Marines are not highly trained in hand to hand combat. Not unless he got the training before going into the military, or if the Marine is Force Recon. Your average infamtry Marine is usually not very smart, but they make up for it by not being well equipped due to the fact that they have to get by with Army hand-me-downs! That won't stop him from charging FU@#ING HARD!!
2007-10-26 04:25:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
that depends what an Iraqi considers unarmed,from what I've seen and heard on the news the most effective weapon they have are suicide bombers and hand held rockets.i never heard of an Iraqi soldier shooting down an American soldier in hand to hand combat....maybe I'm not watching enough news.
I feel if American soldiers weren't so scared to go into the mountains(i don't know the name) this war would have been over 4years and 9 months ago ....maybe sooner when Clinton had his chance.
2007-10-26 11:06:31
answer #2
answered by ispy somthin blue 3
The typical Iraqi male is about 5'8" and 140 pounds. Typical Marine is 5'10" 185 pounds you do the math.
2007-10-26 13:09:01
answer #3
answered by voelker_n 2
The iraqi !!!!
One is a soldier(the iraqi) the other one was socializing in a mall when the recruter came to him.
Your question is a bit stupid since you know that even with the best weapon the us army has still not yet secured Iraq.
2007-10-26 11:01:58
answer #4
answered by Milo 1
the marine is a trained soldier the Iraqi is not no contest.the marine wins semper fi
2007-10-26 10:58:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Marines aren't well trained without technology? Okay buddy. US Marines are some of the best trained forces in the world, physically and mentally.
2007-10-26 11:06:10
answer #6
answered by Milo 3
Well being a veteran of the U.S.military myself and my son being a U.S.Marine,you could say I would be bias ok! I am bias I stake my life on a U.S.Marine,anytime knowing how well they r trained in the art of self defense and hand to hand combat but hey! I am a veteran so u really think I would go against my fellow veterans do you!
2007-10-26 10:58:50
answer #7
answered by Dark Shadows 3
The unarmed US because Americans live in better conditions and have a better diet
2007-10-26 10:57:17
answer #8
answered by Vinz 5
its 50/50 marines arnt well trained so without technology, so fighting hand to hand with a civilian would be completely Even.
2007-10-26 11:00:26
answer #9
answered by Gengi 5
If you mean who will survive the Marine. He/she is trained to kill. why would you ask this question?
2007-10-26 10:57:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous