I would say that most non Christians forget that Christianity is not just a word to describe who we are, its a lifestyle.
If one is evident and the other is not, then it is not Christianity.
It must not just walk like a duck, it must also talk like a duck and look like a duck.
2007-10-25 18:35:08
answer #1
answered by cindy 6
The main thing that I would like for some of the atheists to get, is, that not all Christian want to be put in a stereotypical group. Because we are not all alike when it comes to the way we treat other people, other religions and non believers. And I don't appreciate being told what some, state as fact, as to what they say we do or don't do.
2007-10-26 01:49:37
answer #2
answered by jenx 6
Many non-Christians act as if all Christians believe exactly the same doctrines as the hardcore Fundamentalists. Rather obviously, not all Christians are Fundamentalists. Christianity is a very large belief system, with many different denominations and a rather wide variety of doctrinal teachings.
In my own personal case, it irks me when people think that just because I'm a Christian, I also have to freak out over Harry Potter books, act like a homophobe, stand against equal rights for women, and have a lingering fear of the theory of evolution.
2007-10-26 01:42:10
answer #3
answered by solarius 7
They spend a lot of time taking things out of the Bible out of context. It is a great story that has to be read and understood in the entirety. Having historical knowledge of what was going on in each region at the time it was written is also helpful. It is hard to explain this but until you accept Jesus as your Savior and confess your sins and receive the Holy Spirit the Bible can seem confusing. I read it many a time before I was a Christian and it made no sense. I read it now with a re-newed mind and it makes great sense. As Jesus once said You can see but are blind you can hear but are deaf. (paraphrasing)
2007-10-26 01:40:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
For me it would be that we are "judging" and that we think we are perfect. They don't understand, in my opinion at least, that we think EVERYONE is lost and in need of grace and that the reason why we cling to the cross is because we know we are so far from perfect. I find that non-believers think Christians are prejudice, intolerant, and "hate" all that is different. Since we are supposed to abide by Biblical principles, we are simply pointing out what is right/wrong in the eyes of the Lord. Parents tell their kids what is right and wrong but it doesn't mean they don't love them. It means the opposite, they love them so much that they don't want to see them make decisions they may regret. True Christ followers know that they are not to be attorneys but rather witnesses. It's the ones that simply "play church" that give Christianity a bad name.
2007-10-26 01:39:11
answer #5
answered by #1Realtor® 3
I would say the true meaning of faith in things not seen, YET.
Also, I am not an ignorant person. Just because I believe in God, does not make me weak, stupid, in a cult, brainwashed, or that I do not enjoy life. I am here to serve God, but He does not want any of us to be unhappy.
2007-10-26 01:48:40
answer #6
answered by michelle 6
The whole God v.s. Science thing is retarded. Neither one disproves the other, in fact, they support eachother. Science is like the laws of existance, created by God, who is maybe something like existance itself (hard to say). Also I think its rediculous how people are calling eachother delusional, uneducated, or stupid because of disagreements. Well, some may be delusional, but it's not up to anyone else to say.
2007-10-26 01:38:20
answer #7
answered by Mike D 3
I think that people who aren't yet saved have a hard time grasping that hell is a real place and that we were created by God.
2007-10-26 01:38:19
answer #8
answered by Cindy 1
People who are non-Christian seem to get the idea that Christians are pompous and self-serving. I don't know where they get that from.
2007-10-26 01:37:44
answer #9
answered by Shinigami 7
That Christianity is not a rational option.
2007-10-26 01:41:14
answer #10
answered by superninfreak777 2