information but to expose an obvious division and point of contention. So, that people could begin railing on one another.

To be honest with you, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the afterlife. I figure it will take care of itself. I work on living life here. I would love to be wrong on the subject of hell. I would flat out love to be. There is not one honest christian that believes that they earned heaven in any way. They don't know why they came to believe. I was an atheist--I'm not anymore. I don't care if people believe that statement or not. So, while I would love to give you a different answer on hell. It's like any other subject. I am limited in my answer from the source material. In my mind, what's the point of bringing up hell. I don't believe in scare-tactic motivators. They are never effective, and they are a dishonest means of coercion.

Oh well, long rambling answer perhaps...sorry for that.

2007-10-26 08:09:21 · answer #2 · answered by Todd 7 · 2 0

Honestly, there are a lot of people who consider themselves "Christian," but don't truly know what it really means to be one or are not as educated in the Bible as others. You are correct that the Bible says that acceptance of Jesus is the only way to attain salvation. But all "Christians" can't be lumped together as one. Some of us are true followers and believers in Christ, and some call themselves Christian, but don't really have all the facts straight. I guess that could be true with any religion. You could claim to be something, but the real followers can see right through you.

2007-10-26 06:56:22 · answer #3 · answered by patsworth 4 · 2 0

Simple, you noticed the clear line of demarcation between Christians & Bible-believing Christians.

This is what people like I try to point out all the time, but our voices are drowned or ignored typically.

I do find it ironic that an apparent non-believer like yourself does understand what the Bible teaches.

I believe what the Bible says, and I have a general grasp on the major concepts of what it teaches.

The other Christians simply spread their repsect to authority around. They trust the Pope, the Catholic Church, or some tradition.

But once again, I bet you may already know the anwswer to this. Jesus warned against doing exactly what many self-proclaimed Christians are doing today: obeying the traditions of men instead of the commandments of God.

This was one of the best questions and posts I have ever read on Yahoo. You should get some kind of a prize or something.

2007-10-26 06:57:44 · answer #4 · answered by realchurchhistorian 4 · 3 1

I did not answer that particular question and I can not answer that question any more than any other Christian can. ONLY GOD knows who will be in Heaven for certain. We have a "Hope of Eternal Salvation" when we become Christians but it is not even certain then. I am faithful as I can be. I still sin occasionally and ask HIS Forgiveness each and every day as often as I can to forgive me of the sins that I may have committed in error. At the Judgment, CHRIST will decide who is to be in Heaven and who is not! I do not want to chance getting in...Do YOU?? Have a great weekend.


2007-10-26 06:56:34 · answer #5 · answered by Eds 7 · 2 0

There are many roads you can travel to get to my house. But my house only has one front door. Think of Jesus Christ as the door to Heaven. There may be many paths along the way, but eventually, you are standing at a door. If that door is Jesus, you get to enter Heaven. If that door is not Jesus, you're at the wrong place.

All atheists, along with all others who don't know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, will go to Hell unless they give in to Jesus before they die.

2007-10-26 07:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by sdb deacon 6 · 1 0

Dear furious,
I'm not sure of the answer about Heaven/Hell assignments, but I promise that I'll tell as soon as I'm in a position to know. OHHH., Sorry, I don't know that I'll have internet access in either place.

"No one comes to the Father but by me"
not"by acceptance of me", not by "perfect obedience to me", not "by clear understanding of me", and certainly not "by getting a passing grade in a Scripture Knowledge Test" (Like Bertie Wooster).
But that doesn't mean that our coming to the Father through Christ is UNrelated to some of these things.

I am more than my conscious thoughts, and also more than my unconscious, my will, my past history, my imbededness in a social/cultural matrix,my feelings, my body, my DNA, my ...anything!

I'll be an "arrogant Christian" and say the same about you.

It is only God who knows anyone's real total identity and Jesus Christ who works with that, transforms that (along with my decisions).

How I (or you) come to the Father is more than our beliefs, morality, sincerity, but is done by Christ is His relationship to these things.

But I DO believe in Heaven and I believe in Hell because I have experienced coercion and ignoring of my choices and thinking, and I don't think that God would force someone to selflessly adore Him for all eternity if that person only wanted to be left alone.....even to sulk.

I regret any offense that what I have written may give to others, particularly Christians who think otherwise.

Good question!

2007-10-26 07:32:31 · answer #7 · answered by fr.peter 4 · 1 0

Only those that accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and live for Him are going to heaven. Everyone that does not is going to hell. This is what the Bible states.

2007-10-26 07:40:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The "Christians" who said that someone who dies without placing their faith in Jesus Christ will not go to hell are either unformed or unable to present what Christ taught - I won't judge them - but you are right - Jesus clearly taught the only way to salvation is through him. Why else would he say that?
There is no thought process - that's it. It seems harsh but it is true.
It was Jesus' sacrifice that saves us, not anything else.

2007-10-26 06:57:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

As a Christian my thought process on this subject goes like this as long as there is life in a person and God is still trying to win them to His kingdom then there is hope. Until they draw their last breath there is still time to accept Jesus and repent of sin.

2007-10-26 06:58:41 · answer #10 · answered by Nancy B 5 · 1 1

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