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In the book before Revelations, Jude talks about Dreamers who are not afraid to speak against rullers, are living in their flesh and have sneaked into the churches unnoticebly. Who is he talking about? Because I have noticed myself talking about the president in an unkind way, also being rebelious certain things in churches, and I've also been lusting and have homosexual past. Jude says that such men are predestant for condemntation, and are in the way of Cain, they are doomed for darkness. I'm so freaked out right now. Can someone explain this to me?

p.s. One thing that I canno apply to myself that Jude is talking about, is that I do value the Word of God and I don't deny Jesus as the Lord and ruller. I also don't practice homosexuality anymore, but do have temptations. However, I have been calling myself a dreamer, because I'm always thinking different from other people. And I love to dream about things. Am I condemned?

2007-10-26 06:30:12 · 26 answers · asked by timekiller 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

cynthia..., I understand you deny the Bible as a God's Word? It scares me to even think that way. God is alive and Bible is His living Word! Perhaps I am not so condemned afterall...

2007-10-26 06:44:37 · update #1

Thank you everyone who incouraged me in this time of attack!

2007-10-26 06:45:21 · update #2

I guess I have to stop the lasting, which comes and goes really, but right now I am in school, and it's hard. Also, I never was against anything in a church that was biblical, rather something that was against of what Bible teaches. So I guess I'm fine in that area. I do accept Jesus Christ as my savior. But my past pastor said this condemnation over me, and it's still hard to get it off my mind. But thank you all so very much! Wow, God has blessed me with so many great answers! Thank you!

2007-10-26 06:54:42 · update #3

26 answers

Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." It states later on in the chapter that you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you.

Also, please keep in mind who Jude is refering to. Keep the passages of scripture that you a referencing in context with the rest of the Word of God. Jude is speaking of those who are rebellious towards God and defy Him. He is speaking of those who have pretended to be Christians so that they could infiltrate the Church and corrupt the gospel of Jesus Christ. He gives the examples of some who rebelled against God and what their end was. Cain hated his brother and killed Abel because his own works were evil and Abel's works were righteous. Cain did not love God. (see 1 John)

So what if you have a homosexual past?!?!?! What if you had a homocidal past, or alcoholic past, or a womanizing past, or a past as a thief? What about it? Is not Jesus Christ greater than all these? Is there anything that God can not do? Is there a sin (except blasphemy against the Holy Ghost) that God can not forgive? Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Hebrews chapter 4 tells us that all things are open and naked before God. We have a High Priest who was tempted in every aspect and in every way that we are, yet without sin. He knows all about our infirmaties and problems, and yet; here is the good part; we can still come boldly before His throne of grace and "obtain mercy, and find grace to help in our time of need".

We all have our oppinions about our president, no matter who it is at the time. Have you written to him in an "unkind way", or have you spoken to him like that? Those who were mentioned in Jude as being those who "despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities" were in fact those who despise any kind of authority, and who blaspheme against, rail on, or revile those who have glory (the litteral meaning of the greek word that is interpreted as "dignities"). In other words, against the angels of God or God Himself. I do not see in your question where you have done this.

What kind of things are you being rebellious about? Are you rebelling against church doctrine or against the Word of God? Being in submission to a pastor is a good thing and should not be bucked. However, you are ultimately answerable to to God for how you lined up to His word. The Bible plainly teaches us that it is the Word of God that will judge us all in the end. You need to find a church group that is teaching and living what the Bible says and then submit yourself to the pastor of that church and his authority. I would suggest going to an Apostolic church. It should be easy enough to find one, just look up churches in your area in the phone book listed under "Churches - Apostolic, - Pentecostal, - PAW, - United Pentecostal, - Holiness" for example.

Finally, if you read the last part of the book of Jude you will see that Jude gives an answer to many of your problems (verses 20-25). If you are "freaked out" then just simply seek God's face with your whole heart. If you have not been filled with the Holy Ghost (Spirit of God) the way the Bible says, then seek Him for that too.

Feel free to contact me.

2007-10-26 07:59:57 · answer #1 · answered by apostolicscott 2 · 1 0

I don't think so! Struggling with past sins, especially one as powerful as homosexuality, doesn't mean you are condemned. I had a wicked temper before I became a Christian. I still struggle with it even though I've been saved for 10 years now. Sin is hard to kick....that just makes you human. Every Christian has things they struggle with and it doesn't mean they are condemned! Don't think that!

After reading that passage, my impression (and I could be wrong on this!) is that the men Jude is talking about are people who sneak into churches in an effort to draw Christians into sin and cause strife and problems. We have had this happen in our church and we kicked the troublemaker out before she caused any serious problems, thank God. Sometimes people do that for whatever reason, maybe just to have some fun by seeing how many people they can corrupt and trip up. Are you doing that?

One thing you should do is sit down with your Bible and go through the Roman's Road. Make very sure that you are saved - make sure you are trusting in Jesus for *your* salvation. Understanding this with your head is one thing, but applying it to yourself and believing it in your heart is what counts. Make sure you are saved, my friend! This is something every believer should do. When you doubt, turn right back to the Bible and start from square one, which is the Gospel message.

If you are saved, then you need to sit down and talk this over with the Lord. Cast all your cares upon Him - He wants to help you! He loves you. He will help you deal with your lusts and temptations. He is a mighty God and He can change your life if you ask Him to.

What have you been rebelling against in your church? If it is against something that the Bible clearly states to be right, something God wants His kids to do, then you need to change your attitude. If however, you are rebelling against something your church teaches or expects that is NOT Biblical, that's actually a good thing! We shouldn't have teachings or practices in our churches that are unbiblical.

As for speaking against Bush - well, that's not wrong either. The man has done some pretty awful things these last 7 years and there is no reason not to speak out against wickedness in our leaders.

And don't worry about dreaming about things either... daydreaming is harmless as long as those daydreams aren't lustful fantasies or anything bad.

I hope this helps! And thanks for being brave enough to share your struggles. That's hard to do especially with total strangers. God bless!

2007-10-26 13:47:24 · answer #2 · answered by Blue Eyed Christian 7 · 1 0

Jude is talking about people in the Church who preach and believe false doctrines, and who lead people astray from the true faith. The early Church had many problems very early on with self-proclaimed prophets and holy men, who distorted and misrepresented Christ's message, and originally Jude's epistle was meant to address that problem in the early Church. His epistle is just as relevant for us today however, as we see many so-called "preachers of the Word" misinforming unsuspecting seekers of the truth. Sadly, many of these people have infiltrated the Church, and many people who have listened to them have come away with a flawed idea of God and salvation. IMO this is one of the biggest causes of unbelief and atheism. These are the things that Jude is mentioning, and it's still something we have to be on guard against today.

BC: He's not talking about the Book of Revelation - Although he doesn't mention it by name he says "the book before Revelation" and later mentions Jude, so piecing it together I'd say he's talking about the very short and seldom-quoted Epistle of Jude, which was written by the disciple Jude, who was a blood relative of Jesus - we aren't sure exactly how he was related - he may have been a cousin or half-brother. The Greek word "brother" in the New Testament writings was used somewhat generically as Koine Greek of the time did not have specific terms for "cousin", "half-brother", "cousin twice removed" etc. etc.

2007-10-26 13:51:27 · answer #3 · answered by the phantom 6 · 1 0

I think in some way your heart is being changed by God's love. This is why you feel bad about being unkind, rebellious and lusting. He is just taking you to a higher level in His glory. This is really a blessing that is coming your way. You have repented of past sins and not sinning anymore, so you should not feel guilty about this. I know that I still kick myself for the sins I have committed in the past, I was so stupid! But God has forgotten about it, so I should also. I am a dreamer also, and God usues us dreamers, just like Joseph. You are okay, just move forward with Jesus and He is going to do great things with your life.

2007-10-26 13:52:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think he is talking about people who are actually under the influence of the "anti christ" spirit. I have read Jude Many times..........and Have seen some people who fit that description in church. They never want to bless anybody they just going around causing trouble and calling themselves christians, making others feel condemned, ordering the pastor around and telling him what he should or shouldn't be doing and waving their finger at them..........they are brassy and rude and never submit to authority but they always "know better" than everybody else what ought to be happening. It really doesn't sound like you fit the description. Remember if you ask Jesus for a new heart, a humble heart, a clean heart................and when you ask him to produce the fruit of the spirit in your life, his answer is always yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is always his will to finish the good work he started in us and to him be all the praise and glory that we turn out glorified in him!

2007-10-26 13:35:04 · answer #5 · answered by sisterzeal 5 · 2 0

You mention Jesus as the Lord and ruler,,,but you don't say Savior...have you accepted what Jesus did for you on the cross as a sacrifice for your sins? If not, you are not saved and you need to do that...you need to turn from all your sins and be baptized......speak to your Pastor about this..

There is one other thing,,,,if you are lusting in your heart only and not committing the act,,,,you are still sinning..you must dismiss these thoughts from your mind, the minute they come up.....I think it is wonderful that you are no longer committing the act of homosexuality,,which is a perverted,,,sexual addiction,,,but you also need to watch those thoughts...if you lust after a man or woman in your heart,,,you are guilty of sin...stop the lusting...okay?

2007-10-26 13:49:21 · answer #6 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 1 0

Choose this day whom you will serve is an everyday choice. For a Christian we need to recognize the battle that we are in. Our flesh (old way of life) is constantly at war with the Spirit of God in us. On top of that battle is the realm of darkness that continually assaults us. Most Christians give up (read the parable of the sower) but some choose to overcome and fight on. I personally am determined that nothing will separate me from the Love of God and I will endure until the end even if it costs everything I have. 17 years now and it keeps gettin better!

2007-10-26 13:42:40 · answer #7 · answered by A Voice 5 · 1 0

If you can answer yes to all this then you are not condemed..

Have you come to God in The Way He prescribes and have you received His free gift of Salvation?...

Do you know that you are a part of The Body of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head?...

Do you know that you are of The True Christian Faith...

Do you know for sure that you are going to enter Heaven?

Do you know for sure?

2007-10-26 13:40:54 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

According to the Christian faith, if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and truly repent of your sins, then you are saved due to His sacrifice on the cross despite your temptations or your past.

All Christians are tempted and you are not going to agree with absolutely everything about the doctrine in your church. However, if you are scared, I would recommend talking to your pastor about it.

Look forward, do your best to walk in the Light, and let His love and guidance take over.

2007-10-26 13:38:11 · answer #9 · answered by Julie 2 · 1 0


Those who “fear” God just preach “hell, fire, and damnation” upon those who do not. They send out missionaries without the love of the true God, but are convinced they demonstrate their love toward their neighbor by warning them. Yet in all the scriptures, which they claim to be the “word of God,” where can one verse be found wherein Christ condemns the sinner and preaches “hell, fire, and damnation,” except to those who piously “fear God”?

Preachers, ministers, evangelists, and modern-day “Holy Ones” preach of a God they neither know nor understand. They cannot carry the tune of “the song” that those who are redeemed of the world, and who have an eternal perspective of all things, sing in perfect harmony. The “sea of glass mingled with fire” upon which these “elect” stand, allows them to spread love, tolerance, forgiveness, and hope instead of vain imaginations of “hell, fire, and damnation.”

...Though they have been convinced otherwise, modern-day Christians perpetuate hate against the homosexuals, non-Christians, and those who choose to abort the flesh of their own bodies before the spirit enters therein. They generate many other biases and prejudices contrary to loving thy neighbor as thyself. The persecution of their neighbor, their “fear of God,” and the erroneous way in which they “worship,” illuminates what they fear the most—damnation (ignorance) instead of salvation (knowledge of truth).

As does every other religion upon earth, Christian sects exalt themselves above others who do not fit their description of “righteousness.” The Muslims believe the prophet Mohammed was the last prophet to live upon earth, and worship him as they do Allah, which is the name for the Islamic God. The Hindus believe they are correct. The Buddhist disagrees.

The whole world is filled with “the gospel” of what we should do, but few “worship” the true God who “made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Why? Because we are so involved in the grandeur and glory of the “beast,” and that “great city Babylon” which provides for our every desire and pleasure, that we pay no attention to the “mark in our right hands and foreheads.”

2007-10-26 19:57:30 · answer #10 · answered by smallone 4 · 0 0

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