McDonalds of course
At least in the military, you dont have some zit faced itdiot high school senior barking orders.
And you get to keep your shoes clean.
2007-10-26 08:45:24
answer #1
answered by Sgt Big Red 7
My husband is in the Marine Corps and he has a hat that looks like a McDonald's hat that goes along with his Charlie's (LOL) seriously though there is nothing wrong with working at McDonalds but I would rather join the military because of the honor first, the training 2nd, and the benefits 3rd. Good luck in whatever you decide but make sure you sign up for college courses no matter what decision you make!!!
2007-10-26 09:40:53
answer #2
answered by Theresa W 3
For the most part, working at McDonalds. Of course, if you work at McDonalds you CAN quit any time.
The military treats people more fairly than any civilian employer. The tend to treat people with respect, something you won't get at McDonalds unless you are the manager, if then.
The military gives you health care, 30 days of vacation a year, a chance at promotion, a chance to earn a retirement, none of which you will find at McDonalds, unless you are on the management team. Also, libraries to use, fitness gyms to use, movies, PX, the commissary, etc.
2007-10-26 06:44:05
answer #3
answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7
The service to the Army always stands ahead of anything in the motherland of all devoted and dedicated Americans to the nation! Irrespective of the role and engagement plus the politics of war games behind it, the work and the involvement based on ethics and morality of the service to the armed forces is far supreme than anything on Earth!
To be honest, it is indeed painfully bad to see a citizen compare the service to the nation with the service to a restaurant like McDonald's!
2007-10-26 08:04:44
answer #4
answered by anjana 6
Work at Maccas mate, atleast you have freedom...
Why would you wanna be in the military anywhere let alone the American military.. Yes sir no sir, three bags full sir. Wally's.
Just think you can work at maccas, meet people, enjoy life, go home at the end of the day. Or go into the army surrounded by numb nuts, and then end up dead because dildo presidents say you have to go and invade a country that did absolutely nothing.
2007-10-26 15:45:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First of all I have worked at a McDonalds and surprisingly they make alot more money than the average person...
Especially if your a manager. I made over $30,000 dollars a year just starting off as a shift manager the higher your rank is for management the better you get paid.....
As far as joining the military they risk their lives to give us freedom and protect our country....
They have the guts and glory to fight for what is right....
So how you can say these to things are bad is beyond me....
If you haven't tried them you cannot knock them....
2007-10-26 06:47:41
answer #6
answered by mcdspurple 3
Working at McDonalds, no respect!!
Joining the US Military = RESPECT!!
2007-10-26 13:29:33
answer #7
answered by Vagabond5879 7
I'm 42 never worked at McDonald's never will. 4 years US Army infantry.
2007-10-26 13:38:56
answer #8
answered by darrell m 5
Whats worse is going to UC Berkeley...
Imagine yourself in 10 years
"I have a Masters in Liberal Arts from Berkeley...would you like fries with that sir?"
At least joining the military you are doing a public service and something honorable no matter your politics.
2007-10-26 06:49:29
answer #9
answered by flaming_liberal415 4
Thanks to the US Military you have the option to choose. Some countries would choose that for you. The military will give you discipline and traits that you can use the rest of your life so you won't be stuck in a place like McDonalds.
2007-10-26 06:45:59
answer #10
answered by Brian C 3