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if i was a christian, and i believed in hell being this whole lake of fire, eternal torment, gnashing of teeth place as so many christians have described to me i'd feel i have a little more of a moral obligation for really getting the word out to everyone as extremely as possible. consider you see someone who's about to walk unknowingly into oncoming traffic. do you just say, "hey, jesus loves you" only to let him procede aimlessly into the oncoming traffic? no. hell no!!! you start screaming. and if he continues you get almost have to get rude. "hey, you stupid idiot, you're about to get hit by a car!!!" yet, for some reason christians seem all to calm when it comes to non-christians allegedly going to hell. why is this? i mean, if you really believed that there was this place called hell, and that some of us are going, wouldn't you be a little more animated than calmlly saying, "jesus loves you"? is your calmness a sign of your doubt?

2007-10-26 05:06:30 · 13 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

sorry, i didn't mean to come across as if i was encouraging anyone to do something so bold. i was more or less trying to point out the obvious flaw in people's faith. i have no problem being rude to people who say evolution is a fairy tale. i believe the reason most people of faith aren't rude is simply because they don't believe as whole-heartedly as they'd like you to think they do. or they at least realize that hell is something they cannot prove. that's all i was trying to get across.

2007-10-26 05:58:34 · update #1

13 answers

Oh you aren't helping. Some nutter is going to take this to heart.

2007-10-26 05:11:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I agree with most of what you say, except for the"Jesus loves you" part. In my experience, people say that when it might not be true. Jesus does love some people, but not everyone. God only wants a remnant of people and has always been that way, that I can see.

Some people who are Christian are undiscerning because they have believed that God wants everyone, and that's not what I get from the Bible. God only wants a remnant, which is to say, "Only a few."

So The message of the Gospel is to be preached, and only those who have the God given ability to respond positively are going to be capable of responding positively. All the rest of the people are going to do certain things contrary to that:
1) They make God into the image they can approve of,
2) They trust in another god,
3) They reject the whole notion of 'God',
4) They try to put it out of their mind; being convinced that if there was a God, they don't need Him for anything.

But you are right, the preaching part is ordained by God, and those who are really connected to Him use whatever method the Holy Spirit leads them to. Sometimes it may seem loud, rude, or harsh, while other times it can be calm. It depends a lot on what the Christian preaching is led to believe is necessary.

EDIT: By the way, I just made a blog on my 360 on this question and my answer. Thanks for the good question. ( :

2007-10-26 05:20:46 · answer #2 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 0

Don't encourage them! I liked you till you did this! ^_^

Honestly, they already do that crap... Not all of them. But most will use the "Fool" trip on others and then try the reverse psychology (not realizing that one doesn't work). They always take stuff to extreme though. Using your analogy here... If you saw someone walking out into oncoming traffic and they didn't listen to you screaming at them... would you take a 2x4 to them to keep them from getting hit by a car? That is what many of them do... claim they're saving your life while beating the hell out of you (pun intended)... The thing of it is, they really get into beating up on people and usually end up killing the person with the 2x4. And just as the poor victims eyes close, they add "God loves you".

2007-10-26 05:26:10 · answer #3 · answered by River 5 · 0 0

When Christians talk and are very open about their religion, they are criticized for pushing their beliefs on others. In order to convert, instead of taking a over the top approach and turning many people off, they try to talk about how great Jesus is to make the conversion more subtle. They understand the danger, but they believe it to be more successful when one is subtle and kind.

If someone was about to get hit by a car, I wouldn't yell either, that would stop them in their tracks, they would look at you weird, and then get hit by the car. If you are subtle and try a different way, they have a greater possibility of being "saved".

2007-10-26 05:19:16 · answer #4 · answered by tightest embrace 0:) 5 · 0 0

Not really. What if, to use your illustration, the person about to be hit by the car doesn't believe in cars and berates you for getting in his face and screaming and being rude for what seems to him to be no reason. If that happens enough times, you'll end up telling a few people about the car and not keeping the car's existence as a secret but you resign yourself to the fact that some people just have to be hit by a car before they'll listen. I hate that but honestly, what else CAN one do?

2007-10-26 05:19:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You are correct in what you have said BUT, do you ever consider the fact that we (Christians) are individuals and this may suprise you but, we are also human beings. Just because we are Christians does not mean that we are robots. We are not all the same. Allow me to use the analogy of grades in school. Some Christians are still in the baby crib, some are in early grade school, some are in middle, some are in high school, and some are in college, but no one has graduated.because we are still learning and we are suppose to continue to make progress and continue to learn.
Unfortunately some people never go beyond the basics and they do not mature in the Lord.
Your expectations of us are even more than God's because you expect us to say and do things according to your standards and you do not set the standards for us, God does. He wants us to grow up and mature and stop allowing our sinful flesh to control us but, that is a choice we make. We choose to act like the rest of the world or we choose to yield ourselves to Him because we cannot live godly and act godly apart from yielding ourselves to Him. Jesus is the only one who knows how to and has the ability to live the Christian life. Whatever we work up is from the flesh and is not from God but we have the power of God in us and He will not force us to submit to Him because He is does not make us robots.

You stated we should be more animated than calmly saying Jesus loves you and I agree 100% with that, BUT, some of us have done and are doing the best that we know to do to get the message of the Gospel of Christ to you by giving you scriptures from the bible, because it is the Word of God that you need and not our opinion necessarily. We have to endure your sharp criticism, mocking of God and His Word, ridiculing Jesus, making fun of us because of our belief in God and all the bad, rude remarks about God. Now I know for a fact that some Christians on here do the same thing to you and that is to their shame and it is a dishonor and a disgrace to the Lord, and I am sorry for that, but remember what I said earlier about maturity and the grades. Regardless of whether a person is a Christian or unbeliever we still should respect each other as human beings because that is the one thing we all have in common. Most of the Christians here do care about your soul and eternal destiny but guess who cares more? The God that lives in us and it is the Holy Spirit of God in us that keeps us coming back for more hurt, pain, mocking and bashing from you. We care because we do not want anyone to go to the lake of fire and we may not say everything just right but at least we are saying something instead of just idly sitting by while people are dying every second lost forever. We Christians will have to stand before the judgement seat of Christ and give an account to him for what we did with the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ.
The bible says heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents and I hope and pray that at least we are a help to at least one person receiving Jesus the Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I believe that if it was possible most of us would gladly snatch you out of the kingdom of darkness but, we can't because that is something only God can do but, we can give you the truth which is the Word of God to the best of our ability. Your resistance to the truth is your resistance to the Spirit of God and He will not strive with you always. One day the door of mercy will be shut and it will be too late then. If you notice I have not given you much scripture because I know you do not want it. One day I hope you become a Christian so you can show the rest of us how to do it right and how to be a real Christian.

BTW, I thank Tuberoot for telling the truth and for having the courage and boldness to say what many people (including some Christians) do not want to hear and do not know. I can tell you are a real student of the Word of God and a great example of 2 Timothy 2:15

2007-10-26 06:57:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God wants us to be patient, by saying to someone, “hay you idiot you’re about to get hit by a car!!!” you’d think they’d already know that by now if they were trying to commit suicide. By saying “Jesus loves you” or “There’s a better way to live than how you’re living right now” that’s saying that there really is a second chance and it’s waiting for them, and plus it’s more encouraging.

2007-10-26 05:16:40 · answer #7 · answered by Megan 6 · 1 1

I agree with Tzofia, we don't want that. We complain all the time about them being all up in our faces about Jesus. What more do you want from them? Personally, I want a lot less concern for my eternal damnation.

2007-10-26 05:15:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

What the heck?
Now you WANT us to "convert" you?
WE say "Jesus loves you" all the time on here. There is hardly any bashfulness with regard to what Christians believe.
Your question is confusing.

2007-10-26 05:11:40 · answer #9 · answered by ivy 3 · 0 1

"A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
cause I'll be laughing my head off when hes burning in hell !"

2007-10-26 05:12:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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