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I know this question will probably get deleted and I 'll lose 10 points because someone is not mature enough to face the truth, but I sure do get a lot of hate mail from Gay people. It seems like it is the one group of people who cannot "tolerate" any belief but their own and they call people "haters" while they themselves are spewing hatred for anyone who does not agree with them. Don't you think this is a contrast to other minorities who actually prayed for their deliverances from Injustice? And I still don't understand why gay people want to be married? If you want to be gay fine I accept it but why do you have to have marital privileges? I don't see any gay marraiges in the bible do you? I just don't get it! Can we have a reasonable discussion here and actually make your point without name calling? is it fair to have others pay your insurance in this lifestyle known to cause damage to your body? I mean should there be responsiblity for that....or not?

2007-10-26 06:46:21 · 60 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I think there are some hard questions that need to be answered without emotional responses from either side. Just the facts.

2007-10-26 06:46:52 · update #1

My definition of intolerant is:
Someone refuses to hear any opinion but their own without getting ugly and name calling.

2007-10-26 06:53:40 · update #2

Thanks Deke I am grown up. I understand this lifestyle can wreck your anal passage by the time you are 30 .........should taxpayers pay for that damage? Isn't it the same as smoking and having related medical problems?

2007-10-26 07:00:47 · update #3


Isn't it discrimination to not let these people adopt children ??

2007-10-26 07:53:34 · update #4


2007-10-26 09:12:21 · update #5

60 answers

I wish people could have an open discussion about this very topic, but it can be heated and it seems the reason WHY is that it comes down to a core belief. In that I mean that the individuals who use the Bible to rationalize their standpoint do not BELIEVE that homosexuality is primarily - I said PRIMARILY - genetically driven. They do not allow for ANY room for this to be a possibility which makes it easier to BLAME homosexuals for A CHOICE - since it cannot be genetic, they believe, it must be a choice. A wrong choice and should ask for forgiveness. This puts homosexuals in the same category as "other minorities" that need to ask for deliverance. (For what, I am not sure what you are referring to...but nevertheless).

When the Bible is brought into things, that makes it tougher. Again, it comes down to people's thoughts about it - is it the DIVINE word or the INSPIRED work (actual vs. interpreted through the writers)? People who believe that it is the actual word of God will take sections of the Bible (for example Leviticus where it states a man shall not lay with another man) as LITERAL, not take into account the societal situation and just say - THAT IS IT...it says it right there, so being gay is wrong (note that when this was written the Israelites were at war and were in need of building up their army of men - so it was ordered to procreate). If people who take the Bible as the DIVINE word of God, one that should NOT be interpreted by individuals, then that paints them into a corner. One cannot be selective about what the Bible says - since we need to take it all as serious as the rest - each passage, every word is the same, to be followed through with, right? Leviticus states "one shall not wear two types of clothing (fabrics)." If this is the case, then it is a sin every time I put on a pari of Levi's and a silk blouse. "Men should not sleep with a woman on her period." Another Leviticus passage. If that is the case, lots of men sin every month - should they ask for forgiveness or deliverance from their injustice? "Women should not speak out in church....." "women should not wear jewelry and should cover their heads...." again, SIN....if we are going to take the Bible word for word.

Maybe the reason that there is such a auro of hate around the individuals you speak with is because of what you bring out in them. When one has to feel like they have to defend themselves - not just to you, but their own god and bible, then it would be a rough road. I see that it is the anti-homosexuals who sprew the hatred and what makes it worse is that they believe God is in support of this "becauses it is immoral."

The irony - Jesus never once mentioned homosexuality. Not once. He did talk a great deal about loving thy neighbor as thyself, though. So, would YOU want to live in a world where your health or other benefits were not based on the person you love? I would. So why not for others? If I want it for ME, my family, my kids, etc., then as God would want me to, I should want it for others. Are you taking responsibility for them? I do not see it that way as they are working, etc. Drinking, walking across the street, eating fatty foods is also damaging to the body. Should we not cover people who do those things? Sex nowadays is dangerous - gay or straight. Heterosexuals walk around with STDs that are very damaging, just like AIDS. It is just quieter and more tolerated.

I hope your question does NOT get deleted. It is one that stirs the mind. I think, though, that when people "spew" anger at you, the first place to look is at yourself. Labeling them "that group" is offensive - and I am not even gay. The language you use brings the hatred, not the actual questions themselves. Tone has a lot to do with it.

2007-10-26 07:31:37 · answer #1 · answered by Green Eyed Girl 3 · 2 3

Oh yes, I have! I know several gay/lesbian people at school - they've openly said they were homosexual - who have a lot of hatred. Especially for Christians. A girl in one of my classes is very anti-God, so to speak. Half of the things she doesn't like that is brought up in that class she doesn't like on the premise that quite a few of those things only Christians supposedly do or support, and half the time, she says "well, not everybody is a Christian". Yeah, so? Dude, we live in America! Everybody (currently, anyway) can express themselves how they want. They don't HAVE to do whatever we Christians do.
And I think gay people should take responsibility for their own actions, not have other people pay for them. I'm with you on that one! They say people should take responsibility for their actions. Why don't they take some of their own advice?
And they really do show that hatred like you said they do. I should know; I go to school with a lot of them every day. They really do "spew out hatred" for those they say hate or discriminate against others. That same girl I was talking about wrote a speech on a very controversial topic (which I will not bring up here). I was listening to it, and HOLY COW! it was extreme! It was out there! Anybody listening to that speech would immediately know what group of people she didn't like. Well written, but very extreme.

And I think both you and I could benefit immensely by remembering constantly Lion of Judah's response.

2007-10-26 11:48:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I live a generally happy life, and am usually in a good mood. I am a Christian...and I also support equality of all humankind.

I am tolerant, but we can't tolerate everything. Think about what Hitler did. Was that to be tolerated?

Your attitude is very similar to his. I know this is an extreme statement to make, but I stick by it. You think your cultural subgroup is superior. This much is obvious.

Two consenting adults should be allowed to get married if they want. If you have a huge problem with this, maybe you should go and create your own country and make it a theocracy. Or start a commune.

Body damages, insurance...what does this have to do with anything?

Do you realize how closed-minded, intolerant, and unloving your question is? Do you think these are virtues?

The minute you start to make extreme claims, close your mind, and judge an ENTIRE group is when it becomes impossible to have a "reasonable discussion." Don't try to pass that off on others.

2007-10-26 07:14:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

You must be pro-homosexual, then!

If you think you're going to lose points for asking a potentially volatile question or giving a bad answer, then you shouldn't give the question or answer.

Regardless, you are entitled to your point-of-view, as long as that view does not interfere with anyone else's point-of-view, rights, etc.

However, your question and details were clearly designed to foment unrest among both sides, making YOU one of the "haters", not to mention that it shows your ignorance and bigotry, much less your inability to spell correctly!

The safest way to get through life is to avoid ALL contact with EVERYONE. Keep that in mind, okay?

2007-10-26 08:03:20 · answer #4 · answered by skaizun 6 · 2 0

I think it's usually the other way around. The anti-gay crowd seems to be the ones who get emotionally charged.

Marriage and religion have little to do with eachother. Marriage is a social union of two individuals, not a religious one.

Known to cause damage to your body? Are you a bottle or two short of a six pack? The same risks are preseent for gay or straight sexual relationships.. I'm heterosexual and happily married. I just don't understand why so many people have such closed minded views about other peoples relationships, straight or other.

2007-10-26 06:54:53 · answer #5 · answered by joseph's brain 3 · 7 0

I think anyone no matter what beliefs they possess can be hateful spiteful, mean and judemental. I also think that if two people love each other and want to make a committment to spend the rest of their lives together that is their right. I think that most christians just have a problem with the word "marrage" it is a christian term. But if two people make the committment to be together for the rest of their lives then why shouldnt they have the same rights as "married" people all the rights include are the laws of man. Like making medical decisions, insurance benifits and so forth, whats wrong with that? Im sure if there is a god then he/she/they know what is truly in a persons heart and soul. And actually catholics dont believe in birth control so catholics have the potential to have numerous pregnancies, that is known to cause great harm to a womans body as well, and not all gay people like butt sex. some are lesbians too. Also to go along with the insurance statement, straight people cause great harm to their bodies as well with many lifestyle choices they choose to make, such as drug use, smoking, alcohol consumption, not eating right, not exercising etc...

2007-10-26 06:59:02 · answer #6 · answered by oldwise1 3 · 2 1

Really? From my experience, it has been the religious intolerants who have been demonstrating anger and hatred.

When was the last time that you heard of a bunch of homosexuals beating a religious fanatic to death? It just doesn't happen.

2007-10-26 08:30:22 · answer #7 · answered by buffytou 6 · 1 0

You can't claim to want "just the facts without emotion" when you're launching a campaign against homosexuals driven almost entirely by your feelings.

Confronting bigoted homophobes is the same as confronting racists. They call their position "the truth" and "just another perspective". They want everyone to leave them to their "opinion". It's not just opinion, dear, when you justify curtailing the civil rights of your fellow Americans BASED ON those "opinions". It's not just your "point of view" at that point. It's bigotry in ACTION.

If you want facts, you will be BURIED under mountains and mountains of research, decades worth of data, over half a century's worth of FACTS, which clearly and undeniably demonstrate homosexuality to be a normal, natural, healthy, unchangeable sexual orientation. This has nothing to do with emotions or politics. This is truth, and not the kind of truth that you claim to present. This is truth that is verified and backed up by every major psychological authority on the face of the planet.

There's no "reason" when it comes to bigotry. If you want to have a "reasonable" discussion, you're going to have to pull yourself out the warped perspective that has skewed your vision for so long. Only then can we REALLY talk "reasonably" about homosexuality.

2007-10-26 08:17:20 · answer #8 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 3 0

I'm sure there are some haters on that side (though I wouldn't call them Pro-Homosexual) This whole Pro-... thing has gotten out of hand. I think what upsets people the most though are those who are against Homosexuals, yet claim to love All people. Bashing others because they do something you don't like isn't Love (not saying you bash Homosexuals... I can't say I've seen you do that). The reason they want the Right to marry just like heterosexuals is so they can get their SO's on their insurance... if something happens to them and they end up in the hospital their SO can make the "final" decisions on their estate.... There are several reasons to want that. Doesn't matter if it's in the Bible or not. There's nothing in the Bible about going before a Priest or Preacher to get married either, yet people do it. But there is one point I should make on this - when you decide you are going to get married, you go to the Court House first to get the license. Otherwise it's not recognized. It's a Gov't Institution... not a religious one in America. And there are many ways one can get married... it's not just through the Christian Church. I can get married by the Justice of the Peace... You can also get married by a Pagan Priest/ess. There is nothing that states one has to be married through the Christian Church. (I know this for fact as I'm an "ordained"/legally recognized Pagan High Priestess, completely legal to perform marriages and funerals, etc... ) The Bible is not the authority in America's laws... the People are.

"Is it fair to have others pay your insurance in this lifestyle know to cause damage to your body?" Honestly, if they get married, THEY pay for the insurance... I don't... unless they go on welfare... and hey, I'm paying for whores who sleep with every man that has $10... that's damaging to the body AND to the mind, where as a homosexual couple staying monogamous isn't damaging to them. Heterosexual sex is just as damaging, if we really want to get into the details. Responsibility - do you mean me paying my taxes that ends up falling into the lump of Welfare in general? As I said, I'm paying for plenty of people who's lifestyles I wouldn't take as my own... and I disagree with anyone abusing Welfare just so they can be lazy... but as for personal responsibility, I don't need to take responsibility for other people... I can only do so for myself.

Just seems when people talk about Homosexuals in this sense, they single ONLY them out as a bad lifestyle "choice" (I do not believe Homosexuality is a choice... no more than I believe that Heterosexuality is a choice. Neither are choices, it's just something that happens). Yet no one says anything about Divorces - and that one really makes some Christians look like hypocrites. Even Jesus himself said if you divorce and then remarry, you are committing adultery. Do you know how many in your local community who claim to be Christian who have divorced and remarried just because they felt they didn't love one another anymore? Or over money problems? I know of several in my area... and most of them complain about Homosexuals. It's hypocracy at it's grandest.

2007-10-26 07:12:19 · answer #9 · answered by River 5 · 3 0

Sisterzeal, you get hate mail because you're a bigot. What gives YOU the right to determine whether or not they should have the right to "marital privilege"? If you don't like homosexuality, then don't be a homosexual. Under no circumstances do you have the right to say what someone can or can not do, or what rights they should or shouldn't have, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. If they're a loving couple, then they should have just as much the right to marry as you do. You talk about it being "fair" that you should have to pay towards insurance in their lifestyle, and yet they contribute to paying towards YOU and YOUR families insurance policies despite the fact that you're hateful and are working very hard to deny them their basic rights. So yes, it IS fair. And those homosexuals that are in monogamous, healthy relationships don't have any more damage done to their bodies than heterosexuals in healthy, monogamous relationships. And that is a fact, despite any posting on Christian websites saying that they have "damage done to their anal cavity. (That's a pretty desperate arguement.)
Homosexuals are not angry, hateful people, but you certainly can't expect them not to react with anger towards your selfish hateful bigotry, and your telling them that they should have less rights than you.
You don't even know what hate and intolerance means. Hate and intolerance is what people who severely beat people and leave them tied to fenceposts to die do. ( Matt Shepherd) That's what people do who attack people physcally and otherwise for not believing in the same things that they do, or live "lifestyles" that gel with their 2000 year old religious literature that should have been burned 2000 years ago because it's so FULL of hate and intolerance. Sending you an angry e-mail in response to your hateful and bigoted rants against entire groups of people and their rights is not "hate", nor is it what could be defined as "intolerance". Why SHOULD they have to "tolerate" you and your brethren treating them like garbage?

2007-10-26 07:00:31 · answer #10 · answered by Jess H 7 · 9 1

My guess would be that being the target of as much vitriol, organized hatred, and physical violence as many gays are might tend to make them a bit snippy.
Perhaps if you just ignored their private behaviors and concentrated on them as people, you might be treated better. You don't have to like them, or what they do in private (not that it's any of your business, in any case). You might also want to remember that a lot of what us heterosexuals do in private can be pretty revolting, too.

2007-10-26 09:24:35 · answer #11 · answered by link955 7 · 1 0

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