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If your adult body here is four foot and you weigh 220 lbs; do you still believe that you will have that same body up in heaven? Or do you believe that our Good Savior Jesus Christ will give all of us a much better, more real suitable form up in the next higher Heaven ?

If you believe we will be souls in a higher soul body up there, do you think your mental capacities will be the same as here or how many times more? Will an IQ of 100 here be IQ 100 up in Heaven to start? or maybe IQ 300 ? IQ 1000 ? IQ ten trillion? other ? Then we need to consider soul quotients up there; but we humans don't know about that and can not measure same. In Jesus' Parable of the talents, the human with 5 talents got 5 more; the human with 10 got 10 more.

2007-10-26 06:07:10 · 8 answers · asked by ? 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Yes, we are Spirit of God-led souls living here on earth now and having a mind and body to learn here spiritual Values, intellectual meanings and science-technology facts in this space-time universe. However, that does not alter my questions above at all. What do you know or believe?

The many ever-higher Heavens are all literal, super-real (invisible to human eyes here) spheres of unimagined Glory and supernal functions. Some humans here have had brief trial visits; and they say that mere words about that mean little; you must personally experience this in and with Jesus Christ now fully here with us in Spirit ! John 16:7-16

2007-10-26 08:35:26 · update #1

8 answers

Brother Dave, if I was four feet tall and weighed 220 lbs I would be praying fervently that God would give me a new and better body when I went to heaven. Fortunately, the Bible tells us that we will be given incorruptible bodies, that our new bodies will be physical, but glorified.

When Jesus was resurrected it was his physical body that was resurrected - read the account in Luke 24:36-43 when he appeared to his disciples. When Jesus ascended into the heavens, it was with his physical body. In 1 Timothy 2:5 we are told "for there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the MAN Jesus Christ". When he comes again, it will be in his physical, glorified body. 1 John 3:2 tells us: "now we are children of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."

So, I believe we will be given a better, an incorruptable physical body. With regard to intelligence quotient, I can only hope and pray mine will be improved (lol)! Fortunately, we are not going to be judged by our IQ, but on whether we love Jesus and have accepted him as our Lord and Saviour.

2007-10-27 05:23:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Scripture says it will be a physical Resurrection on the New Earth. There can be no physical immortality in this world. The Heaven I know does not rely upon a physical body. I do not believe in a physical immortality in this place in time and space. I am not a Christian. Scripture is not really compatible with what I know from science. Faith and science are not the same. I have a Faith based upon a sure spiritual knowledge and do not need others to tell me about the Land Across the River. Both worlds exist here and now. We live in both together. The Kingdom is all around us...Magic (miracles) are are a part of our daily lives and we consider it mundane through familiarity.

2007-10-26 15:15:32 · answer #2 · answered by odinsacolyte 3 · 0 0

Do you believe you will be resurrected bodily in Heaven, or as a soul in a better super-physical soul-body?

'Heaven' is a state of mind which is achievable whilst here in the physical realm. It is also the prevailing state of 'mind' 'out there' in the greater realm, where we are eternally manifested in energetic form, we are not 'here' or 'there', we are 'here' and 'there', and, I believe, 'everywhere' .... all of the 'time'.

So it isn't really a question of 'bodies' 'here' and/or 'there', we are in all manifestations at all 'times'.

The question of IQ is really cute, I love it. :-)))

OK, let's see if I can explain this.

1. The human brain is a physical organ, made up of cells, which in turn are made of organic matter. It is largely described by 'medicine' as functioning by way of firing synapses which 'pass' minute electrical impulses from lone location to another, making calculations and deductions as they go. All of which is said to 'limited' by the physical 'speed' at which these synapses and neurons can work.


The human brain is one half of a symbiotic union ( as with all of our physiology ) between the physical matter and the energetic framework that both created it, and supports it's existence. This combined unit is what we call 'mind', and it functions as a 'Quantum Computer', i.e. most of it's more complex function takes place 'outside' of the physical realm.

This is how we appear to have 'genius', how a Mozart can write an opera at the age of 4 years, how an Einstein can re-write the basis of physics overnight, how a Vincent van Gogh can paint a 'Starry Night' while being declared mentally incompetent, and last but not least, how an 'idiot-savant' can do calculations in his/her head, apparently instantly,that would take a super-computer hours to perform.

What happens is that we are all 'networked' together, but most of us rarely engage this from our daily consciousness, and are thus unaware of it.

When we focus out attention outside of the physical we are able to access all of the data that ever was/is/or will be, and this, when it happens by 'accident' while we are still 'here' is the manifestation of what we call 'genius'.

Would it be possible to 'measure' an 'Intelligence Quotient' for the 'Collective Mind', that which we have struggled to understand, and that which many have called the 'Mind of God' ?

I doubt it, but one thing is sure, if anyone is able to fuly open the interface into that 'Mind' whilst still focused here in the physical, they would be able to express such a term ... the question is, would anyone else be able to understand it ?

One last time, it's not about 'here' or 'there', we are making all of this up as we go along, and we can manifest anything at all, just so long as we can imagine it.

{{{{{{{Cosmic Intelligence}}}}}}}

2007-10-26 16:56:17 · answer #3 · answered by cosmicvoyager 5 · 0 0

I do not believe that we will be "floating around" as ghosts in Heaven, as is popularized. The Bible tells us in Philemon 3:21 "[God], Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body..." that is, we will have bodies like that of Christ just after He was resurrected. We know that He had a physical body; Christ even instructed the doubting Thomas to put his hands into His wounds so that he would know that He was real. Also, this new, glorified body that we will have should also have a 4th-dimensional capability to pass through solid objects, since Christ was able to enter a locked room when the disciples were hiding from the Jews.
Also, Isaiah 65:21 describes our activities in Heaven: "They shall build houses, and inhabit [them]; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.
Isaiah 65:22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree [are] the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."
These are physical activities that only physical beings can do, not ghosts.

2007-10-26 13:21:10 · answer #4 · answered by FUNdie 7 · 0 0

God created angels as spirits and they were to reside in heaven. On the other hand God created man to live on earth not in heaven. So, I hope to be resurrected on earth and like the Bible 's promise of paradise or garden like earth.
The Bible does say that some out of mankind will go to heaven and rule with Jesus as kings and priests for one thousand years, but their number are few compared to the billions that will be resurrected on earth.

2007-10-26 13:33:11 · answer #5 · answered by papa G 6 · 0 0

Resurrection of one's authentic Christ nature occurs here in this life or not at all. How one perceives oneself afterdeath - whether smart/dumb etc. is irrelevant because you are only capable of evolving spiritually in the body in the here and now.

In each lifetime we are challenged to transcend the conditioned ego identity in order to achieve this unity consciousness and fulfill our purpose. Purpose changes and evolves over many lifetimes.

Thinking of yourself as eternally 'physical' in this way betrays a serious attachment to your learned identity. Not a good thing.

2007-10-26 13:31:13 · answer #6 · answered by MysticMaze 6 · 1 0

i dont think we will have bodies. i think we attain some sort of energy no one really understand yet. i also think we will be all equal, but equally diffrent in a sense

2007-10-26 13:17:57 · answer #7 · answered by Annie A 2 · 0 0

soul...tell U more when i get there...everything else is opinion.

2007-11-03 04:22:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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