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So first off, does anyone find it at all strange that since studies started coming out in ~1985 that "hitting children is bad", that serious injuries from child abuse rose 400% and fatalities increased by 48%? ( http://www.indicators.ak.org/indicators/ChildAbuseReptRate98F.htm )

Secondly, why is it that children born after this research have less of an attention span, and no respect for their parents nor elders?

I am against child abuse and against hitting a child out of anger. But I would simply like to know:

Why has our society's view on hitting children resulted in the situation getting worse instead of better?

2007-10-26 04:53:34 · 16 answers · asked by marquinho_81 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Perhaps hitting is the wrong word. "Spanking" is more appropriate.

2007-10-26 04:58:37 · update #1

And as for your statement on you can find research that shows anything - if that's true, then find me research that shows spanking children is good.
Don't you find it a bit biased that every single paper that comes out claims it is a bad thing?
I'm not showing you any research here - all I'm saying is it's a bit odd that there's a correlation between "spanking children = bad" and "children dying from child abuse going up"

2007-10-26 05:00:02 · update #2

Chevalrose: You're frigging awesome.

2007-10-26 05:00:55 · update #3

FYI, some info about me for those of you who are so quick to presume.
I'm 26, have no kids. I was hit as a child, and I have no anger towards my parents. Matter of fact, I thank them for it. I was a brat and constantly put myself in danger, and they taught me to know better.

2007-10-26 05:13:49 · update #4

CoolDude: 40% increase in FATALATIES. Killing your child was taken for granted as normal child rearing?
Seems to me that laws and social standards are supposed to cause a downard trend, or at the very least, keep things equal. Not cause them to INCREASE.
As for kids not behaving any differently, I beg to differ. Sure, kids can be brats, that hasn't changed and never will. I am going from personal experience here, and how kids behaved when I was young and how they behave now.
I never once saw a kid talk back to an elder or a parent when I was growing up. Respect was always shown.
Can you say that about kids today? People are so quick to shift blame to TV and video games, whatever happened to parents taking responsibility for how their kids turned out?

2007-10-26 06:20:18 · update #5

16 answers

Somehow spanking got meshed in with child abuse from stupid people who cant tell the difference. So now...spanking your child is abuse, which is ridiculous. Children run rampant now-a-days becuase people are afraid they are going to be called a bad parent or get their kids taken away because they disapline their child. What has this world come to?

2007-10-26 04:57:10 · answer #1 · answered by chevalrose 5 · 9 3

I believe b/c there is no consequence for there actions and people are steering away from the spare the rod spoil the child theory. Time out only does so much. I was spanked as a child and I spank my children. And can tell you that anytime that I was spanked I honestly deserved it. I was not spanked much....only 3x's in my childhood life. My kids have probably been spanked the same amount. I have 2 very respectful boys. And I don't believe in child abuse. No matter what people say there is a difference. If a child hits another child the first thing that happens is the other one will hit back. Children need to know that certain actions cause a more SEVERE reaction. Spanking alerts them of that early on. Everything in life will not result in or be as simple as a time out. I could go on about this forever & I am sure you will get alot of different answers. But I am a faith based & led person & honestly know in my heart that this is one of the main reasons why our kids today keep getting worse. I work w/and around youth and listen to 9-18 yrs olds curse around adults w/no care. I would not have dreamed of such things at that age. B/c of what was instilled in me by talking, groundings, and spankings.

2007-10-26 05:22:53 · answer #2 · answered by Ms. Independent 3 · 1 0

First, I don't agree in hitting a child, but I do agree in an old fashion "whopping" if the child is intolerable.

I believe the reason why our society is like this is because once you give a person control over a child, elderly, or any person. That control can be taken advantage of. There are serious issues such as depression, postpartum, etc. that effects children. They were born to "live" just as much as we have. It's up to the adults, not just the parents to show these children what's right from wrong. That not everything is given to them. They need to start at an early age to earn their keep. Meaning good grades, attitude, chores, etc. are prime examples that our society lacks in teaching children these days. It's not the punishment of hitting a wild child. There's other solutions.

You'll have to deep dig into the cause. It can be several reasons for a child to act that way. They can be raised in a single family home, or homeless, family with addiction, etc. Look deeper into the child's life style and you'll see. Try working with kids and adolescence. It will bring you new light.

2007-10-26 05:03:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It hasn't gotten any worse. It's just that once it became unacceptable, incidents started being reported as "child abuse" that used to just be taken for granted as normal child rearing.

The situation in the schools really started to deteriorate when teachers were forbidden to touch or hug their students. Little nippers desperately need physical affection, and when they're treated instead as potential lawsuits and jail terms, they act out, as we should expect that they would. Try raising a cat or a dog without touching it and see how unfriendly it gets.

Overall, kids don't behave any differently than they ever have, according to complaints from the ancient Greeks and Romans. It's just that today the word spreads faster and farther.

The biggest problem today is the advent of violent gangs and an immigrant culture that tolerates them and their activities. That's an issue that needs to be addressed and not regarded as a taboo subject by the politicians.

2007-10-26 05:32:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel lits because of all those nosy ladies who, if you are in a gracery store and your 2 year old is acting up and you give him a little smack on the butt, these women feel the need to tell you how you are a bad mother! Screw that! When I was bad I got a spanking! and i could care less what "society" says we should and shouldn't do! if my child misbehaves there will be a punishment. You are absolutely right in the fact that nowadays kids get away with murder! they talk back to their parents and to any adult they come in contact with. They have no respect. And when children do act like this, people look at the parents and say "how can you allow you child to behave this way?" but when you go to discipline them you are a child abuser! Its stupid and I think that unless you are beating the crap out of your kids, a spanking here and there is a great idea!

2007-10-26 04:59:48 · answer #5 · answered by GMC1003 3 · 8 2

I think the statistic, "serious injuries from child abuse rose 400%" is all about awareness.... people have been abusing and hitting and killing their children for thousands of years....and making excuses that they fell down the steps, or some other accident happened.

Children don't respect parents and elders because they were not shown/taught respect as very small children... we have to respect them FIRST (starting when they are toddlers) and show proper behavior. Otherwise, they will grow up to be heathens. We live what we learn, and our formative years are over by the time we are 6.

2007-10-26 05:01:08 · answer #6 · answered by letterstoheather 7 · 2 1

First of all......It seems that you love hitting kids...but I might be wrong.
Secondly, you believe in everything you read and you believe in statistics and all that junk.

What we should try to do is put yourself in the place of an intelligent kid who happens to be hit by a stupid father or mother.
The kid will be hit when he is young but he will have the right to hit back when he grows older and kick the crap out of his parents when time comes.
If you are violent towards a kid, I hope he will eventually get even with you.
Who cares about those percentages you are reading about if you are up to hitting your children when you see that Oprah appoves it ?
Those who lead a life by reading statistics are morons.
Those who love their kids will never lay a hand on them. They should keep them interested in doing creative things and should keep them aware of the world. This way, kids will develop their own personality and they will not become sufferers of life.
Instead, they will not kick the corn-flakes out of you in the future. He will not run away from home and he will be open with you while talking about his personal problems.

Life is cool but some stupid daddies and mommies are hitting their kids everyday just because they read at the "Reader's Digest" that it was the best way to raise your kids. Crap !! Crap is what some people in the media "try" to teach.

Lots of affection,
George Modilevsky ( Google )

2007-10-26 05:10:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 1 1

Because we require discipline and now we are not giving it to our children. With no discipline, they lose focus and never learn respect.

Discipline can be physical or mental or both. Mental discipline requires much more time and patience so most try it but fail miserably and leave their children a mess.

I agree about abuse but a couple swats on the butt isn't abuse, 20 is. The trick is to count to ten and calm yourself down before you do the punishment.

2007-10-26 05:02:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I don't see spanking, beatings is a problem. If a parent spank their child for right reasons and explaining to the child why its need to be done and why its wrong. then theres no problem

2007-10-26 07:23:42 · answer #9 · answered by simple guy 1 · 1 0

i agree with your statements 100%!

when i was a child if I did something bad I got spanked. My grandpa would spank me, my parents, and my NEIGHBORS if i DESERVED it.

I came out just fine and actually APPRECIATE the fact that my parents spanked me. I learned that if I did something bad i'd get spanked and then I'd never do that 'bad thing' again! simple as that. It kept me safe.

2007-10-26 05:02:59 · answer #10 · answered by Lana B 3 · 2 0

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