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i dont understand what you can get by killing some many Iraqis? have you ever considered how sad the departed's families will be? why you guys can ruthlessly pull the triggers and shoot the innocent civillians dead???? anybody can tell me??? what happened to your stupid mind??

2007-10-26 02:29:46 · 36 answers · asked by Tun 1 in Politics & Government Military

36 answers

Where do you get your information? There is not a relevant question in your question.

The US troops don't just walk around shooting people. They will fire when fired upon, and they will also fire upon anyone posing a credible threat. Since everyone in Iraq owns an AK-47, they often need to wait until someone is killed before they know who is a threat.

The families of terrorists and insurgents feel that their family members are martyrs, so they are probably less upset than you think.

The innocent civilians are being killed by the car bombers, snipers, and suicide bombers. There have been isolated instances where civilians have been caught in the crossfire. However, US troops are under orders to protect innocents, even if that means they need to let a threat get away rather than shooting into a crowded area.

You really need to think before you call anyone else stupid.

2007-10-26 02:46:58 · answer #1 · answered by LC 5 · 5 1

War is Hell. If you are so against cruelty the perhaps you should also ask of the militants why they decide to throw gasoline on a young boy and set him on fire. Or perhaps you should also decry the violence against people who are being gleefully beheaded by militants. What about those Iraqis who were tortured by militant groups? Have you ever considered how sad the departed families are etc? War is Hell and yes, innocent people do get killed. Is it fair, no. Then again, war is never really fair either. Look at Vietnam, WWII, and WWI. Before you start asking soldiers what happened to their minds and why they are stupid, perhaps you ought to think about what war truly is and the harm that occurs when countries and regimes can not come to terms with each other. In this case the enemy would love to exterminate the infidels no matter the cost and no matter who dies. Oh and ALL soldier have the same awful tasks/jobs no matter what country they are from. Please, conduct some more research before making generalizations.

2007-10-26 03:57:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Looks like your "stupid mind" is already made up but...

1) The US is not planting bombs in market places and toy carts.

2) The US is not surrounding themselves with women and children when sleep at night.

3) The US is not shooting from between the legs of a woman on the street.

4) The US is not making bombs in appartment buildings.

5) The US is not training kids to attack the Iraqi Army.

6) The US is not stopping busloads of people and executing them.

Now, everytime a cruel terrorist does one of these things, whats an Iraqi soldier or a US soldier supposed to do? Just get shot? Just let the individual, that is really the cruel monster, just get away so he can plant another bomb in a toy cart?

And another question for you, is a civilain that is willingly acting as a shield for a terrorist "innocent?"

2007-10-26 02:54:00 · answer #3 · answered by mnbvcxz52773 7 · 4 1

I don't even want to waste my time on you. You have just insulted so many men and women in our military, as well as all of the families and spouses of those brave men and women. They do not join to go "pull the triggers and shoot the innocent civilians dead." How dare you say that!!!! My soon to be husband joined the Army BEFORE this war started, and he never thought he would have to go risk his life for someone else's cause, but he does his job and protects all of our freedom including yours (which you don't even deserve.) And just so you know, he has never killed anyone, that is not all that they do. You really need to stop and think about what you are writing before you do it so you do not seem like a complete idiot.

2007-10-26 03:18:43 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 2 1

definite, that's actual. he's not a soldier. he's a Marine which isn't a soldier in any respect. Marines are actually not referred to for being rather intelligent, and this baby is now going to have some actual issues. His call, and the place he lives are all ordinary. If he survives to come again to the states, you would be reading approximately him being taken out via somebody right here.

2016-12-15 09:41:49 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

they're just defending their country and themselves. Don't you dare thinking that all of the US soldiers have fun killing people. There might be 2% that don't know anything about ethics and go crazy there, but the rest would be happy not having to kill people over there. You should consider that no matter if iraqi or us dependents of a killed loved one are suffering. I mean, how stupid is it killing yourself and YOUR countries people as a suicide bomber?! Some of the iraqis don't seem to care if they kill their own people.

2007-10-26 04:51:43 · answer #6 · answered by Orange 2 · 2 0

We never take a life causally. We only take it to save our lives or the lives of fellow troops on our side. We're not stupid enough to jeopardize our own mission there by killing Iraqi civilians for fun. I suggest you read up on self defense and how the military operates before saying anything ignorant like that.

2007-10-26 16:25:56 · answer #7 · answered by ____________________________ 6 · 0 1

Once again when i was over there, I had to watch helplessly while a man wanted another Muslim wife and decided that he couldn't afford the two he already had, so he just accused one of his wives of cheating on him, by Iraqi law he could take this wife into the streets, shoot her and leave her dead body in the street to rot, which is what he did and there was nothing I could do, but watch him shoot her and let her die, while he took the other women he wanted and marry her.

2007-10-26 03:42:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

when your engaged against an enemy force that can easily blend back into the population once they have finished their attack against US Forces, it makes it very difficult to determine who the enemy actually is, and if you, yourself, were to be placed in the exact same, set of circumstances as that of the American soldiers fighting these terrorists, how would you deal with finding and killing your enemy? Take a survey, ask them to step forward and admit their involvement, or what?

Never try to criticize a situation that you only know about through the media, the media is designed to get the public attention, so that their ratings go up, and the media will also play on people's emotions in order to increase their sales or ratings, so the very best way to properly understand the problems that our brave forces are up against in Iraq, is to go over there and deal with it every single day, and then you would be qualified to critique them and what they are doing to properly protect themselves from enemy attacks.

Personally, I think they are doing one hell of a good job over there, considering what they are up against. And, so should you!

2007-10-26 03:00:15 · answer #9 · answered by libertybell 2 · 3 1

If you have never been in war, you have no business commenting on the actions of our brave troops.

My nephew, a gentle, kind, intelligent young man, has served two tours in Iraq. He is NOT cruel, nor are his brothers-in-arms. They do not try to harm anyone unless they are fired upon or threatened. They are there at the request of the Iraqi government, to help bring stability to the region. They are not just killing innocent people. But they are dealing with sniper attacks, car bombs and suicide bombers that threaten their lives at every turn.

And my nephew graduated from The Citadel (that's a university, in case you didn't know) with high honors, so he is by no means stupid, nor has he been brainwashed.

2007-10-26 02:41:29 · answer #10 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 5 3

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