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That is like saying it is okay to abuse old people but not kids.
You are for abortion or your not. Most people on here say abortion is murder (I do not agree) but then they say it is okay to have done to save the mothers life or if it was from rape.
I think that you all make no sense in how you say that.

2007-10-26 01:24:56 · 19 answers · asked by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

To the one person that asked, they do not even perform abortions in the final weeks of pregnancy.
To me an abortion is an abortion no matter how far along you are.

2007-10-26 01:39:27 · update #1

19 answers

I think it comes down to people's morality. I am Pro Choice and I don't think its anybodies business to tell me what I can do with my body. Now I respect others opinion on the subject, But I think your right you are either for or against it. I know many people who have had abortions for many reasons, etc.. rape, genetic disorders, life of mother and so. my good friend had a aboriton at 15, her boyfriend beet the crap out of her on a daily bases, (her dad abused her as well) so yes it was the best thing for her and her baby.

2007-10-26 05:53:55 · answer #1 · answered by ஐ♥Bethஐ♥ 5 · 1 0

Well, I dont necessarily agree with abortion, and I really hope that if ever faced with the situation I wouldnt choose it. But, I wont tell anyone that they have to carry a child from rape, a child that will have horrible birth defects, or continue a pregnancy that will result in the babies and/or their own death.

I say these exceptions even though I think abortion is wrong because:

- I dont know that I would be able to emotionally handle carrying a child of rape. If I cant sit and say I know would carry it and be fine, how can I expect other people to?

- I am a full believe in euthanasia. If a child is going to be born with horrible defects, will they ever have a functional pain free life? Im not talking about something like downs syndrome or something like that. That simply requires extra care. Im talking about horrible disfiguring and painful defects

- And during my remission from cancer I almost thought about trying to get pregnant. But I decided to wait bc I was afraid the cancer would come back. It is leukemia, and with that, you cant wait for treatment because you will die. If you dont die the baby will bc your body cant support the baby. And the treatments for leukemia are too strong for the baby to survive. That was when I realized that if I were pregnant and relapsed if there was still time I would have an abortion. So I just choose not to. Im glad that was my choice bc I did relapse, and with the timing i would have been preg if I had been able to conceive. So, if I know I will have an abortion to save my own life, I wont tell someone else they cant.

2007-10-26 08:44:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I agree with you 100%
I think it is great abortions are there, it's not my preference, but yeah sometimes someone may want one. I do however believe that they shouldn't be done after a certain amount of time. People who abort at 20 weeks because they are unhappy it's a boy or girl, are sickos!!
I am not real opinionated on the matter and don't tend to push my opinions on others. I think it is a matter of each person to make.

However, I asked a question today about why people make excuses not have their dog put down, after it bit their child. I got some pretty foul replies, calling me a murderer, for saying I would have anyone of my dogs put down if they bit on of my boys.

PS- I haven't seen you on here for awhile, where you been?


2007-10-26 08:36:58 · answer #3 · answered by *Charli* Mamma Di Gemini's 6 · 2 1

I think that if the abortion is medically indicated, it is more justifyed than if some one was just using it as birth control or way to " fix" her mistake. If the mother's life is at stake, why lose two lives? Sadly, there are times when abortion is medically indicated. There is a HUGE difference between abortion because it could kill the mom and baby and having an abortion because some one wasn't responsible enough to use birth control....

2007-10-26 08:37:51 · answer #4 · answered by Pedsgurl 7 · 3 0

You are entitled to your own opinion.
I also, in my opinion, feel that you can NOT be on either side of that question. You either believe in abortion or you don't. Excuses like those are just a way of not standing firmly on your feelings.
It is my belief that abortion is MURDER. Plain and simple.
As far as rape...well, it is still part me...and it is still a child. PERIOD. My husband and I talked about this before. We both feel the same. If a woman can't handle looking or loving this child of rape...if you MUST see it that way, then go with adoption.
Life threatening? I would follow through with the pregnancy. If it were to endanger me to deliver naturally, then I'd go C-section. Otherwise, I'd have to take every precaution to see that we BOTH come through alright. If not, then it's God's decision.
Not the "right time" to have a baby? Hinders YOUR life? Well, again, there is adoption. Maybe it isn't the right time to have sex!

2007-10-26 08:41:54 · answer #5 · answered by Halo...as in Angels have them 4 · 1 2

Well, if you were raped by someone would you want to see a piece of that person(that violated you) in you child every single day. I think it would be hard. Maybe you wouldn't love the kid as much. And why should two lives be lost if both the mother and child are in danger anyway. I personally couldn't do it, but I believe people have the right to choose what happens to their own body. I also believe in euthanasia...do you have a problem with that as well?

2007-10-26 08:40:49 · answer #6 · answered by Behind Green Eyes 3 · 2 0

Very hard question, but I do agree and see both side's as it all depend's on what the situation is at the time.

I do not agree if someone has an abortion just for the sake of it because she can't keep her leg's closed !

However, depending on the situation, age, living arrangement's etc, it just may not be the right time in a girl's life to bring another person into this world if she can't even look after herself. It would not be fair on her or especially newborn, so at time's they may be no other option.

2007-10-26 08:37:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

If the mom's life is in danger or if the baby is in danger or has a serious birth defect they may have no choice but to abort, since the baby could die anyway. Using abortion for birth control is different, it's just wrong.

2007-10-26 13:47:20 · answer #8 · answered by S 7 · 1 0

Well I think sometimes people have a hard time expressing their opinion of abortion. Being against it and for it does seem like an ignorant contradiction, but its a legitimate stance. If you are against it because its murder. Its kind of hard to say that you are for it because then you are saying that in some cases murder is viable.
Everybody who has a mixed stance on abortion does not carry all the attributes that confuse you. For instance I'm not against abortion because its murder, I'm against using abortions as a means of contraceptives ya know? Like i don't agree with somebody getting pregnant then getting an abortion over and over.. I am also against it because I don't believe in fetus farming because of the rise in stem cell research and the viable applications, I fear a time where people are getting pregnant just to kill the fetus for stem cells. This can lead to unnatural selection. People choosing what trait is acceptable and unacceptable then disposing of the unacceptable in the name of scientific research. Given the history of t he human race to separate and segregate and oppress certain traits through history.. race, sex, creed.... this unnatural selection is extremely dangerous in my opinion because it can lead to legal suppression of races sexes and creeds.
On the flip side I believe that abortions are a legitimate procedures because of incidences of rape or even if the baby puts the mother at risk. Now if the person constantly pleads rape and continues to get pregnant then i believe there are alternative motives that need to be addressed and rectified. Because of these two stand points, I can only conclude that I believe in pro choice, but under at least some regulations to prevent intentional fetus harvesting or use as a post contraceptive or even worse a means of controlling a minority population. I believe my stand point is a viable one, but I can see how many of the opposing point of views can seem ignorant and contradictory if they are both the point of view by these people you refer too. (And Who Knows they may be pro murder...but thats a different topic)

2007-10-26 08:56:34 · answer #9 · answered by buzz61786 2 · 0 1

i am against abortions but not the people that have them.
i know a great number of people who have had abortions, for example my sister has a daughter with cystic fibrosis, she then fell pregnant again but decided to have an abortion on the grounds that she couldnt bare to have two of her children die before they were 30.
i think people are entitled to their own opinions and if they belive abortions is the right choice for them then who are we to judge.

2007-10-26 08:44:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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