First off, all religious beliefs are man-made opinions about the nature of the universe. These are mainly conflicting opinions rather than actual conflicting natures of a specific deity.
The reason why there are so many conflicting aspects is because it is the result of trying to allot EVERYTHING into the domain of ONE deity and then trying to apply the label of "PERFECT" to that deity.
In order to be "perfect" there must be an understandable logic to it for all elemental aspects involved and how they fit together. The existence of contradictory elements or surplus elements (that have no logical placement) by their very nature define something as being "imperfect". As such, a "perfect" being cannot have conflicting aspects assigned to it, in order for that label to be accurately applied.
A deity that is supposed to embody the aspects of "pure good" (love, compassion, patience, wisdom, understanding, etc.) cannot have traits that embody the opposite. A deity bent on domination, complete obedience, exhibits hatred, childish vindictiveness, and relishes acts of destruction has more in common with an "evil dictator" and therefore cannot logically be defined as a "good" god.
These conflicts are not as prevalent in polytheistic faiths. In these cases where the deities are defined as being "perfect" each deity has it's own personality and domain of interest, so conflicting aspects are often distributed to different deities which avoids the conundrum of having illogical grouping of elemental aspects attributed to the same deity.
In the case of Greek mythology, not only were conflicting aspects attributed to different deities, but the gods were humanized (intentionally making them imperfect) that experienced the entire range of emotions. As such, their fickleness, games of favoritism, and childish wrath were "perfectly logical".
Monotheist cannot "balance the equation" to reconsile the nature of a truely "perfect and benevolent" (i.e. "good") god with the countless contradictions of what is said to be "truth" in their holy texts. If everything in their holy text is "truth" then logically, their god can neither be defined as "good" or "perfect" because he is flawed by the contradictions. Conversely, if god is supposed to be perfect and benevolent, then the holy texts are flawed and cannot be 100% truth. So, the only way a monotheist can get around this conundrum is to ignore logic. This is the only way conflicting aspects can be grouped together and still "make sense".
For the most part all of these are meerly examples of how others use religion to control and manipulate others through a fear of a supreme being.
If you were to put things in a "Carrot & Stick" analogy... think "baby carrot" and "baseball bat" to how things work when it comes to religious rewards and punishment.
If you apply a little logic to things, sooner or later, you'll find that the human race will be better off telling religious fanatics to "keep their carrot and what they can do with their baseball bat..."
2007-10-25 16:35:29
answer #1
answered by Rukh 6
That's a nice list.
In other words 'he' programmed us with a glitch and then makes us responsible for having that glitch and acting on that glitch.
What was the glitch?
Some of us use the ability to think critically.
Many don't.
Not only that, 'he' knows everything past, present and future - what's his deal?
Does 'he' get his jollies like other Peeping Toms and Psychopaths.
Xianity is a contradiction that survived cos people are so fearful of the threats 'he' makes their FEAR over-rides their ability to reason.
Thank god I'm a fearless atheist.
2007-10-26 03:18:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
no, but cristains seem to argue that! sometimes it is argued that cristainity does not diagree with science (hmm... the earth was made in 6 days, i think that contridicts almost every law of physics.)... i think cristainity is one big contridiction. the arguement of gods arent very strong some times i think it's made up as it goes along. most examples given by relioous people for evidence of god is nothing more than finding petty little points of no significance and exagerating them, which, in my views, seems incrediably childish. i bet for making a few of these remarks ill get a few 'thumbs down' and people bickering back when im just giving my view of the world. the rfirst instance you gave (a) reading it, reminds us of how primative religon is, to a time when these beliefs were the only explanation avaliable to them. i understand their reasons thousands of years ago, but it is frustrating to see it carried forward into the age of technology. in modern day there is no room for this. where is the proof?eh? the attitudes of some religous folk, they try to argue against science, i think the arguement of evolution (a natural process,almost of trial and error) creating all our life to perfection which makes up for a few of the examples given, is a stronger than a spirtal superbeing made it. religons always seem to change their mind to go along with proof provided with science. the only arguement hey seem to cling onto is 'you cant disprove it' !!!!
i hope this provides an ... um... interesting debate :)
2007-10-26 03:32:07
answer #3
answered by Nick 4
First mistake...It's God, not god. If you understand God correctly these statements are way out of line; but you knew that. If you even care to know...
1. Because He loved us, He sent His Son to die for us so that we don't have to be punished. (Also, parents who love their children punish them)
2. God loves the world (i.e. everyone) He is a Holy and Just God and can not tolerate sin; which means if you don't accept His gift of payment (i.e. His Son) there is nothing to cover that sin.
3. Who are you going to believe science by man (human error) or a God who created everything?
4. He doesn't need anything; but desires a relationship with us. He loves us. When we love others we don't ignore them, we pursue them, talk to them, ask questions; we foster a relationship with them.
5. When we pray, our thoughts, wills, and desires should constantly be conforming to His will. Thus, answers will be yes. (Before you get in a huff, He is God all-knowing, all-powerful, perfect; and He loves us perfectly which means He only does what is ultimately good for us.)
6. Again, if you understand God, the very word defines how absolutely low we really are, if we ourselves can even compare ourselves to Him. Those who have claimed Him as Father are lucky they can serve Him; and while humility is sought; we are heirs of the King, He has adopted us, even though we deserve nothing.
7. Perhaps the main purpose wasn't our pleasure, but to glorify Him; to understand committment on the deepest level becoming one flesh to further illustrate His covenant with His believers
8. If you're are talking about the Israelites and the surrounding nations; I can see your point; there are some tough questions, but He is God...who are we to question? Some questions after searching for answers we get them, others take time, and there are those tough questions that don't get answered in this lifetime. Those are the ones that take trusting in God by His grace.
2007-10-25 12:33:12
answer #4
answered by stormclouds18 2
Where is your question? I thought about responding to your woefully misguided notions about evolution and Darwin, but let me abridge what needs to be said to simply this: the argument is not that humans are descended from monkeys. The argument is that humans and monkeys (simians) have a common ancestor and that we are descended from one branch and monkeys descended from another branch. Secondly, there is a birthdate for Jesus. It's called 1 A.D. "A.D" stands for Anno Domini, which is Latin for "in the Year of Our Lord."
2016-04-10 05:37:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You can believe different things in different ways. Sometimes this is called 'cognative dissonance'.
For instance, many scientists and mathematicians put great faith in Einstein's theory of relativity, and also in quantum mechanics. But they can't both be right! (Luckily, I don't understand either of them well enough to tell you the difference.)
Also, when Copernicus came up with his theory of the heliocentric solar system, many astronomers didn't believe it because it clashed with their religious beliefs. But the new theory made it much easier to calculate the positions of planets and stars at various times in the future and past, so they used it for that even though they didn't -believe- it.
And (this is good!) Why, you might ask, did these Christian astronomers need to calculate the positions of planet and stars? Why to do astrological charts, of course!
So now look at Genesis and Exodus. They are great literature. They teach us so much about human nature, man's concept of God, how we relate to him and each other. Very deep thinking for 6000 years ago! I have some knowledge of these books and I love them! They make sense on so many levels!
But how unimaginative do you have to be to consider that since they're in the Bible therefore they must be true word-for-word? I mean I think it's just silly!
2007-10-25 12:17:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There are opposing things in all like north and south, he and she and everything. There is nothing that stand alone and even in GOD, you have his the other side.......
a. How do you know what hell is, have you been there or is it hell been a lesser heaven but to GOD, that's HELL.
b. Where did you get this nosense of GOD killing innocents for it
only people killing people.
c.DO you believe in GOD and if you do, then that it?
d.There is nothing prefect, meaning 100% prefect and there will alway be room for improvement.....what is prefect? To you but then to me? Your GOD may seem prefect to you but then to me?
e.To pray to GOD is to believe in GOD but not that your prayer will be answer to your satisfication. Otherwise, we all are GODs.
f.When we did Right, we feel it inside but when we did wrong, we need someone to tell us.
g. GOD create us to be almost prefect and that creat a problem as we almost do what we like and not what we are create to do.
h. Nothing is prefect and that in life as in the other world, there will always be different and never be cosinder favourite and these are only in the eyes of the beholders.
Lastly, I am just giving my comments as I am no follower of any religion but a believer of GOD, that Bad bring sorrow and Good will bring happiness....... positive thinking will always bring you happiness and satisfication cos tthere always the opposite in everything.
2007-10-25 12:39:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
a) God loves you. Hell is the state of being apart from God, chosen by those who choose to be seperate and apart from God.
b) We are commanded not to do murder. do not understand part 2 of the question.
c) do not know of any scientific evidnce that life was not created by a greater intelligence than ours.
d) God does not require our praise. It does US good to praise God.
e) the Lord's Prayer is not ever answered with a no.
f) again, praise to God is not required, but it is certainly a good thing to promote humility in ourselves.
g) use your genitals however you like. there is little in the Bible that would tell you otherwise---but the Bible does promote marriage and fidelity. hmmmmmm...s'that ok?
h) I am not aware that God chooses favorites---do not understand the question
2007-10-25 12:38:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
While God is Love, its wrong to pidgeon hole Him as only Love. God is equaly Fire and equally Justice.
There is evidence for creation.
God was alone and created us to be with Him.
God desires to bless us, we lose the blessings of God by our disobedience and sin.
We must be humble because our rightoesness and intelligence is corrupted.
Sex outside of marriage causes harm to God's creation. Including you!
Adam was given authority over the earth by God. Adam then gave it to satan. satan is responsible for the bad things. God cannot just forcibly take it back, because He would be breaking the promise/deal he made with Adam.
However he is almost done with His redemptive plan. We need to have faith and patience.
2007-10-25 12:40:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent
Is he able but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"
Epicurus( 341-271 BC )
It is very good to ask yourself these questions, unfortunately you chose some of the hardest there are and an answer by my part would be influenced by my beliefs( For now i believe in science 99% of the time ). So.. there is no answer to your question yet, and probably won't be in the next 1000 years.
2007-10-25 12:22:54
answer #10
answered by Matei Stefan 5