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That if we love the World, then Love for the Father is not in us.
So the World is versus The Father. How do we as believers live in this world and not love certain matters pertaining to this world. What is the way for us to not love the world.
Share your thoughts or experiences on this matter

ur sis

2007-10-24 15:57:58 · 31 answers · asked by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

That's what sanctification is all about. While we are in the world we are not to be of the world or worldly. We are to try not to allow the things of this world to come before God. Neither are we to allow the ugliness of the world to become part of us.
It is an ongoing process while we are here.
We will only reach perfection in Jesus Christ.

It is not an easy thing to do! Just as a baby falls down many times before actually taking a few steps, we as Christians fail over and over. Thankfully our God is a forgiving God even to 70x7 (which is perfection).

The only way for us to not love the world is to keep trying.

2007-10-24 16:11:57 · answer #1 · answered by Molly 6 · 1 0

Dear one, You can not pick a few verses out of the bible and make a case.. You need to find out the *who, where, when, why and what* is the subject of the chapter before you can begin to understand.. This is similar to taking four or five paragraphs from the Calculus book and making a case. It is impossible.. Do you get that? I tell ya what. Take three of four paragraphs from your history book and tell me the history of England won`t ya? I mean get a grip here.. Go ahead and open up your geography book and pick a few paragraphs of that and could ya tell me where, uhm say, Sao Tomé is located. Can`t huh? imagine that.. Who woulda thunk it?? Well why not? obviously you have the who answer in those few paragraphs.. But ya know what.. In fact ALL the answers are in each book HUH? Again, Imagine that!!! 1 Corinthians 2:13, 14. The deep things of the Word will never be understood by a secular mind, no matter how brilliant. Unless one honestly seeks an experience with God, he cannot understand the things of God. The Holy Spirit, who explains the Bible (John 16:13; 14:26), is not understood by the carnal, secular mind. On the other hand, the humble, even uneducated Christian who studies the Bible receives amazing understanding from the Holy Spirit (Matthew 11:25; 1 Corinthians 2:9, 10). Peace and blessings from Texas <><

2016-05-25 17:01:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Sister Sandy,

This is just one of the thought provoking questions I have learned to expect from you!

Let us reason together and put some prespective on it. God created the world and us. His world and His people have been polluted. The way I see this instruction, is that we are to use His given wisdom to discern what is part of His creation, and what is part of the pollution.

As we grow in the faith, and we should be ever growing and learning, we can make the discernment easier and quicker. Do you like music? Then listen to music that promotes His glory and goodness. This can also include music that makes a statement about the conditions of the world, or even a love song. For my taste, it does not include anything that glorifies violence. Do you like to read? Then read anything that expands you mind without defiling it. The point is to keep our minds clean, and our focus Heavenbound.

Everything in the world is not evil, embrace that which is pure, loving, clean, educational, glorifying, or encourages you to grow. Resist that which is mocking, self-serving, or takes you away from your faith. Do all the good that you can, and resist all evilness.

God knew what we would walk through, that is why He called us out,(of the world), and called us a "peculiar" people.

2007-10-24 16:24:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Ok, I will give ya a taste of MY views on this, and this is just MY views...... it sorta goes like this, if you put paying or buying a pair of $200 shoes above putting food in a strangers mouth...... if you buy a $150,000 car and there is a child on the street with no place to call home..... If you do make a donation, and it is $10 and you have 30 million sitting in the bank drawing interest........ If you get angry or mad over not being able to go on that ski trip just because Dad had to buy a new heating unit for the house..... If you are jealous because your neighbor got a new car or frig., or couch....... simple and big things...... putting material wants ahead of God and the works he needs us to do, that is loving the world........ If you love to shoe shop, but you have plenty, go buy a few pair and take to the local shelter, the same with clothes, or blankets, or food......... take what you like to do and turn it into Gods work...... return/spread/share the blessings...... go in peace......... God bless

2007-10-24 16:12:26 · answer #4 · answered by Annie 7 · 2 0

This posting is in reference to three of your current rethorical postings. There are two key books to consider in world vs. earth and spirits (we have more than one) vs. mind.

The "how to" side of your question begs the original bold face. It goes back to the old saw: "What part of No don't you understand?"

There is a problem due to the wide disparity of definitions for spirit, flesh, soul, mind, earth, world, etc. This is as it must be for it is both part of God's resistance of the proud and the delusions cast by the god of this world. It should not be a problem for Christians; but many go overboard in a so-spiritual or physical vein seeking answers. This comes from Christians more enamoured with teaching ministry than with obedience

Nevertheless the Holy Spirit still guides into all truth; so for those who have an ear to hear consider Ecclesiastes and Romans. Among key Scriptures are Ecc. 3:11 and Romans 8:20 (here the "world" is defined as something which God has set in the hearts of men; an inner condition).

Consider the above along with Paul's quotation, from a Greek poet; when preaching on Mars hill; Acts 17:27,28. "In him we live and move and have our being." Other Scripture, which can take one from the realm of time and chance into simplicity, is found in the Psalms of David.

If drawn in this direction, one can read 750 pages on the internal structure of the spiritual man by Watchman Nee. Once you can boil this down to one or two pages of notes one can start attempting to match it to Scripture.

Not loving the world could be a problem for those who do not understand that many words are used as synonyms and types when they have, in Scriptural settings, entirely different meanings as well. Holding all these facets in mind, so that all Scripture matches, is humanly impossible. I refer to world-earth; faith-belief; spirit-soul; spirit-mind; heart-mind, love-charity, etc. In a full Webster's there are upwards of 20 definitions of the word love and perhaps only one relates to Christian charity. Then there are the Scriptural meanings beyond Wedster's and all their shades of meaning.

May I ask? How can the world be vs. God when God, with an eternal purpose, put the world in the hearts of men in the first place?

The cares of this world only exist internally. What we call the "world" is but the corporate manifestation of desires and imaginations; from gin mills to church institutions. The world is not "unreal" but highly overrated and totally unimportant; except in relation to spiritual reality. God controlls both the physical earth and the spiritual world. Exodus 9:29 and Psalms 24:1.

Perhaps reading a good concordance with notes would be the easiest way to sort out the necessary definitions and shades of meaning for the confused.

There would be no problem and full revelation if Christians were not looking for a fence to straddle; as your question implies or allows. The question is hedging a command with a lesson plan. We will not be looking for a "way not to love the world" if we see the world for what it is; are dead to it and alive to God. Other considerations are just religious busy work which have no standing with God.

2007-10-24 23:05:58 · answer #5 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

He's talking about what we refer to today as "worldiness". Christians shouldn't love worldliness. Perhaps it would have been clearer if you noted the verse that follows that one:

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world——the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life——is not of the Father but is of the world."

So are you in love with the lust of your flesh, the lust of your eyes and your boastful pride of life?

2007-10-24 16:24:43 · answer #6 · answered by Steve Amato 6 · 1 0

i think this is why some people can't seem to under the
catching up of the RUACH HAKODESH. it is in the
loving of this world. could any of us go without the
t.v. ( i have for 3 months now), cell phones, computers,
plastic credit, i-pods, high tech? i have often wonder what
it would be like to be raised Amish. are their lives really
cleaner? well yes! they have forsaken the material world
for ADONAI. could others/us do or want what they have?
but there is progress. in what sense? to follow the world
is to lose ones soul. is it worth it then? i'm am glimpsing
at what life should be like. i wish my full understanding
would kick in. we have thrashed our FATHER'S planet
for what? isn't are lives to be centered on the TRINITY?
isn't passing on solid beliefs to children what are faith is
about? yet we deny the children ADONAI. we are our
brothers keeper. but we only keep ourselves.

2007-10-25 04:25:15 · answer #7 · answered by Judy E. T 4 · 0 0

There is not one material thing that I love in this world. Things are just things. I appreciate what God has given to me, like our apartment and furniture, the necessities to live. I care about the earth and the people and even current events. My love is so deep for God and my yearning to be with Him so great, that I don't really care about this world anymore. The more you fall in love with Jesus the less you care about worldy things.

2007-10-24 16:26:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It's very simply a matter of priorities. It isn't meant to keep you from enjoying a new car, clothes, etc. To enjoy something doesn't mean we love it. Love is reserved for God and fellow humans. Everything else is to be enjoyed and that is fine, unless you turn it around.

2007-10-24 16:32:07 · answer #9 · answered by expertless 5 · 0 0

I think it means worldly things....like buying Brittney's CD, or going to nightclubs, watching bad movies, being shallow, caring only about your looks,,,,or the clothes you wear...having the latest Ipod or whatever....

You are to think of others and help them. Give to those who need your charity, keep modest in your clothing, watch your speech, watch who you hang around with...keep yourself form these things that can bring harm to you or others.

Galations 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.,

2007-10-24 16:09:12 · answer #10 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 2 0

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