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.they say there are no demons..there are halucinations..

saying so..the effect is suporting satan to hide..and make the people never think that satan could exist and tempt them..

the psychologists say there is not possesion..there are ilnesses..how do they dare to say something against what Jesus said?Jesus who is GOD, PART OF HOLLY TRINITY..

or they are hipocrite they say..yes there are demons..but this man in front of us is mad..

Aren't they afraid of the fire of hell?

it is the biggest sin to deny that God exists and that demons exists and give troubles to people ..

the medicine is a backward idea ..from ancient greeks..who obeyed the idols ..and didn't believe satan give ilnesses

2007-10-26 03:05:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

"the psychologists say there is not possesion..there are ilnesses..how do they dare to say something against what Jesus said?Jesus who is GOD, PART OF HOLLY TRINITY.."


Jesus is long dead, honey, and we know better than to believe that there is "demon possession".

I "dare" to say that because it's true. There are no "gods" or "demons", and what you wrote here is ignorant nonsense leftover from the Middle Ages.

2007-10-26 03:09:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Your post says you are disturbed or upset with what the professionals say. You can choose to believe what you want to believe, this does not mean that you are right or others are worng, The church believed that the earth was flat, Darwin kept his mouth shut for 20 years because of his evolution observations, because it was going against the teachings of the bible, who believes that there was adam and eve, he did not say bible was wrong, he just showed what he observed, it it clases with the ancient teachings does it mean that science should not question? Religion prohibits questions where as science questions and finds answers. If humans have the capacity to question and think and research why should we not do it, this capacity was given to us by God, What was right once upon a time may not be right today, this does not mean that they were wrong, in olden days conclusions were reached with limited tools, based on what was said research went on, and this will continue, tomorrow we will find that there is life in other planets or we humans get to gether and save the planet from distruction, or we are able to change the genes that are more discructive, Small pox was known as curses from god, but we turned the curse into vaccination and we erridacated the disease from the planet.

Yes Delutions and hallucinations are true, if you want to live in the belief that satan is the cause you can believe, if you choose not to take any medication for your illness and believe that god will cure you, its your choice. This does not stop the world to have a meaningful understanding of how things actually work.
Religions suited the imature man but today man has grown to a higher understanding of his existance and the things around him. You are living in a box and scared to see outside of it, Perhaps you need to try seeing things based on your capacity to reason. Its good that you asked this question here, perhaps its god;s plan for you to let you know more and live a more meaningful life.

2007-10-26 10:31:54 · answer #2 · answered by thachu5 5 · 0 0

Well, its a bit better than in the dark ages, when someone had a mental illness, they thought they had a demon in them and drilled a hole in their head to get it out. Its called Trepanation. 1st off, psychology and psychiatry are science, the study of something where they find a cause of the problem. Your faith might have you stuck in the thinking that a 2000 year old book has more knowledge than people with 2000 years of study backing them. The book stopped 2000 years ago while people keep learning new things. They can prove scientifically what is happening in the subjects brain, you can't prove the existence of demons. Religion and science shouldn't mingle, religion is a belief and science is an idea. You can kill for a belief but you can change and improve on an idea.

2007-10-26 10:19:14 · answer #3 · answered by Glenn 3 · 0 1

I dunno, because psychiatrists and psychologists can either be religious or atheist, or agnostic. depends. but, they just assess their patient's psychological state, to see if they are feeling things the are so minute they can't be real, or seeing things that people without a mental illness can't see. One way to tell is if the patient's got a joint or nose candy in their pocket. But, drugs isn't always a nice way to worship symbolics, such as God or Satan, with God representing all things pure, and united, and Satan, representing all things individualistic and supernatural and a feeling of godliness (feeling more than human), and power and lust. Anyway, back to your question, it is not really all true that people in the psychological job area can dare to speak against God, because either they don't believe in God, or, if they do, then they also believe in enlightenment, which includes the Illuminati (Enlightened), who were thought of by the Catholic church as disproving that the world is indeed round and that the Earth indeed does revolve around the Sun, and that nothing revolves around Earth other than its moon. This particular group of people were considered occult because, when they were using chemicals back then, people just thought that they were witches or wizards, even though they were just scientifically advanced, which I do find kind of odd about religion, which is funny strange in a way. And, if you think that Enlightment is related to Scientology, well it isn't.

2007-10-26 10:29:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Use of the definite article (i.e., THE) implies ALL psychologists and psychiatrists speak against God. This is far from true. Almost all evangelical (even extremely conservative denominations) embrace counseling techniques as a tool for the pastorate and offer training in Psychology. One example is Frank Minirith, operates clinics in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and has written a book for Christian Counselors (see reference below).

BTW, if you are going to attempt any form of apologetics, for the sake of Christendom, please copy and paste the posting to Word for basic grammar and spell checking. Those you attempt to influence with your “logic” will give you more respect that way.

One in the bonds unbreakable,

2007-10-26 10:21:44 · answer #5 · answered by shaffner 3 · 0 0

When you get extremely sick or diseased, feel free to avoid the "backward idea of medicine", just try not to avoid it for your children.

Since we have not ever been able to find evidence of demons, and every case that was thought to be demons has been shown to have psychological or chemical causes, shouldn't that tell you something about your belief? If you believe in god, satan, and demons why don't you believe in Santa as the same agruments could be used for him.

2007-10-26 10:13:18 · answer #6 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 0 1

I dont know why chose psychologists and psychiatrists, there are lots of us who don't believe in any god (I assume you're are talking of your own christian god?)

It's not about DARING to speak against someone. Its about being true to our own beliefs. Do u 'dare' to speak out against the easter bunny or santa? To the atheists among us it's no different...all are imaginary beings

2007-10-26 10:10:25 · answer #7 · answered by Pretty in punk chick 3 · 0 0

The question is not how do they dare but how can that which they do not belive effect them whilst they live?

if god does exist then they will pay the price in Hell, if he does not then they will cease to exist and no one is any the wiser. either way you should leave judgement to god, man has no right to assume he can argue for him.

The real question is that if the bible is a true and acurate record of life why are there no dinosaurs in it?

2007-10-26 10:12:56 · answer #8 · answered by ebungle 3 · 1 1

The way I feel is that if I had any questions about religion, I would go to my priest. What does a psychiatrists know? Only what they believe, know what I mean? You couldn't have said it any better, The biggest sin is to deny God. The can rip my finger nails and toe nails out, torture me, I will never deny God.........

2007-10-26 10:12:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

They don't believe what you believe, so if you're taking advice from them then I think you should turn to God.

God comes in holly versions now? Cool! I'll get one for Christmas.

If you don't believe in sin and God then no, they don't care about the fires of hell.

2007-10-26 10:13:34 · answer #10 · answered by The Loving Addict 5 · 1 0

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