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21 answers

The short answer is no.

Most christians though seem to think that they have been "nailed to the cross". They will for example say because the sabbath was never reiterated in the New Testiment that it has been done away. However they also say they Love God and Jesus (Yahshua) and yet the New Testiment clearly says that if you love Him (Yahshua) you will keep His commandments and that His commandments or words are not His own but his Fathers.

What most of them fail to realize is that the Yahweh of the Old Testiment is the Yahshua of the New Testiment and that He has been the one dealing with humanity from the very beginning per His Fathers plan and the New Testiment clearly says that He (Yahshua) is the same yesterday today and forever.

If He is the same then His laws are the same and if His laws are the same then if you love Him you will keep them. This little bit of wisdom seems to escape them. They confuse grace (the unmerited pardon for your sins) which you can never earn but is a free gift, with a works based salvation. You are saved by a pardon from God through Yahshua, It does not excuse you from keeping his law.

You Sunday keepers are accepting the mark of the beast. You make a lie of your faith. Any atheist on this forum can read the scriptures and tell you that Sunday worship comes from paganism and there is no command to keep Sunday nor a dimissal of the Sabbath. But then they are decieved by hirelings teaching them the commandments and doctrines of men for gain.

Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand.

2007-10-26 11:58:24 · answer #1 · answered by Tzadiq 6 · 2 1

If you agree with the commonadments, but do not always follow them then yes. That is sin and we all do it. But if by "reject" you mean you disagree with them, then I would say no. You must accept christianity in it's entirety, otherwise your just taking the parts you like and rejecting the parts you don't. And if you do believe that something in the Bible is wrong, does that not call everything else into question as well? Isn't kinda of foolish to associate yourself with a religion that is giving false teachings or false commmandments?

But really in the end God is the ultimate judge, so no one can say anything with absolute 100% certainty about who's a christain and who isn't.

Jesus says, "Anyone who comes to the Father must come through me."

2007-10-26 06:17:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You're talking about all the commandments, right? Not just 10? Then yes and no. Yes, because that is what most Christian churches teach, so they're doing what they've been taught.

The mistake is (and this is the no) that they view the Bible as two separate books. It is one book.

2007-10-26 07:14:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Absolutely not Lone Ranger. Jesus said, "If ye love me keep my Commandments" John 14:15

James 2:10-12 "If you offend in one point of the Law then you are guilty of breaking all of them".

Revelation 22: 14

'Blessed are those who keep his Commandments for they may have a right to the tree of life and enter through the gates of the city".

Be obedient, and have faith dear friends in God.

Ty Lone Ranger

2007-10-26 08:31:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

NO...not to flat out REJECT the 10 Commandments and claim to be a Christian....although, it has been known for Christians to break the laws occasionally, but therefore must repent of their sins!!

2007-10-26 06:35:49 · answer #5 · answered by Linda M 4 · 1 1

Religion is a way of life. You believe in something then you do something about it. Believing is not enough, you have to testify what you believe in by action, by doing something about it. Being a Christian answers the question 'What to Believe?' Following the Ten Commandments answers the question 'What to do?'

2007-10-26 05:50:23 · answer #6 · answered by reg 5 · 1 0

Reject? No.
They are foundational and to reject them would be opposed to the basic beliefs of Christianity.

2007-10-26 05:50:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How can one who was never a party to that covenant reject the conditions of that covenant? Wouldn't you have to be required to keep them in the first place in order to do so?

Acts 15 is plain enough to anyone who wants to read it at face value Gentile Christians were not required to keep the law of Moses, of which the ten commandments are the core of that covenant.


2007-10-26 14:16:59 · answer #8 · answered by Hogie 7 · 0 3

by observing most christians, i think the better question is "can you be a christian and still keep what the bible commands?"

2007-10-27 09:31:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sure, but your witness and effectiveness for Christ will not be what God intends for it to be.

Also, Jesus said that those who obey His commandments are those that love Him.


2007-10-26 05:52:06 · answer #10 · answered by David 5 · 1 0

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