All Praise is due to Allah Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala, Who guided us to His Book, the Qur'aan,
My Dear Friend Jonny_rico9
As U Say :
Muhammed says a man will be given (HUR)*** virgins in paradise
but this is what christ says
Matthew 22:28-30
I see that you have provide a ref Matthew 22:28-30 in order to make the word of Jesus(PBHU) Authentic, However you are not able to provide the ref to what Muhammad (PBHU)said
Now....Just explore this topic & Arabic...
Actually the word Hur is a plural for ahwaar -
which is applicable to the man and hawar -
which is applicable to the woman and it signifies the characterestic of hawar
which means big, white, beautiful eye and describes especially the whiteness of the eye.
The similar thing is mentioned, azwajun muthahharin...many places in the Quran;
in Surah Baqarah Chapter number 2 verse number 25 and Surah Nisa Chapter number 4 verse number 57
which says azwajun muthahharathun which means companion, friend.
So the word Hur is rightly translated by Muhammad Asad as spouse and also by Abdullah Yousuf Alee as companion.
***So Hur actually means a companion or a spouse.
It has no gender.
Further a man will get a good lady with big beautiful eyes &
A woman she will get a good man with big beautiful eyes..
Now GOD or SON OF GOD cant be biased....
To Contradict :
Matthew 22:28-30
Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
+John 11:43-44
After he had said this, he called out in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" He came out, his hands and feet wrapped in grave clothes, and with a cloth round his face. "Untie him," Jesus told them, "and let him go."
+Mark 5:39
He went in and said to them, "Why all this confusion? Why are you crying? The child is not dead – she is only sleeping!"
++ In addition,
God is the God of the living, not of the dead (Mark 12:27),
so everything can be expected to happen on our Earth,
which can also be made into Heaven
(a state of being free due to following Jesus).
+Or could it be that an eternal and loving God has given us this awareness because he longs to enjoy a relationship with us that will last forever?
As the writer of Ecclesiastes put it,
“He has...set eternity in the human heart.” (3:11).
There are contradiction in Bible.....
Common Views of Judaism, Christianity & Islam
1.Monotheism: Torah: “I am the first, and I am the last; and besides me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6);
Bible: “The Lord our God is one Lord” (Mark 12:29); Quran: “He is God, The One and Only” (Quran 112:1).
2. Prophets: Muslims believe and accept all the Prophets mentioned in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran.
3. Miraculous Birth of Jesus: Besides Christianity, Islam is the only religion on earth that accepts the miraculous birth of Jesus. Jesus is mentioned 25 times in the Quran.
4. The Highest Honor of Women is Given to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in the Quran (chapter #19).
All prophets had customs to greet believers with the words:
“Peace be with you”.
(‘Assalamualaikum’ for Muslims).
6.Taking Off Shoes:
God ordered Moses to take off shoes (Exodus 3:5);
“Put off shoes from your feet…”(Joshua 5:15).
Muslims take off shoes when they enter Mosque.
7.Purification Before Prayers:
“Moses…washed his feet…” (Exodus 40:31-32).
“St. Paul…purified himself…went into the temple” (Acts 21:26).
Muslim purify themselves before each prayer, 5 times a day.
Jesus fasted 40 days. (Matthew 4:2).
Muslims fast one month each year during Ramadan.
9.Humbling while Praying by Bowing Heads to the Ground:
“Abraham fell his face…”(Genesis 17:3).
“Moses…bowed his head…”(Exodus 34:8).
“Jesus…fell on his face and prayed…” (Matthew 26:39).
Muslims bow their heads to the ground while praying.
10.Not Bowing to Statues / Images:
“ Thou shall not..any graven image…(Exodus).
Muslims do not bow to statues, images or anything except God.
11. Decoration of Trees:
It is forbidden in Bible (Jeremiah 10:2-5).
Muslim do not decorate trees.
12.Everlasting Covenant:
God made everlasting covenants with Abraham and his descendents.
Muslim still keep this covenant; they circumcise their sons at birth.
13. Abraham ’s Son Ishmael : The name Ishmael was chosen by God Himself (Genesis 16:11).
Muslims respect Ishmael like Isaac as a son of Abraham.
14. Wine Drinking Prohibited:
“…drink neither wine nor strong drink…”(Luke 1:15).
Muslims do not drink wine or alcohol ever.
15.Pork Forbidden:
God ordered Moses:
“And the swine is unclean to you…”(Leviticus 11:7).
Jesus never ate pork in his life.
Muslims never eat pork.
16.Usury / Interest Forbidden:
“Take thou no usury…” (Leviticus).
“He has put not out his money to usury.” (Psalms 15:5). Interest is forbidden in Islam.
17. Disapprove Homosexuality:
“…the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah…
He overthrew those cities…” (Genesis).
Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam.
18.No Original Sin:
“The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father…”(Ezekiel 18:20).
Muslims believe that sin can not be transferred or inherited from person to person.
19. Accountability:
“…every man shall receive his own reward…to his own labor” (1 Corinthians 3:8).
Muslims believe that every person is accountable for his/her deeds and will be rewarded accordingly.
Gospel of Barnabas is the Truth from Jesus
1. Barnabas was a very close companion of Jesus. The Bible refers to him as an "apostle" (Acts 14:14), "a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" (Acts 11:24).
2. In 325AD, the followers of St. Paul gained control at the council of Nicea and made the following changes:
It canonized the 4 Greek Gospels that are read today.
All other Gospels including Gospel of Barnabas were ordered to be destroyed.
The only Gospel written in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke, was also destroyed.
Verses from the Gospel of Barnabas…
Jesus said: “God one hath no equal…He hath no father nor mother; he hath no sons, nor brethren, nor companions…”
Jesus said: “… I am man, born of mortal woman, subject to the judgment of God, suffering the miseries of eating and sleeping, of cold and heat, like other men. When God shall come to judge, my words like a sword shall pierce each one that believes me to be more than man.”
The priest asked Jesus: 'Art thou the Messiah of God….?’ Jesus answered: ‘…indeed I am not he…and (he) shall come after me …for God himself gave him the name …Muhammad is his blessed name”
Muslims observe and maintain many
instructions from the Torah & Bible
Dear there are lots of changes in Bible done......
Bible is no more the truth &
Priest & Powerful People in your religion has just used it and you all blindly follow it.
2007-10-25 09:15:09
answer #1
answered by sharksdiver 2
Well, given the fact that Muhammad never said a man would be given virgins in paradise, your argument was a total waste. With all the effort you attempted to try to persuade Muslims here, you could have been learning a bit of reality about the world around you.
Quran 49:13 says "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, THAT YE MAY KNOW EACH OTHER (NOT THAT YE MAY DESPISE EACH OTHER). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."
Note the part in all caps. And it is by my understanding that Jesus would have agreed 100%. If you believe so, try to learn, instead of pushing people apart... especially over misconceptions. And try to remember that last line as well.
2007-10-25 15:34:47
answer #2
answered by hayaa_bi_taqwa 6
Muhammad was a prophet who tried to pattern himself after Jesus. He appealed to the natural man--the sensuous man. His idea of heaven was to live in paradise with 7 virgins. How ridiculous. Even if it were true that you would have 7 virgins in paradise, it says nothing about more virgins being born. No. Once the 7 virgins are deflowered, you're done. You're old and worn out, and in hell again. Amazing how people don't think about that.
Jesus is right, my friend.
2007-10-25 14:48:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
What happend to Muhammad when he died? Then what happend to Christ when he died? I think I will take Christs word over a mere mortal man. Jesus is the Son of God Muhammad is the son of a man
2007-10-25 14:37:45
answer #4
answered by Bride of Christ 6
I believe the words of Jesus more than those of Muhammad. Jesus is right that those in Heaven will not experience hunger or thirst anymore because they are immortal souls.
These are some verses in the Qur’an that I found where Allah will reward men with, and wed them to, voluptuous and beautiful virgins (houris) with large, beautiful eyes, of equal age, in the Garden of bliss and of pleasure. I did not find the number 72 nor any reward for women. (The following verses are Shakir’s translation to English.)
078.031 – 078.034 – Surely for those who guard (against evil) is achievement, Gardens and vineyards, And voluptuous women of equal age; And a pure cup.
037.040 – 037.048 - Save the servants of Allah, the purified ones. For them is a known sustenance, Fruits, and they shall be highly honored, In gardens of pleasure, On thrones, facing each other. A bowl shall be made to go round them from water running out of springs, White, delicious to those who drink. There shall be no trouble in it, nor shall they be exhausted therewith. And with them shall be those who restrain the eyes, having beautiful eyes;
044.051- 044.055 - Surely those who guard (against evil) are in a secure place, In gardens and springs; They shall wear of fine and thick silk, (sitting) face to face; Thus (shall it be), and We will wed them with Houris pure, beautiful ones. They shall call therein for every fruit in security; [Houris are beautiful virgins.]
052.017 – 052.020 - Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in gardens and bliss Rejoicing because of what their Lord gave them, and their Lord saved them from the punishment of the burning fire. Eat and drink pleasantly for what you did, Reclining on thrones set in lines, and We will unite them to large-eyed beautiful ones.
055.056 – 055.058 - In them shall be those who restrained their eyes; before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? As though they were rubies and pearls.
056.011 – 056-012 - These are they who are drawn nigh (to Allah), In the gardens of bliss.
056.036 – 056.038 - Then We have made them virgins, Loving, equals in age, For the sake of the companions of the right hand.
A Muslim will be rewarded in the Garden of bliss or pleasure with houris. This Garden is different from the Christians’ concept of Heaven where the souls of believers of Jesus and righteous would go and will not experience hunger or thirst anymore. There is no more physical body to feed and to quench the thirst. It is just the immortal soul.
2007-10-26 05:37:34
answer #5
answered by Peace Crusader 5
Jesus was the right one. He taught love for our fellow man. He loved us enough to die for our sins. He rose again and is waiting for us to join Him. He rules my life, and I willingly accept Him as my Lord.
By the way, desire for sex is a part of our carnal body, and the desire was placed in us mainly so we would have children and multiply. We will not take this carnal body to heaven. We will have a new body and no need for sex. Islam is way off base.
2007-10-25 14:35:50
answer #6
answered by Faye 4
I gotta take issue with the idea that a martyr is GIVEN those virgins....did anybody ask THE GIRLS if they wanted to be GIVEN to some dipstick who blew himself to Paradise????.... who gets to choose if they wanna be in that group or not????....and who the heck dies a virgin to go to Paradise and be deflowered?.... DUH?????
2007-10-25 15:18:11
answer #7
answered by meanolmaw 7
They're both wrong. That settles that!
2007-10-25 14:34:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Islam is wrong.
2007-10-25 14:34:24
answer #9
answered by Lauren. 4