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please only logical arguments with resions.

2007-10-26 04:19:24 · 83 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

sorry i ment the goverment, laws ect. not the people themselves.

2007-10-26 23:21:38 · update #1

83 answers

there are a lot of people that a racist but i don't think the country is a lot of people are

2007-10-26 04:21:34 · answer #1 · answered by jenniferevans32 3 · 9 8

If you mean the USA, I must say YES, IT IS !
Just look at the witch hunt with illegals. Most of them are not bad people, but the terrorists gave the excuse that some people wanted to begin chasing illegal immigrants.
Since the Europeans came to the USA and "bought" the land from the native Americans ( who had no idea of land being purchased or bought ) they began to treat all other immigrants like they were jack the ripper, no matter that the USA made war to Mexico and seized half of their territory ( was that illegal ). Since then, people south the border have been coming here to work and make money.
Without the immigrants, legal or illegal, this country would have gone down the drain. It receives the cheap hand labor of Latin America, and has been receiving the scientists of the world, like Werner Von Braun, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, just to mention some.
Nowadays it is still receiving many people with high education, like doctors, and instead of greeting them, they make things very hard for them, rejecting the brains that come here free. Now countries like China are attracting scientists. The USA don't care about that now, but they will

2007-10-26 06:17:26 · answer #2 · answered by Ludd Zarko 5 · 6 2

Depends on what one would consider racist. I'm hispanic and I get to be pull over on a weekly basis, ALWAYS by white cops. Strange as may seem I've never been ticketed so I don't know why they keep pulling over on the stupidest excuses, oh we pull you over cus I noticed a 2 mm crack on your windshield"
The other night I stepped out to smoke a regular cigarette and this two cops make a crazy u turn and get out of the car pointing guns at me shouting where di'd I hide the pot.
Yes is racist. But I love this country, is also full of wonderful people as well.

2014-09-28 20:35:02 · answer #3 · answered by enzo 1 · 0 0

America, as a country, has many laws on the books to guarantee that no citizens suffer from racism. Look at all the laws that were passed during the Civil Rights Movement. So, no, as a country, America is not racist.

Are there some racist people in America? Of course. There are some racist people just about everywhere.

2007-10-26 04:52:17 · answer #4 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 7 3

No, America isn't a racist country. We have affirmative action, hate crime legislation, diversity programs, massive illegal immigration from the third-world, & political correctness. If anything America is racist against white people.
P.S. It's spelled reasons not resions.

2007-10-26 06:13:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

As hard as we try not to be, yes, unfortunately there is still racism in America. I was really hoping we would be past it by now, and if i still lived in Montana, and not Florida, I would probably have given a different answer.

A lot of the racism that does still exist, is in the Southeastern US. Just look at what happened to those 6 black kids in Jenna Louisiana who beat up a white kid for hanging nooses in a tree. Until about a year ago, only white kids were allowed to sit under this particular tree, then that "privilege" got that taken away, so anybody could sit under the tree. This made some white racist kids mad, and they hung a few nooses in the tree after some black kids had been sitting under it, and then wondered why these black kids would want to beat the crap out of them. One black kid in particular was kept in jail for an extended length of time without even being formally charged. This was a good kid, star athlete, etc... Since they couldn't nail him on an assault charge, they found some stupid probation violation and locked him up again. The white kids who hung the nooses were not even charged with a hate crime. The town people actually had the gall to claim their town was not racist. They are so racist, they can't see it in front of their stupid ignorant little faces.

So, my friend, racism does still exist in this country, sad as it is, since America is a melting pot of many many different races, you would think we could all get along by now. I hear it all the time here in Florida. If a black person doesn't get their way, they scream racism.

Unfortunately there is another form of racism going on, which is reverse racism. I have a white friend who needed assistance from the welfare system, because she has 2 kids and got pregnant (on birth control) and about the same time her support system went totaly down the tubes, and she needed emergency medicaid, and food stamps. She was forced by the system to jump through many many hoops, only to be denied for a reason we still can't figure out. All the while minority women were in the same line, and getting all the assistance they wanted, without having to jump through a million hoops. I call that reverse racism. It's sad that our state government thinks all white people should be able to take care of themselves and never need assistance because they are white, and at the same time insinuates that all minorities are stupid and can't survive on their own without assistance. What kind of mentality is that? RACIST plain and simple. It makes me sick.

Another example: When Bush stole the election in Florida, by disenfranchising minority voters, turning them away at the poles saying they were not properly registered, and many ,many other underhanded tricks that were played by the GOP to ensure Bush got elected, even though Gore won by the popular vote. If baby brother had not been the Govenor of Florida, I think things would have turned out a lot differently.

Then there is Affirmative Action. When it was first brought in to play, it was necessary to help minorities and women get promoted. Now what is happening, it the employer's are trying to meet some stupid quota, so the best qualified person who is white, will often be passed up for a promotion and it will be given to a minority who is less qualified for the job. That is wrong. Promotions should be based on who is the most qualified, not what color their skin is or whether they are female.

By the way, I am a white female.

2007-10-26 04:49:52 · answer #6 · answered by CSmom 5 · 4 2

Yes Mexico is a very racist country, in fact it is second in the world behind Japan.
You did say America which covers a lot of countries in this hemisphere
People in the USA are not a racist group people we are more tolerant then most. That is some of our major problems being to tolerant. It could be because we are rather self centered group of people. for the most part more into ourselves. If things don't effect directly we ignore it until it gets bad then we get rather upset.

Most of the people that are racist in the USA are the new foreigners that come here.
They demand we accept them from their customs, language rules they think we should change to accommodate them.

They came here from place that don't work yet they try to turn this country into the same place. Most are here to take and destroy everything that made this country the grerat place.

People that do not assimilate to our rules, laws, language and customs are the Racists. Not the USA citizens.

2007-10-26 05:32:40 · answer #7 · answered by wild4gypsy 4 · 4 8

Gee! that is a loaded question being and African American who grew up in the 60's a the height of the Civil rights movement and saw racism first hand and up close n personal I would say this country has also had a racism problem n history has a way of repeating its self but I will say this it is not as bad as it was back in the day because people and the generations coming up today will not tolerate it look at all of the bi-racial marriages that tells you right there how far this country has come doesn't it but we still have a long way to go and can not sit on our laurels thinking things r great because they r not but they r better than the era I grew up in and that is a fact.
But to say that this country is not racist would be fooling our selves as well ok!

2007-10-26 04:26:35 · answer #8 · answered by Dark Shadows 3 · 2 6

More Black (USA Blacks) people hate white people than vice versa (as a percentage). You think of racism as a white issue, but blacks are more racist against whites in today’s world. And today is better for blacks than 50 years ago. I just don’t get it.

2015-04-28 09:15:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

This is similar to asking if all Arabs are terrorists. America is made up of a diverse peoples with different backgrounds and ideals. The difference is that we are free to express ourselves publicly within the confines of a general rule that what I express as an ideal someone else has the right to not believe in that ideal and have his own separate ideal which he may express. Pretty simplistic in a complex question.

2007-10-26 04:43:42 · answer #10 · answered by backyard mech 2 · 3 4

America is not a racist country... Some of the American people are racist unfortunately but there is racism everywhere.... I've heard people in Mexico make fun of white people almost as much as white people in the US make fun of mexicans, african americans etc... Racism is wrong but some people can't help being biased and others are just stupid... You can change your name, accent, clothes, attitude, but never your roots... you can't change where you come from... that's why racism is so ridiculous, you'd think if some one would hold something against someone else it would at least be something that was their fault or that they could change...

2007-10-26 04:25:08 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

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