God has purposely hidden His words in mystery (Romans 16:25), so that men who strive to understand the Scripture through their own worldly knowledge can never come to know the truth (II Timothy 3:7). The Gospel preached by those who are not sent by God is called by the Apostles “another gospel?(Galatians 1:6-7). And the use of the Gospel which deviates from the truth or from its true meaning will ineluctably lead to perdition (II Peter 3:15-16).
2007-10-25 02:41:03
answer #1
answered by Jay Aka. ngerkday 4
Hi baptist! I'm a baptist too. These verses do not refer to the unpardonable sin. Here Paul is expressing to the Jews, some of who had abandoned Christianity and returned to Judaism, that if they return again to Judaism, then there remains no more sacrifice for sins. Why? because any sacrifices offered up are no longer acceptable as Christ was the end of all sacrifices.
The unpardonable sin cannot be committed in this day and age as the circumstances no longer exist. When the unpardonable sin was committed, Jesus was casting out demons and when the religious leaders of His day saw it and heard it, they publicly, deliberately, intentionally, willfully, accredited the miracles to be worked by the power of Satan and not by the power of the Holy Ghost. The difference here was that these same religious people knew in their hearts that Jesus was the Son of God and that the miracles that He performed were by the power of God. The people were more concerned about protecting their public position that they were about the truth. They were fast loosing popularity among the people and therefore hated Christ. Jesus made the truth extraordinarily clear here in John Ch.15 where he stated that "If I had not done the works among them that none other had done then they had not sin. But now they have seen both Me and my Father, now they have no cloak (civer) for their sin" He went on to say also that "These things must be for Scripture to be fulfilled where it stated that they hated Me without a cause"
You need not worry, there is no sin today which cant be forgiven. this is a favorite hobby horse of Satan as he tries to convince all Christians that they have committed the unpardonable sin.
God Bless!
2007-10-25 09:52:19
answer #2
answered by mandbturner3699 5
You need a concordance to explain what some scriptures mean. My "Life Application Study Bible" has a concordance right on the bottom of the page. If you don't understand a passage, you just look down to the bottom of the page and there will be an explanation. Or you can purchase a separate concordance. Daily devotional magazines help as well. You can have a daily devotional e-mailed to you from this link.
2007-10-25 09:51:46
answer #3
answered by Freedom 7
Well salvation cannot be lost, so is this talking about one who is saved, or just someone who acted like it. John 10:28-29 might help. Its talking about a saved person I believe. Now without reading more since I do not have the time. I have no clue why this was wrote.
Study helps for me is commentaries, dictionaries. I love using J. Vernon McGee, Warren Wiersbe, Ironside, John Philips. Not that I believe every thing they say, but they help.
Edit: I was reading that scripture and if one believed they could lose there salvation then they could never be saved again. But many scriptures teach you cannot lose it. Its not our salvation to begin with. If one did lose salvation, then Jesus would have to die again in order for them to be saved again. Jesus said it is finished on the cross and that means there is no more debt to pay.
2007-10-25 09:42:13
answer #4
answered by iwant_u2_wantme2000 6
Well, just so that you know, NO one can understand the scriptures without the Holy Spirit giving them the light to do so. as for the unpardonable sin, there is one and ONLY one--Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It does not matter what you have been taught. The ONLY thing that matters is what the Bible says!
2007-10-25 09:56:00
answer #5
answered by tempest_twilight2003 3
Pray for God's holy spirit to guide you before you read anything in His word. Read the chapters surrounding what scripture your stumped on so you can see what context it is in. Write down your interpretation of the verses as you go and in this way it opens up to you as you read because you slow down to really hear what the verse is saying.
The only unpardonable sin there is is turning totally turning your back on the holy spirit's promptings to the point you no longer hear God speaking to your heart.
2007-10-25 09:38:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It helps to study the Greek or Hebrew words - and put them in the correct context. I have a Dake's study Bible that is a great help in that area.
Good Commentaries, like J. Vernon McGee or John MacArthur are excellent as well,
Most importantly, I would ask the Holy Spirit to "lead me into all truth" - that's in His job description.
You could personally ask a more mature Christian or your Pastor as well............lots of good Bible studies out there, too.
2007-10-25 09:38:06
answer #7
answered by fanofchan 6
Do you pray first? Sometimes, I don't understand everything but I remember that it's like when I started school as a 1st grader and didn't know what the 8th grader knows. We learn and understand in time. But keep reading! Sometimes we only grasp a little at time.
2007-10-25 10:17:09
answer #8
answered by annamarie 3
In the first century, a pagan who investigated Christianity and then went back to paganism made a clean break with the church. But for Jewish Christians who decided to return to Judaism, the break was less obvious. Their lifestyle remained relatively unchanged. But by deliberately turning away from Christ, they were cutting themselves off from God's forgiveness. Those who persevere in believing are true saints; those who continue to reject Christ are unbelievers, no matter how well they behave.
Verse 6 points to the danger of the Hebrew Christians returning to Judaism and thus committing apostasy. Some apply this verse today to superficial believers who renounce their Christianity, or to unbelievers who come close to salvation and then turn away. Either way, those who reject Christ will not be saved. Christ died once for all. He will not be crucified again. Apart from his cross, there is no other possible way of salvation. However, the author does not indicate that his readers were in danger of renouncing Christ. He is warning against hardness of heart that would make repentance inconceivable for the sinner.
Apostasy is
a total desertion of or departure from one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc.
2007-10-25 09:36:39
answer #9
answered by PD-Prince 2
You've discovered a hole in Baptist theology.
Sorry about that. Keep studying & praying. Ask God to lead you to the truth. Don't worry, He always honors that request. But the answer might surprise you, so be sure your willing to follow the Lord wherever He leads you.
2007-10-25 10:20:07
answer #10
answered by sparki777 7