If you post in some of these boards and say you don't want to hear the bad stuff I'm sure they will be supportive of you. You need to be around people that have had to deal with family as well so don't write them off because of the bad stuff said about JW in general.
There are other ones in google.
2007-10-25 00:16:25
answer #1
answered by xanadu88 5
im not a Jehovahs witness but i do have friends who are JW. I quite agree that JW isn't a cult. They're religious sects too and my friends don't act like they're nerd or something. Anyway, re your situation, it's okay if you don't want to be a JW since you can't find it in your heart that you really belong there. How about finding some quiet place where you can meditate... A quiet place where you can truly be you. Or you may also try talking to other religious groups like pastors or priests, etc... Try reading self-help books too. I do have friends who changed religions and so far, some are happy with the changes, others realized they still opted for their old religion... Anyway, as long as what you do is for God and you are happy with what you are doing, then you are on the right track. Above all, pray that you will be enlightened as to where your heart will be truly happy. God Bless you.
2007-10-25 00:09:08
answer #2
answered by bluberry 3
Hey you know what. Right now I live with my boy friends family and they are jehovahs witness they don't like that I'm not married to him and I really don't care what they think. I'm not jehovahs witness and neather is my boy friend. He was befor but that is untill he did what you did just stoped going to the meeting and and told his family that he dose not want to be a jehovahs witness. Yea its really not that hard liveing in the real world like I'm not aginst it eather I just don't like the rules that jehovahs has. after a wiel your family will just give up and really they cant mack you do nothing un less your like 13 or something. Well if you want to talk I can give you some funny info about this situation I'm in right now.
2007-10-25 00:08:36
answer #3
answered by danna s 1
1. you have taken your first step toward liberation.
2. There are many people that will support you.
3. Many people consider the JWs a cult based on various models.
Here go deep inside and be truthful:
BITE model
1. Behaviour modification/control
2. Information Control
3. Thought Control
4. Emotional Control
Behaviour modification/control -
A. Do the JWs try to control or modify where, how and with whom the member lives and associates with?
B Do the JWs try to control or modify what clothes, colors, hairstyles the person wears? Are people castigated or shunned for not following certain rules in this area?
C. Do the JWs try to control or modify time spent on leisure, entertainment, vacations? Is your time with family even children limited by doctrinal sessions?
I will state this; JWs will tell you to ask them and not a non JW about the JWs. Is this is the first move toward info control?
Interestingly the apologists for the main leaders are often quite blind to information control.
Information Control - second in the BITE cult model.
Do the JW's under the Guidance of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society use deception about various doctrines and events such as how they deal with child abusers and frequency or the use of blood when teaching a person the dogma?
Is this:
Deliberately holding back information?
Distorting information to make it acceptable?
Outright lying?
Do the JW's under the Guidance of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society limit access to non-cult sources of information? Is this minimized or discouraged?
Such as:
Books, articles, newspapers, magazines, TV, radio?
Critical information - information that shows errors or a pattern of errors or mistakes? Are these excused and minimized?
c. Discourage information from former members that they deem detrimental to adhesiveness or continued existance?
d. Keep members so busy they don’t have time to think such as meetings, studies, door-to-door work and other activities centered only on the group.
Do the JW's under the Guidance of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society use the compartmentalization of information; Outsider vs. Insider doctrines?
Such as:
Information is not freely accessible such as guides for elders, overseers, and headquater reps? What books or guides are released to a select few?
Does this Information vary at different levels and missions within the leadership pyramid?
Does the Leadership decides who "needs to know" what and questions are staunched and discouraged?
Do the JW's under the Guidance of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society encourage spying on other members and to report any activities from a list of acceptable actions or conversation?
Is there pairing up with "buddy" system to monitor and control people and certify actions? Is there a two or more witness doctrine?
Is reporting deviant thoughts, feelings, and actions to leadership
Do the JW's under the Guidance of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society suggest extensive use of cult generated information and propaganda?
What is the information limited to...?
Are these Newsletters, magazines, journals, audio tapes, videotapes, etc.?
Are there misquotations, statements taken out of context from non-cult sources?
Are past "sins" used to manipulate and control; no forgiveness or absolution and always judged by prior actions?
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society publishes the doctrinal material followed by Jehovah's Witnesses. Within these you will find the answers to each of the above Questions.
I am pretty sure that from among nonJWS, exJWs, and antiJWS they can paste an article or a paragraph from Watchtower Bible and Tract Society publication that verifies "yes" or "no" to the above Questions.
The info above is based on (a couple of comments added):
2007-10-26 10:58:37
answer #4
answered by troll to troll 7
been in your shoes and left in my early 20's. It's been a long road to recovery, because everythign is SO different from what you've been taught your whole life. One thing you should know is all "worldly" people are not wicked. I've actually met very kind, loving people out here in the world who I adore and who adore me and mine.
Another thing, if you're inclined to explore other religions, know you will not explode/spontaneously combust if you enter a church of "christendom." (I'm sure all this lingo rings a bell).
As far as your family goes, I'd just agree to disagree and do NOT talk about religion with them. Don't tell them what you're doing or not doing. That way they dont' feel they have to report/convert you, and there's not even a discussion.
Personally, I'd just take time to settle into life.. don't go crazy with drinking/sex/drugs, if you're inclined that way. I'd get into school, if you're not already, to learn a profession of some sort or to just explore your interests.
Guess what? You're free. :-) Feel free to email me anytime you'd like to chat.
2007-10-26 10:27:18
answer #5
answered by PediC 5
I don't think there is one answer only for this question. As you find your spiritual calling whatever that maybe. I was lucky that I didn't have a strong religious bond to break. Now I have attended for the last7 years and now on the board of a New Thought church. So all I can do is know that you will know your truth and follow it. Good luck and I hope someone can give you an answer that will help you work through this.
2007-10-25 00:02:45
answer #6
answered by rickwilliams86 3
I am a Jehovah's Witness so I will answer it from this side of the fence so to speak.
If you are a grown adult or younger person that is able to make their own decisions (eg .not a child) and you decide it is not for you then so be it.
It is your decision to do as you wish.
As I am sure that you well know JW's is not a cult or in any way forces some sort of unwanted control over you.
JW's respect free will and the rights of all individuals to make their own decisions in life.
It is likely that your family will be somewhat disappointed with your decision , and that is perfectly understandable.
But if you make you position clear and in a way that is respectful and honest-hearted then they too will respect you in like manner.
Do what you wish , you are your own free person.
Personally I hope that you would reconsider , as there is nothing good out there in Satan's world.
For more information please feel free to email me.
2007-10-25 00:46:21
answer #7
answered by I♥U 6
My Wife and I are Jehovah's Witnesses and we are sorry to hear you feel that way.
Before I learned the truth in 1996 I was part of the entertainment industry and believe me I did it all !!! I did drugs and had sex and if it was fun I did it.
But when my best friend died at 18 of a heart attack I was devastated.
I asked myself what's the purpose in life?
That's when I started searching for the truth.
Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door and offered me a free home Bible study.
I studied with them and once I started applying what I learned my life changed drastically. My girlfriend and I got married and then we got baptized after we studied the Knowledge Book. We have been married for 11 years now and have a 6 month old baby boy.
Life is beautiful now.
Believe me Brother, I don't miss the world at all !!!
All it will do is use you and spit you out when it's done with you.
You are a free moral agent and it's your personal decision to leave. But I hope you reconsider and stay close to Jehovah and his Son Jesus Christ.
We are so close to the end now and no one can give us everlasting life !!!
Are future is secure if we stay close to Jehovah. I will pray for you.
2007-10-25 07:48:12
answer #8
answered by Jason W 4
After reading all your answers I decided that Eclectic has given you such a good and honest answer,so my comments are not really needed.
I would just add.....
I feel for you and understand what you are going through, stay with what you feel and just ask God to send you some strength to cope with the days ahead. Godbless and I will say a prayer too.
2007-10-25 00:13:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is easy for people to stand in criticism of another's belief system -- whether due to misinterpretation, pre-conceived notions, and/or frank prejudice and bigotry.
I began my spiritual journey in several different denominational churches only to end up a nondenominational Christian with a theology derived directly from scripture. This has enabled me to shed any criticisms of my beliefs with no consternation because my beliefs are both documented in scripture and can be cross referenced back to the original translations, the Mosera, the Apocrypha, and other sacred texts.
Religion is a very personal thing and you should celebrate yours how you see fit in accordance with what you believe. After all, in the end you will answer only to the Father and no one on Earth will influence His final say regarding how you have conducted your life.
With this being said, you should be able to live in peace, allow others to do the same, and not concern yourself with the rantings of self-proscribing so-called experts on religion.
They simply should exert no influence on your happiness in this life when you're true to yourself and how you feel.
2007-10-25 00:05:21
answer #10
answered by Eclectic 2
Ive been there. Its a hard road. Just as its easy to stay deep in a religion rather than leave, its also easiest to leave one by becoming hateful of it. Its very hard to "just decide to quit".
I tried scientology for a couple of years and then quit. I also have nothing against them.
Take strength in your position. Your very existence allows you to be a voice of reason for both sides. When people call your ex religion names such as cult you will be able to say "I was there then I left and I still have good feelings for it". The fact that you could leave with no bad feelings tends to throw water on their internet-fed flaming hatred.
And you can put a source like mine. :)
2007-10-25 13:01:51
answer #11
answered by Gandalf Parker 7