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i just want my ex back. i've tried to get over him but its hard. its never taken me this long to get over someone b4 and i used to tell my self that it is just coz he leaves so close to me and i see him all the time. i've had a particularly rough couple of weeks and of all the people i could call and talk to about it, i only want to call him. i feel like i could either lay it on the line and tell him how i feel and risk rejection on just move on. if u think i should move on, could u tell me how to pls

2007-10-26 05:37:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

19 answers

You never know until you try.

At least if you try and he says no, then that will give you some sort of closure, and help you to move on.

Good luck.

2007-10-26 05:40:46 · answer #1 · answered by Gem Gem 5 · 2 1

Well, why is he your ex? There has to be a reason why you two split up. Maybe keeping that in your mind will help you get over the rough time. Fresh splits are hard when you still see the person all the time, but if the relationship wasn't worth it then it's best to stay apart. Indulge yourself a little. Go buy a new pair of really cute shoes. Get a manicure. Enjoy nightly bubble baths. Meet new people. Go out with your girls. Focus on your work or school.

If you need closure, go ahead and talk to him about it. Just remember that he may or may not be receptive to talking. If you really want this guy back, try it. Lay it all out there and let him decide what he wants to do. Pushing him back into a relationship he doesn't want to be in will only cause an uglier breakup later.

Good luck. Breakups suck.

2007-10-26 12:47:28 · answer #2 · answered by Sunnishine 2 · 0 0

I know how you feel i broke up with this guy about 6 months ago now, we'd been together for a year and he fell for someone else. I had to see him every single day and it hurt so much because i still loved him but all my friends told me not to speak to him becuase i deserved better. So i accepted it and let him go and once i'd took a step back i realised that i could live without him and in fact now, I'm much happier. You need to remember the reasons for breaking up with this guy, and god i know its hard to get over someone you really loved but you get there eventually i promise, i mean i cried everyday for about a month i was that upset. You can't move on until you really want to though, so maybe telling this guy, if he is a good guy, might be a good idea so that you can sort it out in your head. If he rejects you then who cares, hiss loss then you will be able to move on with no doubts.
Hope this has helped you a bit good luck sweetie xx

2007-10-26 12:58:15 · answer #3 · answered by lauraadorable 1 · 0 0

I have been married twice before - you can take only so much. Break - up is like a death in any case. Grieve, morn and get over it. The only cure is time & your friends may not like to talk about this guy all the time - so cool it.Write
your feelings in a journal/ diary. Some day you
will look back at it and get a good giggle from it. Or publish it.There is a song that may help - One day at a time, Sweet Jesus. We all risk rejection every day in one way or another. So
look up find something else to preoccupy your thoughts remember if it was ment to be it will be - just not in your given time span.

2007-10-26 12:57:55 · answer #4 · answered by suzdav68 3 · 0 0

Relationships generally don't work out for a reason, and going back and trying to fix it is like picking at a scab as it starts to heal.

Heres my humble opinion, I think you should wait, it could possibly be that you don't want him back, you just miss being WITH someone. So yea wait it out, you have to get to the point where you can be happy with him or happy without him, then ask yourself if you still want to be with him, don't let you're own personal happiness be dependant upon someone else loving you or wanting to be with you!

If you can give it time, learn to be okay with being alone, and be content and happy...then if you STILL want to be with him, talk to him about it, at least this way if you do get rejected...then it doesn't hurt you as bad, ya know what I mean?

Good luck!

2007-10-26 12:44:59 · answer #5 · answered by Tean 3 · 0 0

No one is worth it....has he moved on? If so then yes you should...don't know your situation so I don't know how to answer this question... it all depends on how many fights the severity of the fights...how he is....how you are.....some people are better being apart....me and my ex for example....fight all the time when together...can't see eye to eye at all....apart now for almost 5 yrs and we talk like old friends....we understand each other and can talk about anything.....it weird sometime but that how it is....we are friends now....so we can be friends but we can't be any more than that....you just have to try to give it some time and think about whats best for you....Good Luck.

2007-10-26 12:44:51 · answer #6 · answered by grdnangel0209 3 · 0 0

I think if it's true love and you just give him some space, he will eventually come back and if he doesn't it wasn't meant to be. When you lose someone you really love the only thing you can do is try and get out and get it off your mind, and wait. Time heals all pain. I know that it is hard though. Good Luck I hope everything works out for you.

2007-10-26 12:42:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You might want to set back and take a look has to why you seperated in the first place? Was he abusive to you, or to your children(if you have any?) And if that is the case, why do you want to get back with this guy? Matters of the heart sometimes can be so confusing, huh? Good Luck!

2007-10-26 12:43:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't tell him. Write it all down in a journal. write poems and songs about how you feel. mourn, grieve, cry and be sad. pretend the relationship is buried and have a grave. bring flowers and go visit it every day. you have to go through mourning -the process. you can't really move on until you've done the grieving.

2007-10-26 12:41:39 · answer #9 · answered by Sufi 7 · 1 0

do you know what is wired i am going threw the same exact thing... and my ex lives 10 houses away from me 2... but i think you should tell him how you feel and if he isnt interested then at least you told him your feelings... and that is all you can do if he dosent want to be with you then u have to be tough and move on i know that it is hard but if move on now it will be easer now trust me...

2007-10-26 12:43:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You do that and it will be over forever.

You really need to find something to pass your time and get him off you mind. obsessing over him or anything will never end well and you know that. in time it will hurt less and less i know it feels like you are dying but that is just your broken heart it takes awhile months even years for it to fully heal but it will

2007-10-26 12:41:45 · answer #11 · answered by froggy_logic 6 · 0 0

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