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My computer came with about 25 trial games mixed in with 9 free games. The new Vista "games" menu makes it look like separate programs when it turned out that the trial games came from a single module that accessed the games online. I took a gamble and deleted it hoping that the free games would remain. They did. Why can't computers come with a single file with instructions on what can be removed without affecting anything?

2007-10-25 05:12:36 · 18 answers · asked by Barkley Hound 7 in Computers & Internet Software

18 answers

Yes definitly,apart from the sonic disk burning software. But they do that as when the manufactuarer puts all that crap on they get money from the software company's as its classed as advertising (hoping you will buy it once youve tried it). The manufatuer makes more money therefore makes the computer cheaper. But i just uninstall it all!, but this pc im using now i built it myself so theres no crap on it!.

2007-10-25 05:16:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Village Idiots have excaped and they are running loose. Here's why you should get a Mac:: There are NO CONS. The MacBook does both WinBloze and OSX, no other computer can make that statement. You have the best of the best. Apple Stores are popping up all over and you can make an appointment for a time and date, bring your computer there. They will troubleshoot it and fix it if it's a software problem it's FREE. What other computer company has stores and can make that statement? Get the 2.4 GHz with 4Gigs Ram and you got a speed machine like mine. The WinBloze people may not like a Mac computer but I'll bet they all have iPods. Go Mac and Never Go Back.

2016-04-10 04:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah I hate that
I had a computer that came with a free trial of mcaffee, which is already annoying when it's not a trial. Seriously it warns you about every little thing:
"The program, internet explorer is trying to access the internet. Will you allow this?"

"The program, explorer.exe, is trying to start. Will you allow this."

But with the trial it was constantly warning me:
"You only have X days until the trial expires. Do you wish to activate."

2007-10-25 05:18:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, anything winxp and above will tell you if your about to delete anything that would harm windows, so you can remove anything without fear of blowing your computer up. And then there are always system restore points, just in case it does happen. I build my own systems so I don't have to worry about all that trialware. If you don't feel comfortable building your own system, go to a local computer shop almost any town will have at least one, they will build a better system for you than any of the big box companies, and most will even include a warrenty.

2007-10-25 05:18:11 · answer #4 · answered by Kimpak_myrddin 3 · 0 0

YOU BET I hate that crap! Not only games but also Microsoft's wedding with Norton, AOL, Earthlink ("easy internet access" heh heh) and several other things I had to dredge out of the system! Bloatware! (No WONDER the Apple ads picture Bill Gates as a blimp!)

2007-10-25 05:25:37 · answer #5 · answered by fjpoblam 7 · 1 0

The programs you want to remove should have a listing in the add/remove programs box. Start>Control Panel>add remove programs.

As an FYI: those trialware/nagware applications are very profitable to the PC brand you bought and the trialware vendor. They don't want to make it easy to remove those programs. They want you to buy whatever is nagging you.

2007-10-25 05:27:43 · answer #6 · answered by asphaltjesus 3 · 0 0

you mean all those free LAME **** software that comes with a brand new PC...sure.

most companies have to do it in order, to sale some good program and get rid of junk.

you have control panel.add remove programs that removes programs its usually doesn't affect any other program

2007-10-25 05:23:14 · answer #7 · answered by steven25t 7 · 0 0

That is the reason the first thing I do with any new computer is format the hard drive and do a clean install of the OS I want.

2007-10-25 05:24:18 · answer #8 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 1 0

That's how manufacturers sell them so cheap, advertisers subsidize the company to put their software on the machine. It probably pays well for them. Should be law against it.

2007-10-25 05:19:32 · answer #9 · answered by Roadman 6 · 0 0

It's a bunch of junk. Suggestion--there is a bit of freeware out there called "PC Decrapifier" that will help you get rid of all traces of that stuff once and for all. I haven't used it personally, but several of my friends have, and they think it's great.

2007-10-25 05:18:27 · answer #10 · answered by Yinzer Power 6 · 1 0

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