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1) Is/was Jesus actually God incarnate? Meaning, was He was he God choosing to enter into human history as a human being?

2) Why is the fact that Christ died for us and suffered on the cross so important? Are not His teachings sufficient enough?

Thanks and God Bless?

2007-10-25 13:19:38 · 24 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

1: Mashiah, the ointed one, means king, not God
2: Son of God means royalty
3: Jesus never say He was God
4: Jesus never say he was THE son of God
5: They never have been a Jesus. His name was Emmanuel and Jesus is a greek corrution of the term meaning ea-theos, God Lover.
6: His family name was Bar Abbas, Son of the Father
7: Trinity is an invention of the Arianists (later called heretics) and consecrated at the Concile of Nicea.
8: Jesus has been "deified" by Paul who wanted to convince the Turkishes, Greeks and Romans Pagans to change to a sort of judaïsm and become monotheists
The big problem is that poeple does not read the Scriptures but repeat what their priests tells them, frighten like in the Midlle Age to be convinced of heresy and they will stay ignorants

The main problem will happens in a few years where the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Jesus will be reelased by the next Pope.
Imagine... NO resurection means 4.2 B deads in the appocalyptic wars.

For the thumb down
Ksss,ksss,kssss... I thaugt that christianity was forgiveness.
where is the pardon ?
Hell is for you

2007-10-25 13:23:08 · answer #1 · answered by gabuzo 2 · 1 3

In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God. This was the very beginning, this was the God Family before any thing was created. God created every thing through the Word, God spoke and it was done. The Word was send by God to save the world.
John 1:14 > And the Word was made flesh, and Dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 3:16> FOR God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Some one had to pay the price of mans sin, by Adam, who put man under sin.
It would take a pure, sinless flesh and blood bean. Jesus was that person, He became our scape goat(took on the sin of the world); died, and was risen to life again, we as Christians, died with Him, and will be risen again when Jesus Returns the second time. When we are baptized, we go through Jesus's death,and we are risen to a new and changed life, we are now living the life of Jesus Christ.

We as sinners could not pay our debt and be saved alive, it took the purity,and sinless life of some one like Jesus Christ, to be the scape goat, to take the sins of the world, and pay the debt. Now Jesus is our High priest through Whom we can pray to God for forgiveness of future sins. With out Jesus we were lost ed to sin.

2007-10-25 14:47:55 · answer #2 · answered by Herb E 4 · 0 0

1. I liked your first answer. He was choosing to enter into human history 2000 years ago so the things he said had time to grow and spread before the end of human history (end times, basicly now).

2. if I told you I loved you, you would think I was a nice man. If I pushed you out of the way of an oncoming bus and saved your life and in the last moments told you I loved you, you would actually understand that I really do love you, and if three days later I rose from the grave spoke with you many times over the course of 40 days and was seen by 500 or more people and talked to you about God and the coming future kingdom you would probably listen and believe and lay your own life down telling others about it.

2007-10-25 13:33:24 · answer #3 · answered by mike w 2 · 0 0

This Jesus Christ is God incarnate. He was fully God and Fully man.. a Godman. Whenever God, Who is Triune, wants to express Himself or show Himself to man, He does so in the Person of the Son. The Son of God is seen in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament He did something different and more indepth. He was birthed as a Godman. In His humanity He lived a perfect human life, He died an all-inclusive death because He took all the negative things like Satan, Sin, The Old creation and nailed them to the Cross. Then He was buried and all these things were buried too with Him. In the heart of the earth He proclaimed His victory and rose again. Only God can lay down His life and Take it up again. This Jesus Christ IS the Resurrection and the Life. In resurrection many wonderful things happened. This Jesus Chirst.. the Embodiment of the Godhead is the Firstborn among many brothers. In Resurrection He was able to release His life to us in order to carry out God's purpose and Will.
So dear one.. His death and resurrection are very important. That night He, in John 20:22 He appeared to the disciples and Breathed into them, telling them to Receive the Holy Spirit. By His death, as the grain of Wheat He was able to release His Life to us. In John 10:10 He said that He came that we might have Life and Have it abundantly. What is this Life? Is it a thing? Is it something that we " get" at the end as a reward? This life is altogether the Person who said that He is the Resurrection and the Life. We receive Him as our Life and our Life supply and " really live"
If we have the Son we have " the life" if we do not have the Son we do not have " the life".

1 Corinthians 15:45b is a very crucial verse in the Bible.
It says that Christ, as the Last Adam, became a Life-Giving Spirit...By death and Resurrection He " Became" the Life Giving SPirit inorder to Impart the Life of God to us. Making us the many sons of God... THose that receive the Divine Life of God in their spirit. From our spirit God is able to do a transformation work in our whole being.

God could not just teach us. He had to work and act on what was burning in His heart for man.
This man that was created in His very Image and Likeness. God who is Spirit made a man with a spirit within him to contain and express God on the earth. So Christ dying on the Cross and resurrecting gave God a way to carry out what satan tried to frustrate in the Garden.

I am so glad that God did not stop with words.. but in Christ He was able to accomplish and carry out His purpose and Will on the earth.. Today we are CHrist's continuation and the many brothers containing God.. expressing God.. and it is through this One New Man, this New Creation on the earth that God will execute His judgement on the creature satan.

Ty for posting ur question.
a sister in Christ

2007-10-25 13:40:59 · answer #4 · answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 · 1 0

1. Jesus was actually God in a human body. Yes.
2. If Christ had not died for us, then we would have no way to get to heaven and spend eternity with God.. Someone had to pay for our sins, US or Jesus
Following his moral teachings is not enough because our past sins would still have to be paid for.

2007-10-25 13:22:50 · answer #5 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 2 0

1 Yes the Bible teaches us that Jesus was God incarnate
In the begining there was God and the word was with God.
The Word Jesus

2 Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The shedding of His blood was important to cover and wash away our sins. But we must first accept and confess Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The Bible teaches that there must shedding of blood to cover the sins of man the old test teaches of the shedding of blood through the sacrifice of animals to cover the sins. Jesus died to wash away our blemishes.

Hope this Helps and GOD Bless You

2007-10-25 13:29:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1) Jesus was God born on earth. He had no other alternative to send to earth to try and get humans to repent for their sins, so he did it himself.

2) The fact that Christ died on the cross is important because at the time of his walk on earth people did not have the ability to speak to God directly. They needed a priest that would enter into the holy of holies to act on their behalf. They needed to sacrifice animals and what not so that they could get attention and atone for their sins. By God coming to earth as human, and becoming the ultimate sacrifice for our errors be took the brunt of mankinds errors for past current and future. He went to hell in his death and took the keys to control satans domain. His teachings are not enough in most eyes.

2007-10-25 13:28:05 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

1) yes

2) In the Old Testament, which was all legalism, when man wanted God's forgiveness for a sin, he had to sacrifice a lamb and spill it's blood for God to forgive, every time.

In the New Testament, which is about grace and forgiveness, Jesus was the (symbolic) Lamb Of God that was sacraficed, once and for all to forgive all of man's sins for the last time. In other words, there were no more animal sacra fices. This was all prophesied by Jesus and had to come true.

2007-10-25 13:27:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God came to earth in the form of man to show us the way, light and truth. His death on the cross and ressurrection was to show us for all time his divinity and to pay for believer's sins that they might enter into heaven with him. The book of John in the New Testament spells things out nicely. The book of Romans tells how to become a believer. God bless !

2007-10-25 13:34:34 · answer #9 · answered by Thomas E 7 · 1 0

1) There are references to Him being called God, in the New Testament. David referred to Him as God., in the Old Testament.

2) It is so important because that was His purpose in coming down here. You have to know that He died for us so our sins could be forgiven. This is how we die to the flesh. His teachings are very important because He teaches us what the Father told Him to. Jesus said, if you know Me you know the Father.

2007-10-25 13:39:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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